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Procedure documentationChecking In Originals (PLM Web UI) Locate this document in the navigation structure


After you have added an original to a document, you must check in the original so that it is stored in a secure storage area.

For more information, see Storage of Data in Storage Systems Using the Knowledge Provider.

Note Note

The lock icon is open for the following originals:

  • Originals that are to be checked in for the first time

  • Originals that have already been checked in, but have been checked out to the local system for changing.

End of the note.

The Check-In menu has two additional options Check In As and Check In as New Version. For more information, see Creating Content Versions Manually and Using the Check-In As Function (PLM Web UI).



  1. Open a document on the PLM Web UI in create or change mode.

  2. On the Originals Processing tab page or in the Originals screen area of the General Data tab page, select the original in the table and choose   Check In   Check In  .

  3. Choose a storage category and confirm your entries.

  4. Save the document.

    The physical transfer of the file takes place when you save the document. The system determines the storage system from the system settings.

    When the system has transferred the original application file to the storage category, the lock icons closes automatically.

Note Note

You can automate the check-in based on the document status. You make the required settings when you define the status network in the Define Document Types Customizing activity. Automated check-in is achieved by a combination of the original processing status and the check-in status.

End of the note.