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Configuring the Archiving LandscapeLocate this document in the navigation structure


Use this procedure to configure the archiving repository that you want to use for the Knowledge Management and Collaboration (KMC) data archiving. You can configure both an archiving file system repository manager and an archiving WebDAV repository manager but only one of them can be used at a time.

To configure the archiving repository, you first need to create and configure an archiving repository manager and then specify the archiving repository manager in the Archiving Global Service definition.

  • You have System Admin portal role assigned to your user.

  • You have defined the respective system in the KM system landscape, as follows:

    • If you plan to configure an archiving WebDAV repository manager, define an HTTP system. For more information, see HTTP System .

    • If you plan to configure an archiving file system repository manager based on Microsoft → Windows →. For more information, see: Windows System .

  • You have created the respective system in the portal system landscape, as follows:

    • If you plan to configure an archiving file system repository manager based on Microsoft → Windows →, create a Windows system.

  • If you plan to configure an archiving file system repository manager based on Microsoft → Windows → in a portal, you have to fulfill the following additional prerequisites:

    • You have shared the required directory in the Windows file system.

    • You have configured a network path. For more information, see: Network Paths .


1. Configure the Archiving Repository Manager

Configuring an Archiving WebDAV Repository Manager

  1. Create a memory cache for the archiving WebDAV repository manager. For more information about creating and configuring memory caches, see Caches .

  2. Create and configure an archiving WebDAV repository manager.

    1. In the portal, navigate to Start of the navigation path System Administration Next navigation step System Configuration Next navigation step Content Management Next navigation step Repository Managers Next navigation step Archiving WebDAV Repository Manager End of the navigation path.

    2. Choose Start of the navigation path New Next navigation step Show Advanced Options End of the navigation path.

    3. Configure the parameters of the repository manager as described in the following table:






      Name of the repository manager.



      Description of the repository manager.



      Name (URI prefix) under which the repository is listed in the root directory.



      You can (de)activate the repository manager using the Active parameter.

      Hide in Root Folder


      Specifies whether the repository is listed in the root directory. If you activate this parameter, the repository is not listed in the root directory.

      Property Search Manager


      Selection of the manager for the property search.

      Select SimpleProperty SearchManager .

      Security Manager


      Selection of the security manager that controls the access to the repository content.

      To use the security model offered by SAP, choose ArchivingSecurityManager . For more information, see Security Managers .

      ACL Manager Cache


      ID of the cache for resource ACLs: ca_rsrc_acl

      This parameter is required if an ACL security manager is specified in the Security Manager parameter.

      Read-only ACLs


      Determines whether the security manager should allow modifications of the access control lists or if it should be read-only.

      By default, this parameter is deactivated.

      Use System Default Proxy Settings


      Determines whether the settings for the default proxy system are used. For more information, see: Default Proxy System .

      Server Type


      Specifies the type of server used.

      If you are not addressing an IIS or Apache moddav server with this repository manager, choose the Generic WebDAV Server entry.

      Correctly specifying the server type reduces the number of requests from the WebDAV repository manager to the remote servers because this parameter is already defined and does not have to be queried.

      Cache Timeout


      Timeout in milliseconds for resources in the memory cache.

      After this time interval (at the latest) the resource is validated again against the remote server. The optimal value depends on the accessibility of the remote server.

      HTTP Timeout


      Timeout in milliseconds after which operations on the server are aborted.

      Idle time means the time between successful read/write operations. For example, if the remote server does not answer a request with response data in the given time interval, the request is considered unsuccessful and an error is reported.

      Memory Cache


      ID of the memory cache to be used by the archiving WebDAV repository manager for caching files and folders.

      Enter the ID of the memory cache you have created at the previous step.

      Proxy System ID (Landscape Service)


      Proxy server ID from the system landscape service.

      You should use this parameter instead of the Proxy Host when the proxy server requires authentication.

      System ID (Landscape System)


      HTTP system specification that is registered in the KM system landscape.

      Proxy Host


      Host name of an HTTP proxy to use for this repository.

      As an alternative, you can activate the Use System Default Proxy Settings parameter.

      Proxy Port


      Port number where the proxy can be reached on Proxy Host .

      System Path


      Optional suffix for the server URL of the remote system.

      The server URL is a property of the (landscape) system. System Path enables you to use the same system for different paths in the URL namespace.

  3. To create the manager, choose OK .

  4. Specify user mapping. For more information, see: Specifying User Mapping .

  5. Optional: To be able to start a search in this repository, you must assign an index to the repository. For more information about assigning an index to a repository, see Assigning Data Sources .

    If an index has not yet been created, you must create an index now. For more information see: Creating an Index .

Configuring an Archiving File System Repository Manager

  1. Create and configure an archiving file system repository manager.

    1. In the portal, navigate to Start of the navigation path System Administration Next navigation step System Configuration Next navigation step Content Management Next navigation step Repository Managers Next navigation step Archiving File System Repository Manager End of the navigation path

    2. Choose Start of the navigation path New Next navigation step Show Advanced Options End of the navigation path.

    3. Configure the parameters of the repository manager as described in the following table:






      Name of the archiving file system repository manager.



      Description of the archiving file system repository manager.



      The URI prefix for which the manager is registered. The URIs of all resources managed by this repository manager have this prefix in common. This prefix is used to identify the repository manager that is responsible for a resource with a given URI. Note that you must enter the prefix with a forward slash, such as /company-share. The repository is listed under this name in the root repository of the explorer iView.



      You can (de)activate the repository manager using the Active parameter.

      Hide in Root Folder


      Specifies whether the repository is listed in the root directory. If you activate this parameter, the repository is not listed in the root directory.

      Property Search Manager


      Selection of the manager for the property search.

      Select SimplePropertySearchManager .

      Security Manager


      Selection of the security manager that controls the access to the repository content.

      To use the security model offered by SAP, choose ArchivingSecurityManager . For more information, see Security Managers .

      ACL Manager Cache


      ID of the cache for resource ACLs: ca_rsrc_acl .

      This parameter is required if an ACL security manager is specified in the Security Manager parameter.

      Windows Landscape System


      Specifies the System ID entered in the definition of a Windows system.


      A Windows system is only necessary if the repository manager accesses a Windows file system and you want to use the permissions valid there in the portal. In this case, choose W2kSecurityManager for the Security Manager parameter. If you are running a portal on UNIX and want the permissions used, you must specify the IP addresses of the domain controller used in your Windows systems in a file and reference this in the security manager configuration. For more information, see: Security Managers .

      Lookup Mode


      Specifies the mode that a repository uses when finding resources based on their name.

      • caseless - no distinction is made between upper case and lower case.

      • exact - you have to pay attention to upper case and lower case in a resource name.

      The caseless parameter is activated by default.

      Root Directory


      This denotes the path to the root directory in the file system to which the repository manager is assigned.

      If you want to integrate documents from a Windows system, this can be a drive letter (followed by a colon) or directory path on the local server or a remote server share such as // <myserver> / <myshare> / <mydir> .

      If you are running your portal on UNIX and want to access the file system on another UNIX host, you must mount the required directory on the portal server.

      Example path when using a UNIX system: / <usr> / <company> / <share>

      The repository manager is responsible for the specified directory and all its subdirectories. Note that multiple repository manager configurations are not allowed to have the same subpath in their Localroot parameter.

    4. To create the manager, choose OK .

  2. Specify user mapping. For more information, see: Specifying User Mapping .

  3. Optional: To be able to start a search in this repository, you must assign an index to the repository. For more information about assigning an index to a repository, see Assigning Data Sources .

    If an index has not yet been created, you must create an index now. For more information see: Creating an Index .

2. Define the Archiving Repository for the KMC Data Archiving

You define which archiving repository is used for the KMC data archiving in the Archiving Global Service configuration. You can specify only one repository at a time.

  1. In the portal, navigate to Start of the navigation path System Administration Next navigation step System Configuration Next navigation step Content Management Next navigation step Global Services  Next navigation step Show Advanced Options Next navigation step Archiving Global Service End of the navigation path.

  2. Choose Edit , and select the required repository manager from the Archiving Repository Manager dropdown box.


Initially, when no repository is specified in the Archiving Global Service configuration, the system displays a message that the configuration of the service is invalid.