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Funktionsdokumentation Creating and Destroying the Graphics Proxy  Dokument im Navigationsbaum lokalisieren


The application creates and destroys the graphics proxy using the two methods INIT and FREE that are defined in the interface IF_GRAPHIC_PROXY.

The method INIT replaces the constructor and must be called by the application explicitly after the object has been created (with the command CREATE OBJECT). For more information, see Initializing the Graphics Proxy.

The method FREE replaces the destructor and must be called by the application explicitly.


In addition to the interface IF_GRAPHIC_PROXY a structure graphics proxy also implements the interface IF_GP_HIER. This is a structure-specific interface for the structure proxy. For more information, see the interface documentation in the class builder.

For more information, see Graphics Proxy.


You need to have a data container and a container object (to place the graphic on the screen) for initialization.