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  Ranking of Candidates of a Talent Group by Questionnaire


You can use this process to have the system rank candidates according to their responses to questions that you sent using Talent Relationship Management (TRM) activities. In this way, you can compare candidates, for example, that belong to a specific talent group.


You have used TRM activities to send questionnaires to the candidates of a talent group . You have assigned marks to the possible responses in the questionnaire and – where necessary – have indicated which responses are expected responses (see Creation of a Questionnaire ).

The candidates have completed the questionnaires and thus entered their responses in the system. If necessary, you have completed the questionnaire together with the candidate during a telephone interview (see Recruiter Completes Questionnaire (TRM) ).

Process Flow

  1. You choose Assignments to Talent Groups on your start page ( Personal Pages ).

  2. You select a talent group and the system displays the assigned candidates.

  3. On the page of assignments to the talent group, you select the Ranking by Questionnaire tab page and select the questionnaire for which you want to view the automatic rankings of the candidates.

  4. The system displays a list of all questionnaires that were sent to the candidates of the talent group using TRM activities.

  5. You choose Display Selection .

  6. The system displays the candidates that completed the questionnaire. At the same time, the automatic ranking is displayed for each candidate and the candidates are ranked according to their suitability.


You have ranked the candidates assigned to a requisition according to their responses to the questions of a specific questionnaire.