Measurement Results 

To display a runtime analysis, select the required file and choose Analyze. The system displays an overview of the analysis.

Gross and Net Time

The runtime analysis displays the gross and net times of each call in microseconds. Gross and net times are defined as follows:

Gross time

The entire time required for a call. This includes the runtime of all modularization units and ABAP statements called by the subject.

Net time

The net time is the gross time less the time required for modularization units (MODULE, PERFORM, CALL FUNCTION, CALL SCREEN, CALL TRANSACTION, CALL METHOD, CALL DIALOG, SUBMIT), and for the ABAP statements listed separately. For statements such as APPEND, the gross time is the same as the net time.

If the gross and net runtimes of a call are different, the call must either contain further calls or modularization units. The Statement Hit List allows you to find out the components that belong to a particular call.



There are various views of measurement results that the system can display in list form:

Measurement Overview

Displays general performance information in the form of a bar chart with associated statistics.

Statement Hit List

Displays the runtime for each statement. The list is displayed in descending order of gross time.

Table Hit List

Displays the database tables and internal tables accessed during the transaction, program, or function module.

Group Hit List

Displays the grouping of the measurement results.

ABAP Objects Hit List

Displays the classes, instances, methods, and events involved in the call.

Call Hierarchy

Displays the chronological sequence of a transaction, program, or function module.


Displays statistics for memory requirements and call frequency.


You can also display more detailed information for the data, for example: