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Function documentationDelimit Entries from the 0337 Infotype Using CPP Codes (Report RPUCPPP0)


You use this report to delimit and update entries in the Professional Classification (0337) infotype through the conversion of National Classification of Occupations (CNP) codes into Portuguese Classification of Occupations (CPP) codes.


You have downloaded the cnp_to_cpp.txt file, which is attached to SAP Note 1591543. This file contains a suggestion of mapping of CNP codes to CPP codes, as suggested in the Nº 16 - Classificação Portuguesa de Profissões (CPP 2010) table from the Tabelas de Codigos EXCEL.xls file provided by the Portuguese Government for the Single Report (RPCUNRP0). Each line of the cnp_to_cpp.txt file must contain the CNP code, the splitter character “;” and the CPP code, as in the example below:;2142.1;2142.2;2142.2;2141.0;2144.0;2143.0

You have checked that each CNP code is associated to only one CPP code. In case a CNP code is associated to more than one CPP code in the cnp_to_cpp.txt file, this CNP code is not considered in the report execution and all the employees associated to this code are rejected.

You have checked that the CNP and CPP codes are stored in the HR-PT: Professional classification (CNP or CPP) (V_T5PP3) view and classified on the HR-PT: Professional classification type (CNP or CPP) field.



Enter standard selection criteria, for example, a company code or a range of personnel numbers.

Select the cnp_to_cpp.txt file. Indicate the start date from which the entries in the infotype will be delimited. Indicate whether or not you want to view the screen of the 0337 infotype before saving the new delimited entry.


The Person-Specific Messages displays the reasons why the employees did not have their entries delimited in the 0337 infotype.

The General Messages node displays the errors in the conversion of CNP codes into CPP codes.

The CNP/CPP Codes node displays the mapping of the codes.

The 0337 Infotype node contains a list of employees whose CNP codes can be converted into CPP codes. To create the new entry in the 0337 infotype, select one or more lines on the table and press the Save button. Depending on your choice in the selection screen, the infotype screen may appear for confirmation. If the new entry is created successfully, an information message is created on the log. Otherwise, an error message appears.


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