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Perform Setup - Warehousing & Shipping

In this step you can initialize information structures for the rough load estimate.


A statistical setup of rough load information from historical information is not normally necessary, as only the current daily load or coming loads for days in the future are of any relevance to controlling.

It can however also be used to set up comparison values from historical horizons, for example so that the approximate warehouse load can be forecasted for special weeks in the year (christmas and easter sales, for example).

However, if you do wish to carry out a statistical setup for the rough load estimate so that you can forecast based on values for a year, you must initialize the appropriate information structures for the rough load estimate. Do so as follows:

1. Execute the statistical setup for Purchasing
2. the statistical data from sales orders and deliveries in the Sales & Distribution area.


Please note that this statistical setup is very performance intensive. It should only be executed after careful consideration.

Further notes

Before carrying out a statistical setup of information structures for the rough load estimate, you must read OSS note 0017557.

This note lists all notes that deal with known program errors and performance problems within the rough load estimate statistical setup. These notes describe the corrections required for your release, and also contain useful tips and tricks.