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Structure AnnotationsLocate this document in the navigation structure

Annotations enable you to add metadata to a structure.

In ABAP Development Tools (ADT), you can add the following annotations to structures:

Note Both annotations are mandatory when you are creating or editing structures in ADT.

Short Description

Syntax Form
@EndUserText.label: 'short_description'

The short text is used as an explanatory text for the entire structure.


These texts are always displayed in the original language. If you change any text, the text is saved in the original language as well.

If the logon language differs from the original language of the structure, a warning is displayed in the editor.

Enhancement Category

Syntax Form
@AbapCatalog.enhancementCategory : #NOT_EXTENSIBLE | 
                                   #NOT_CLASSIFIED | 
                                   #EXTENSIBLE_CHARACTER | 
                                   #EXTENSIBLE_CHARACTER_NUMERIC | 

The enhancement category of a structure describes whether a structure can be enhanced subsequently by customers using append structures.

Editor-Specific Information

You can use the following values for defining enhancement categories in the source code:

Table 1: List of Supported Enhancement Categories
Annotation Value Description
#NOT_CLASSIFIED The structure does not contain an enhancement category.
Note This value is only provided for structures that already exist. Therefore, it should not be used when creating new structures or changing existing ones.
#NOT_EXTENSIBLE The structure cannot be enhanced.
Note This is the default value for creating structures in ADT.
#EXTENSIBLE_CHARACTER All structure components and their enhancements must be character-like and flat.
#EXTENSIBLE_CHARACTER_NUMERIC All structure components and their enhancements must be flat data types.
#EXTENSIBLE_ANY The structure can be enhanced with any kind of field (flat, structured, or deeply nested tables).