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Background documentation Extractor Methods in CAF and SAP BI Integration  Locate the document in its SAP Library structure

You can create SAP BI extractor methods in application services by using the new method wizard in the Composite Application perspective in SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio. When an extraction is initiated by the BI system CAF framework calls your extract method and returns the result of the method to BI.

Implementation Requirements

The extractor method should:

·        Have next signature: <method name>( expression).

·        Return a collection of DataStructures (you should choose the particular structure in the  extractor method creation wizard)

·        Support selection parameters on resulting DataStructure fields. Selection parameters are passed as binary tree, represented by an instance of the interface IBIExpression. This instance can be or Both classes implement this interface. BISelectionrepresents a condition on a particular column. BICompositeExpression represents two expressions, linked with logical operator. If there are no selections specified in BI then the expression parameter value is NULL.

·        The structure BISelection has the following attributes

¡        attributeName – String

¡        fromValue – Object

¡        toValue - Object

¡        operator -


·        The value of attribute operator could be one of the two enums:

¡        BIOperator.EQ – equals

¡        BIOperator.BW – between


·        The structure BICompositeExpression has the following attributes:

¡        operator – BILogicalOperator

¡        leftExpression – IBIExpression

¡        rightExpression – IBIExpression

·        The value of attribute operator could be one of the two enums:

¡        BILogicalOperator.AND – logical operator AND

¡        BILogicalOperator.OR – logical operator OR

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