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Function documentationSubscription Sales on the Internet


Your customers can use this Internet Application Component (IAC) from Media Sales and Distribution (IS-M/SD) to subscribe to publications on the Internet.

You can use various variants of this IAC and therefore represent typical forms of subscription sales on the Internet, including parallel sales.

Example Example

  • Subscriptions with incentives and gifts

  • Subscriptions with an alternative ship-to or bill-to party

  • Trial subscriptions, limited subscriptions and so on

End of the example.

Subscription data from the Internet can be entered directly in the productive IS-M tables. If this is the case, this means that subscription entry does not require any additional action from you. Alternatively, it is necessary to first store the data in temporary tables and use programs to subsequently edit this data. This means that you can recheck the data from the Internet without significant additional effort.

Type of Internet Application Component: Consumer-to-Business

Using the Subscription Sales Internet Application Component offers you and your customers the following benefits:

  • Your customers can easily order a subscription to your publications from the Internet at any time.

  • Customers enter the subscription. This means there is less work to be done by your employees who accept orders by telephone and in writing.

  • The Internet is becoming an increasingly significant sales channel.

  • You can use the functions associated with the Internet Application Component (subsequent processing of data that has been saved temporarily, logging orders created) to retain a clear overview of your Internet activities.



If a customer accesses the Internet Application Component, an Internet Transaction Server (ITS) is used to log on to an SAP System. This log on process must not be visible to customers. To ensure that this is the case, the system stores an SAP user in the service file for the Internet Application Component. You must assign the authorizations required to execute the application to this user. In the case of the Subscription Sales Internet Application Component, this is the authorization object for the sales order (J_JKAK).

Standard Default Settings

You must make various Customizing settings for the Subscription Sales Internet Application Component. These define the various features of the IAC. For more information, see Customizing for SAP Media under Start of the navigation path Media Sales and Distribution Next navigation step Periodical Sales and Distribution (Subscriptions) Next navigation step Sales Next navigation step Order Next navigation step Internet Application Components (IACs) Next navigation step IAC Subscription Sales End of the navigation path.


You access the IAC using the following URL: http://.../sap/bc/gui/sap/its/media/jkwww01?key_control=<Key>&~okcode=strt.

<Key> is a key defined in Customizing, which references all data and control parameters for a feature of the IAC.


Different Variants of Subscription Sales

You can use the IAC to represent different "versions" of subscription sales. You define the variants required in Customizing and design suitable HTML templates in each case. Using themes means that various designs of the HTML template are possible for simultaneous use of various variants of the IAC. Some examples of this are:

  • Customer 1 orders a subscription for customer 2 as a gift.

  • Customer 1 orders a subscription and is awarded a gift for doing so

  • Customer 1 orders a subscription and is introduced by customer 2, who must also be a reader.

  • Customer 1 orders a subscription and has the invoice or the goods sent to a different address.

  • Customer 1 orders a limited subscription.

You incorporate the variants of your IAC in your website by entering the corresponding key and the theme number if this is available during the access. Example: You incorporate the following access of the Subscription Sales IAC from the desired section of your website:


This starts the variant that is recorded under key 3 in Customizing. The system takes the HTML templates from theme 20. When you defined the variant, you ensured that the settings in Customizing can be used to design theme 20.

Origin of Data Required

A range of diverse data is required to create a subscription. This can be subdivided as follows:

  • Data specified by customers

  • Data that (cannot) be specified by customers and must therefore be determined by the system.

The first category for example includes the customer address, the second category includes the sales area. Certain data cannot be uniquely assigned to a category, for example the gift for a subscription can be selected by customers or determined by the system using specific criteria.

Note that you should keep the web form for the order as simple as possible by not adding too many fields. To make this possible, there are various ways of collecting the data requied to create the subscription:

  • Data can be entered from Customizing. In the case of the Subscription Sales IAC, this is data from the structures RJKWWW_FIX (fixed order values) and RJKWWW_VAR (variable order values).

  • Data can be provided directly to the call of the application. It is attached to the URL used to access the IAC in a defined format. This is possible for data in the structure RJKWWW_VAR. The value from this access overrides the default setting from Customizing. This type of data transfer is recommended for static HTML pages, which you store to access the website and in which you collect specific information in advance.

  • Data can be displayed as fields on the order form and therefore edited directly by customers. This category also contains the variable order values (structure RJKWWW_VAR), and all additional fields for customer data (address, payment data, validity start).

Example Example

The field Gift can be used as an example of this. You want to represent a type of gift subscription:

  • You can define a value in this field from Customizing and hide this in the template. The key means that during access, the user is informed that the gift is loaded at the start and can then no longer be changed. You therefore have an application in which a fixed gift is defined.

  • You can also display the field on the order form as a group of radio buttons that can be selected. This is also possible dynamically at runtime. The customer can select a gift on the order form if this design is used.

  • Alternatively, once the customer has accessed the page for purchasing a gift subscription, you can take them to a static HTML page on which you describe the gifts available, for example with pictures. You record the access of the IAC for each gift, and also specify the corresponding gift directly with the key that is identical in each case (to do so attach the string „&RJKWWW01-<field name>=<field value>” to the access of the service).

End of the example.

You therefore have the freedom to decide how you want to design your application and incorporate it in the publisher website according to the field list available.

Application Field List

The principle of an IAC is that the assigned SAP transaction provides a field list as a superset on each of the screens. When designing the HTML template, these fields can be displayed as required and made modifiable for customers. The Subscription Sales IAC therefore offers a suitably large field list, which you can extend using your own fields on customer subscreens.

The field list for subscription sales covers the most important order data, customer address data and payment data. Address blocks for the customer address are available to you for the following business partner roles:

  • Sold-to party

  • Ship-to party

  • Bill-to party

  • Sales agent

The Sold-to Party role is always mandatory and the corresponding fields can always be viewed in the HTML template for the purchase order form. You can display additional roles as required, but should be careful not to overload the purchase order form with too many fields. Display the ship-to party and/or bill-to party roles if you want to allow a corresponding address for the subscription that is not the same as the sold-to party address. If an alternative address is to be mandatory in a version of the IAC, define this using the relevant indicator in Customizing. You require the Sales Agent role if you want to represent a type of gift subscription.

You can only select the fields that are relevant to you on an address block. The address blocks consist of the fields that are also available in the IS-M business partner. Two additional fields have been added:

  • Street in WWW (STRASSEWWW)

    This field can be used as an alternative to the street and direction information fields, since this type of presentation using several fields is not typically used on the Internet. The system divides the entries that the customer makes in the field STRASSEWWW between the street and direction information fields. During preparation for WWW, the content of the STRASSEWWW field is derived by combining the contents of the street and direction information fields.

  • House number in WWW (HAUSNWWW)

    Like the field Street in WWW, this field is used to enter a house number and its affix on the Internet in a field and then divide this between the two corresponding fields in the SAP System. If you enter "15/A" in this field, the system divides this internally, and enters the value 15 in the house number field and the value A in the house number affix.

Log On for an Existing Customer

As is also the case for IACs from the subscription service area, you can also offer existing customers the option of logging on to the subscription sales IAC. In the case of the roles listed above, you can access a logon screen using a button or hyperlinks from the purchase order form that is always processed first. In the case of the Sold-to Party role, you can log on directly from the purchase order form by entering the customer number and password.

This log on means that the customer does not need to enter their address data again. You display the access to the logon screen as a button on the purchase order form. Log on takes place using specific Customizing settings that identify and check the customer, as is also the case for IACs from the subscription service area. You specify here the entries that can be used to find a customer in the system and the data that can be used to check the customers found. A field list is available for this type of logon scenario that contains the customer number, password, order number, address data, bank data and credit card data.

The Internet user is required for the log on using the customer number and password. When creating a subscription, the customer can also create an Internet user for themselves. This is also possible using the IAC for creating Internet users. The publisher can use the transaction SU01 to create and manage Internet users for customers.

Control Options

You can make Customizing settings for the IAC Subscription Sales to change the way in which the application responds. You can for example specify the following here:

  • Define default settings for fixed and variable order values

  • Specify whether the subscription created using the variant is limited and if so to which period.

  • Define which data is initially to be stored in the temporary table.

  • Define whether a customer can create an Internet user and the way in which they can do so.

  • Define whether a log record is to be generated for a subscription created using this variant.

Variations from SAP Transaction

The following section describes some fields that are available in the field list for the purchase order form but are not relevant in the standard subscription order entry transaction. Alle of these fields belong to the structure for order and control data RJKWWW01.

  • Indicator Create Internet User with Password for BP (XINET_USER)

    If this indicator is selected, the system creates an Internet user with a password for new customers who purchase a subscription using this IAC. Select this indicator in Customizing if this is always to be the case. If you want customers to decide this, the indicator is displayed on the form for selection. The Internet user always refers to the business partner in the Sold-to Party role. Two password fields are available here (PASSWORD_BP and PASSWORD_REPEAT), in which the customer can enter their desired password and then confirm this.

  • Indicator Right to Cancel Read for Subscription (XCANCELLATION)

    You can for example use this indicator to obtain a confirmation that the customer has read the right to cancel when they purchased a subscription. If the indicator is not selected during the order, the system reports this to the customer as an "error". If you do not want to use the indicator, define a default setting for it in Customizing and do not display it on the purchase order form.

  • Desired Start Date of Order (GUELTIGVON_INPUT)

    Customers can enter the start date they require for an order in this field. The actual start date is entered in the GUELTIGVON field once the subscription has been created.This means that the customer can be informed on the confirmation screen that the desired and actual start date can be different.

  • Validity Period in Days or Issues (VALDAYS; VALISSUES)

    This field is used to represent a limited subscription. You can define a runtime in days or issues in this field.

  • Checkbox Fields on Confirmation Screen

    Once the order has been placed, a confirmation screen is processed for the IAC Subscription Sales. This contains various checkbox fields that display the status of the process flow and can be used to control the display on the associated HTML template. These include the fields Data in Temporary Table, Internet User Already Exists and Internet User Was Created.

Adjustment Options

As described above, you make Customizing settings and design templates to modify the application. You can display and hide fields according to your requirements. The Internet Application Component Subscription Sales or the associated transaction JKWWW01 provide you with a separate field list for doing so. This field list is distributed between several structures, which are displayed on one or more screens on the application. Include the fields to be displayed in the templates. The field name is used to exchange data between the screen and the corresponding template.




Order data and control data


Address data for sold-to party


Address data for ship-to party


Address data for bill-to party


Address data for sales agent


Payment data


Data on application


Confirmation data (texts)

If you require additional fields, you must add these to the customer subscreens available for doing so and include them in the templates. The following customer enhancements are available to you in this application:

Customer Enhancement




Function enhancements:


Screen areas:


Enhancement to logon screen (additional checks, additional check fields)


Function enhancements:



Screen areas: SAPLXJKWWW 1200

Extend purchase order form


Function enhancements:

EXIT_SAPMJKWWW01_003 Screen areas: SAPLXJKWWW 1300

Extend confirmation screen

SAP Development Objects


Development Object

Development Class




Module Pool


Function Group




Function Modules



Each change to SAP development objects that you are using for this Internet Application Component constitutes a modification. You should not make changes to development objects in the standard system.

Display Data Using Internet Transaction Server

The Internet Transaction Server is used to display or exchange data between the Internet and the SAP System. The system takes data that has been entered in the HTML forms and transfers this to the SAP System. Data that has been determined in the SAP System is incorporated on the HTML templates and made available on the Internet in HTML format. This data transfer can only be performed if the fields have the same names.

Service Name

The service name of this Internet Application Component is JKWWW01. The following (output) forms known as HTML templates are used:




Logon Screen


Order Form


Confirmation Screen

The numbers in the form names match the corresponding SAP screen numbers.

Check Subscription Orders

During saving, the system can check whether order data is available for the ship-to party, for example in conjunction with reduced subscriptions. If the system determines existing order data using these check criteria, it transfers this data to a temporary folder where a manual check takes place. For more information, see: