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 HTML Customer Overview


The HTML Customer Overview (CUSTINFO) component is used to combine business partner data to be displayed in an HTML overview and display this data in the CIC Application Area .


You can implement the component as an independent Internet application component (IAC) or as a component in the CIC.

See also: Internet Application Components

The component can be assigned to the Application Area or the Action Box in the CIC. If you assign the component to the Action Box , the HTML Customer Overview can be accessed there and displayed on a tab page in the Application Area .

See also: Action Box See also: Display HTML Pages

We advise you to assign the HTML Customer Overview to a tab page in the Application Area .

Data in the HTML Customer Overview is also evaluated by the Customer Information Sheet in SAP CRM . See also SAP Note 439334 here.


The HTML Customer Overview consists of HTML Business templatesThese HTML Business templates are based on the SAP business partner.

Data from these templates, which is displayed in the HTML Customer Overview , is defined by the HTML data selection made in the SAP Media Customizing settings.

The ISM_ALL HTML data selection is provided in the SAP Media reference clients.

Ifyou require a different view of your customers to the one defined in the ISM_ALL HTML data selection, you must define your own HTML data selection and create the associated HTML Business templates

See also: Creation of HTML Templates

Adopt Example Customizing Settings

If you assign the HTML Customer Overview to the Application Area and use the ISM_ALL HTML data selection provided in the SAP Media reference clients, you have published the following ITS services on your Internet Transaction Server (ITS):

EWHV(layout templates)

ISU_GLOBAL(HTML business functions for reading and debugging data objects and their attributes:ewhv_functions.html,ewhv_debug.html und ewhv_debugfunctions.html)

See also: Publish ITS Service

You must implement the latest ITS Release and the current HTML Library to ensure that the HTML Customer Overview is displayed correctly

The ISMCUSTINFO HTML configuration is provided for the HTML Customer Overview in the SAP Media reference clients.

You have replaced the ITS variable with the name of the ITS in your company in the URL for this HTML configuration. You have also entered editing sequence 2 for the external parameter to be provided with the key for the current business partner number. You have chosen a name for the parameter that the HTML page will recognize.

See also: Display HTML Pages

In addition to the configuration for the HTML Customer Overview , you can also define an HTML configuration, which is always displayed even if no business partner is currently identified. The name of this HTML configuration consists of the names of the HTML configuration for the HTML Customer Overview and an attached INIT, such as ISMCUSTINFO_INIT.

Do not Adopt Example Customizing

If you assign the HTML Customer Overview to the Application Area and want to create your own HTML data selection, to display an additional telephone number in the address data, for example, you have also made the followings settings in addition to those described above .

Create HTML Data Selection

You have created your own HTML data selection. To do so, you have defined which data objects and attributes are displayed in the HTML Customer Overview in the SAP Media Customizing settings.


Menu Path

Select data for the HT ML Customer Overview

SAP MediaCustomer Interaction Center (CIC)Define HTML Customer Overview

Data objects and attributes that are available in the HTML data selection are used as field selection for the HTML Customer Overview . Activated data objects and attributes are accessible as HTML Business fields in your HTML template for the HTML Customer Overview on the Internet Transaction Server (ITS).

If you want to display information on billing documents in the Customer Overview , you have created optional index 001 (partner assignments to the business partner) for table JHTFPA to improve performance.

The ISU_CIC_ENV BAdI can be used to make customer-specific enhancements to the HTML Customer Overview .

Create HTML Business Template

You have created HTML Business templates that are suitable for your HTML data selection.

See also: Creation of HTML Templates

If you create your own HTML data selection, do not publish theEWHVandISU_GLOBALITS services until you have created the associated HTML Business templates. If you have already published theEWHVandISU_GLOBALITS services, you only need to publish the new HTML Business templates you have created.

Modify HTML Configuration

If you have saved your HTML data selection under the description ISM_ALL , you do not need to make any further modifications in the ISMCUSTINFO HTML configuration

If you have saved your HTML data selection under a different name, you must replace the ISM_ALL data selection with your own data selection in addition to making the settings described in the URL for the ISMCUSTINFO HTML configuration .

HTML Customer Overview in an External Browser

If you want to access the HTML Customer Overview in an external browser outside the SAP System, for instance on the laptop of a field sales representative, the URL must be structured as follows:

http://%3cits-url%3e/%3cServicename%3e/!?~okcode=+&view=%3cProfil%3e&objkey=%3cPartnernummer%3e&classid=busism007http://<ITS-URL>/<Servicename>/!?~okcode=+&view=<Profil>&objkey= <Partnernummer>&classid=busism007Information published on non-SAP site

Placeholders that are shown here in <> should be replaced as follows:




Name of the ITS in your company, e.g.

<Service name>



Name of the HTML data selection, e.g. ISM_ALL

<Partner number>

Identification number for the business partner, e.g. 0000004711. Note that a numerical business partner number must contain the leading zeros.

When creating the HTML configuration, you have entered the entire URL up to the OBJKEY parameter in the External URL field, i.e. http://%3cits-url%3e/%3cServicename%3e/!?~okcode=+&view=%3cProfil%3e&objkey=%3cPartnernummer%3e&classid=busism007http://<ITS-URL>/<Servicename>/!?~okcode=+&view=<Profil>Information published on non-SAP site and created two external parameters:

Parameter CLASSID with editing sequence 1

Parameter OBJKEY with editing sequence 2


If the business partner has been identified, data on this business partner is displayed automatically in the HTML Customer Overview .

If no business partner has been identified and you have defined an additional HTML configuration that is always displayed if no business partner is identified, this HTML configuration is displayed instead of the HTML Customer Overview .