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 Planned Order


A planned order is sent to a plant and is an MRP request for the procurement of a particular material at a determined time. It specifies when the inward material movement should be made and the quantity of material that is expected.

A planned order has the following characteristics:

  • It is a procurement proposal in MRP for requirements coverage, that is, an internal planning element . It is not binding and does not therefore trigger procurement directly, but serves for planning purposes.

  • It can be changed or deleted at any time (exceptions: planned orders for direct production and for direct procurement).

  • Whether a material will later be produced in-house or procured externally is left open.

  • For materials produced in-house, it represents the pegged requirement for dependent requirements and can be used in the capacity calculation.

  • For materials produced in-house, it specifies the basic dates for production.

Note Note

Planned orders are converted into production orders for in-house production and into purchase requisitions for external procurement. In contrast to planned orders, production orders and purchase requisitions are fixed receipt elements, which commit to the procurement.

End of the note.


Automatic Creation of Planned Orders

During the planning run , the system automatically calculates the materials to be procured as well as the requirements quantity and date. The system then creates the corresponding planned order.

The system also explodes the BOM for materials that are produced in-house and uses the BOM components as material components for the planned order. The system creates a corresponding dependent requirement for these components. If the quantity or the date of the planned order changes or if the bill of material changes, the bill of material is re-exploded in the next planning run and the dependent requirements of the material components are adjusted accordingly.

Note Note

You can determine in Customizing for MRP in the IMG activity Define consumption mode and period of adjustment that no planned orders are to be created within a particular period of time for planned independent requirements, for which no firmed receipt elements or firmed procurement proposals exist. The system then creates planned orders for customer requirements only . You can determine this for each plant or for each MRP group.

End of the note.

Manual Creation of Planned Orders

You can also create planned orders manually. For this, you determine which material should be procured, the quantity of material to be procured, the date it should be available and whether it is to be procured externally or internally.

If you create or change a planned order manually, you can also explode the BOM manually and adjust the material components.


The planned order consists of