Module: mockstarEnvironment


See mockstarEnvironment.define function or mockstarEnvironment.defineAndCreate to create a dedicated MockstarEnvironment Object.
  • 1.9.2




<inner> define(definition, connection) → {module:mockstarEnvironment~MockstarEnvironment}

Creates a MockstarEnvironment object with an initial definition. MockstarEnvironment offers functions that helps you to test a model (e.g. view or procedure) in an isolated way. It offers functions to:
  • define the test model
  • define the dependent tables/views that should be replaced in the test model by test tables
  • fill those test tables with data/from csv file.
Note that for each dependent table/view a test table is created automatically via the test helper functions tableUtils.copyIntoUserSchema and tableUtils.createTestTableFromView unless you have specified the test table explicitly via the 'testTable' property.
Name Type Argument Default Description
definition Object
Name Type Argument Default Description
schema String <optional>
the schema, that should be used, when no schema is explicitly specified
model String | Object the name of the original model without schema or the original model with the properties as described below
Name Type Argument Default Description
schema String <optional>
definition.schema|"_SYS_BIC" the schema of the original model
name String <optional>
the name of the original model (without schema), e.g. "package.subpackage/ca_view"
targetPackage String <optional>
"tmp.unittest.<username>" the package name where the test model should be created into
mockstarProperties Object <optional>
defines the options for mockstar.createTestModel
Name Type Argument Default Description
truncOption String <optional>
TruncOptions.NONE per default the target package gets prefixed with the package of the original model
csvPackage String <optional>
the package name of the .csv files
csvProperties Object <optional>
defines the options for tableUtils.fillFromCsvFile
Name Type Argument Default Description
separator String <optional>
";" overwrites the value separator
headers Boolean <optional>
true indicates whether the data contains a header line
decSeparator String <optional>
"." overwrites the decimal separator
substituteTables Object <optional>
list of table dependencies that should be substituted within the copied test model hierarchy
Name Type Description
<id> String | Object the name of the original table without schema
"tableId": "package.subpackage::context.entity"
or the original table with the properties as described below
"tableId": {...}
Name Type Argument Default Description
schema String <optional>
definition.schema schema of the table to be substituted
name String name of the table to be substituted (without schema)
data String <optional>
data to be inserted into the test table tableUtils.insertData
csvFile String <optional>
name of the .csv file to be uploaded into the test table. In that case you need to specify definition.csvPackage
testTable String <optional>
the full test table name including the schema that should be used as table substitution e.g. '"TESTSCHEMA"."MY_TEST_TABLE"'
substituteViews Object <optional>
list of view dependencies that should be substituted within the copied test model hierarchy
Name Type Description
<id> String | Object the name of the original view without schema
"viewId": "package.subpackage/ca_view"
or the original view with the properties as described below
"viewId": {...}
Name Type Argument Default Description
schema String <optional>
definition.schema|"_SYS_BIC" schema of the view to be substituted
name String name of the view to be substituted (without schema)
data String <optional>
data to be inserted into the test table tableUtils.insertData
csvFile String <optional>
name of the .csv file to be uploaded into the test table. In that case you need to specify definition.csvPackage
testTable String <optional>
the full test table name including the schema that should be used as table substitution e.g. '"TESTSCHEMA"."MY_TEST_TABLE"'
connection $.db.Connection <optional>
jasmine.dbConnection Connection to database
Mockstar environment object that contains several definition methods to create a test model and test tables in order to test a model in an isolated way.
var mockstarEnvironment = $.import("sap.hana.testtools.mockstar", "mockstarEnvironment");

var testData = { Id: "1", col2: "A", COL3: 10.1 };
var definition = {
      schema: "SCHEMA",
      model: {
              schema : "_SYS_BIC",
              name: "package.subpackage/calculationview",
      substituteTables: {
          "table_id": {
              name: "package.db::basis.t_table",
              csvFile: "table.csv"
      substituteViews: {
          "view_id": {
              name: "package.db::basis.v_item",
              testTable: '"USER"."v_item_table"',
              data: testData
var testEnvironment = mockstarEnvironment.define(definition);

<inner> defineAndCreate(definition, connection) → {module:mockstarEnvironment~MockstarEnvironment}

Creates a MockstarEnvironment Object with a given definition. After calling this function the test model as well as the defined test tables are created (mockstarEnvironment.create).
Equivalent to
Name Type Argument Default Description
definition Object like in mockstarEnvironment.define
connection $.db.Connection <optional>
jasmine.dbConnection Connection to database
mockstarEnvironment that contains several definition methods to fill test tables in order to test a model in an isolated way.