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The Configure Chart View task panel enables you to define attributes for a chart view element.

The following table describes the properties and attributes of this model element:






The title of the chart, to be displayed at the top of the chart.

You can either enter a title in the field, or click the browse button to open the Edit Title dialog box and specify a title using a dynamic expression.

More information: Edit Title Dialog Box

Show title

Defines whether the chart title bar is displayed at the top of the chart.

Show toolbar

Defines whether to add a toolbar to the chart.


If a toolbar is added to the chart, defines whether it is located at the Top or Bottom of the chart.


Defines whether the chart is hidden or displayed at runtime.

You can select or deselect the checkbox to specify whether the chart is hidden or visible, or click the fx button to define the expression that specifies under which condition the chart is displayed or hidden at runtime.

Frame style

The color scheme used for the top border and content frame at runtime. The following options are available:

  • Primary: Top border in standard color and content frame in white.

  • White: Top border and content frame in white.

  • Neutral color: Top border and content frame in lighter color.

  • Dark color: Top border and content frame in darker color.

  • No frame: Top border and content frame do not have a specific color scheme (the default window color is used).

Pie label

For pie and doughnut charts, specifies the location of the labels for the various segments. The following options are available:

  • Auto: Places the value inside the pie or doughnut segment where possible; otherwise, places it outside.

  • Inside: Places the value inside the pie or doughnut segment.

  • Outside: Places the value outside the pie or doughnut segment.

  • Callout: Places the value outside the pie or doughnut segment and draws a line from the segment to the value.

  • Hide labels: Does not add labels to the pie or doughnut segments.

Pie radius

The inner radius (in pixels) of the pie or doughnut chart.

Chart type

The type of chart. The following types are available:

  • Area: Calculates the interception point of the X value and the Y value, filling in the area below it, displaying the trend of each value over time or category.

  • Bar: Compares values across categories, in a horizontal display, with the category given in the vertical (Y) axis.

  • Column: Compares values across categories in a vertical display, with the category given in the horizontal (X) axis.

  • Line: Displays the results of a data series as a continuous line drawn from point to point (value to value) on the X axis.

  • Pie: Shows how the values in a single data series relate to the sum of the results, with each value depicted as a percentage of the total value.

  • Doughnut: Shows how the values in multiple data series relate to the sum of the results, with each value depicted as a percentage of the total value. Data is displayed in rings, where each ring represents a single data series.

  • Combo: A combination of two different chart types (see Chart style below) that shows two different kinds of information.

Data Definition

Data series

Opens the Edit Data Series dialog box in which you can define the data series for the chart. You can define one or more data series for a chart. Pie charts can display only one data series.

More information: Edit Data Series Dialog Box

Category Axis

X title

The label to display on the category axis.

X value

The field whose values to use as the categories of the chart.

Value Axis

Y title

The label to display on the value axis.

Y ticks

The number of minor ticks (marks) between major ticks (marks) to be indicated on the value axis.

Chart Formatting

Chart style

The style of the chart, based on the chart type. The following styles are available:

  • Clustered: For bar or column charts, compares the values across categories, by depicting one category next to the other.

  • Overlaid: For area or line charts, overlays the values of a category to show the relationship of each value to the whole.

  • Stacked: For bar, column, line or area charts, shows the relationship to the whole of each value of a category, as a part of a single bar or line.

  • 2-D: Displays the pie or doughnut chart with a 2-D visual effect.

  • 3-D: Displays the pie or doughnut chart with a 3-D visual effect.

  • 3-D clustered: Adds a third dimension to the clustered display.

  • 3-D overlaid: Adds a third dimension to the overlaid display.

  • 3-D stacked: Adds a third dimension to the stacked display.

  • Columns+Line: For a Combo chart, shows two different data series using multiple columns overlaid with a single line.

  • Column+Lines: For a Combo chart, shows two different data series using a single column overlaid with a multiple lines.

  • Area+Columns: For a Combo chart, shows two different data series using an area chart overlaid with a multiple columns.

  • Area+Lines: For a Combo chart, shows two different data series using an area chart overlaid with a multiple lines.


Location of the chart legend (box that identifies the patterns or colors that are assigned to the data series or categories in the chart), in relation to the chart. Choose Hide to remove the legend from the chart display.


For Area and Line charts, indicates the type of line to use to connect data points.

Data Animation


Animation to apply whenever chart data changes. The following options are available:

  • Interpolate: Calculates how to connect data points, in order to fill in gaps and create a continuous line or series of values.

  • Slide: Displays the chart data in a sliding motion, according to the selected direction and speed.

  • Fold: Displays the chart data in an unfolding motion, according to the selected speed.

  • None: Chart data is not animated.

Animation by

The items according to which to perform the animation. The following options are available:

  • Charts: Animates the entire chart.

  • Series: Animates the data series (categories).

  • Points: Animates the data points (values).

  • None: Does not perform animation.

  • Mixed: Animates the data series (categories) and points (values).


For the Slide animation effect, defines the direction in which to animate the data.


Speed at which to perform the selected animation.