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 WebDAV Repository ManagerLocate this document in the navigation structure


You use the WebDAV repository manager to access a remote WebDAV-compliant server and make its content available for read and write access in Content Management (CM).

For more information on Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) see WebDAV .

  • An HTTP system is registered in the KM system landscape.
  • A cache sapurl_lik_0006_0003_0012 has been created for the WebDAV repository manager.

Server-Specific Capabilities

The functions of the WebDAV repository manager depend on the capabilities of the WebDAV remote server. The following table gives examples of the functions of various servers that you can connect using the WebDAV repository:

Capabilities of WebDAV Servers

  EP with CM Repository Apache moddav MS Internet Information Server 5.0
RFC 2518




XML properties


Yes (except attributes)

Partially (nested namespaces)

Collection locks




Deep locks




Ordered collections




Redirect references




Versioning (Delta V)





The WebDAV repository uses caching to save roundtrips to the remote server and enhance performance. Caching is done on a per-user basis for systems that require authentication. This has the following consequences:

If the remote server allows anonymous access, a single cache is used. This makes changes to resources immediately available to all users of the repository.

If the remote server requires authentication, each user has its own cache. As a consequence, the time after which changes are seen by other users depends on the cache timeout.

The cache keeps information about unavailable resources when it receives a 404 response from the remote server. The system stores this information with a very short timeout interval. However, a malicious client can search for resources that do not exist in a period shorter than the timeout interval, leading to a continuous increase in the cache.


If a CM repository is used as a WebDAV repository, both internal and external links are supported.


Versioning (WebDAV DeltaV) can be used as long as the remote server supports it. This includes the basic features of DeltaV such as versionable resources, version-controlled resources, and version resources in conjunction with the methods VERSION-CONTROL, CHECKIN, CHECKOUT, UNCHECKOUT, and REPORT (version tree). Advanced features of DeltaV such as activity, baselines, or workspaces are not supported.


The repository manager is capable of authenticating users at the remote server. Basic and digest authentication are supported.

System Landscape

Each repository has a mandatory system ID. The system is determined through the system landscape service (see HTTP System ).

If you want all requests to a remote server to be performed with the same user name and password, then you must define the user and password parameters in the HTTP system. If the WebDAV repository detects this information in the system, all other mappings are ignored, and requests are performed with this user and password, regardless of the local user.


The HTTP classes used by the WebDAV repository support basic, digest, and NTLM authentication. The connection can be plain or using SSL/TLS. SSL/TLS using HTTP proxies is supported.

Requests against the remote server are started anonymously. The remote server has to request authentication, to identify the user. As stated above, the WebDAV repository can be configured to use a certain user for all requests (irrespective of the 'local' user).

Basic authentication over non-encrypted links presents a security risk, since passwords are sent almost in plain text. There is currently no way to prevent basic authentication taking place without SSL/TLS.

Security Manager

If you access a remote WebDAV server that is also a portal with KM, you can use the security manager WDAclSecurityManager.

Prerequisite: Extension ACL is activated in the configuration of the WebDAV protocol.


The major restriction of the WDAclSecurityManager is that the remote server must run in the same user domain. Principals from the remote server should be the same as the local principals.

No separate security managers are offered for other WebDAV servers.

Parameters of a WebDAV Repository Manager






Name of the repository manager.



Description of the repository manager.



Name (URI prefix) under which the repository is listed in the root directory.



You can (de)activate the repository manager using the Active parameter.

Hide in Root Folder


Specifies whether the repository is listed in the root directory.

If you activate this parameter, the repository is not listed in the root directory.

System ID (Landscape Service)


HTTP system specification that is registered in the CM system landscape.

System Path


Optional suffix for the server URL of the remote system.

The server URL is a property of the (landscape) system. System Path enables you to use the same system for different paths in the URL namespace.

Use System Default Proxy Settings


Determines whether the settings for the default proxy system are used.

Proxy System ID (Landscape Service)


Proxy server ID from the system landscape service

You should use this parameter instead of Proxy Host when the proxy server requires authentication.

Proxy Host


Host name of an HTTP proxy to use for this repository

As an alternative, you can activate the Use System Default Proxy Settings parameter.

Proxy Port


Port number where the proxy can be reached on Proxy Host.

Repository services


Identifiers of the repository services that you want to use with the repository.

Note that the status management service (statemngt) requires the service ACL service (svc_acl) and the application property service (properties).

The time-dependent publishing service should be used here only if you can ensure that only the repository manager accesses the documents.

Property Search Manager


Selection of the manager for the property search.

Choose WDPropertySearchManager.

Versioning Manager


Java class that implements the sub-manager for versioning: com.sapportals.wcm.repository. manager.webdav.WDVersioningManager

Security Manager


Selection of the security manager that controls access to repository content.

If you access a remote WebDAV server that is also a portal with KM, choose WDAclSecurityManager.

No separate security managers are offered for other WebDAV servers.

ACL Manager Cache


ID of the cache for resource ACLs: rsrcacl

This parameter is required if an ACL security manager is specified in the Security Manager parameter.

Read-only ACLs


Determines whether the security manager should allow modifications of the access control lists or be read-only

By default, this parameter is deactivated.

Send Events


Specifies whether the repository sends events when operations such as delete, and update content are performed on resources.

For the repository to send events, the property must have value true. This is necessary in order to use services such as the subscription service. By default, this parameter is activated.

Memory Cache


ID of the memory cache to be used by the WebDAV repository manager for caching files and folders.

Cache Timeout


Timeout in milliseconds for resources in the cache.

After this time interval (at the latest) the resource is validated again against the remote server. The optimal value depends on the accessibility of the remote server.

HTTP Timeout


Timeout in milliseconds after which operations on the server are aborted.

Example: 180000 ms = 3 minutes The default value is 0, that is, infinity (no timeout).

Idle time means the time between successful read/write operations. For example, if the remote server does not answer a request with response data in the given time interval, the request is considered unsuccessful and an error is reported.

Note that this is not the time for reading a complete response. When the Web repository manager is reading a large document, idle time is counted as the time between successful reading of data pieces, not the time for retrieving the complete document. (Explanation: HTTP Timeout determines the SOTIMEOUT value of the connection socket to the remote server.)

Server Type


Specifies the type of server used:

Generic WebDAV Server

Native IIS WebDAV Server

Apache Moddav Server

If you are not addressing an IIS or Apache moddav server with this repository manager, choose the Generic WebDAV Server entry.

Correct specification of the server type reduces the number of request from the WebDAV repository manager to the remote servers because this parameter is already defined and does not have to be queried.


To create and configure a WebDAV repository manager, choose Content Management → Repository Managers → WebDAV Repository.

More Information

Integration and Configuration of the WebDAV Repository Manager

Accessing Documents Using WebDav

Including a Knowledge Management Folder as a Web Folder


Documents that are stored on a native IIS WebDAV server should be integrated into KM using a WebDAV repository manager. The WebDAV server is available at http://webDAVserver:1090/projectshare.

Example of a WebDAV repository manager configuration:

Name               = webdavDescription        = WebDAV Repsoitory ManagerPrefix             = /webdavSystem ID          = webdavSystem Path        = /projectshareCache Timeout      = 5000Memory Cache       = ca_webdavACL Manager Cache  = ca_rsrc_aclVersioning Manager = […].WDVersioningManagerServer Type        = Native IIS WebDAV Server


Example of corresponding HTTP system:

System ID        = webdavDescription      = HTTP System for WebDAVServer-URL       = http://webDAVserver:1090Same User Domain = Activatedmax. Connections = 300