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Funktionsdokumentation Initializing the Graphics Proxy  Dokument im Navigationsbaum lokalisieren


The application calls the method INIT to initialize the graphics proxy.

The method INIT replaces the constructor and must be called by the application explicitly after the object has been created (CREATE OBJECT). Some of the parameters are optional and can be specified later (for example, EVTCODE_LIST).

Example of an optional parameter

A data container can provide data for several graphics proxies. It may have a filter attribute for this purpose. The application defines the parameters for the graphics proxy if such a data container is used by means of the list of filters whose data the graphic is to display. This list of filters is copied when the graphics proxy is initialized or by using the method SET_FILTER_LIST. For more information on filters, see Filter.

You can find more information in the documentation for INIT in the interface IF_GRAPHIC_PROXY in the class builder.

For more information, see Graphics Proxy.


All the parameters for INIT (apart from RETVAL) are supplied by the application. All input parameters are optional apart from the following:


This parameter refers to the data container that provides the data to be represented in the graphic.


This parameter is important for specifying where the control graphic is to be placed. It identifies the container object in which the graphic is to be placed. This parameter is ignored for graphics displayed as an external program.

Although the parameter PROD_ID is optional it is very important and is therefore explained in detail below.


A graphics proxy encapsulates several graphics products with different functionality. The graphics products supported are specified as constants in the definition of the graphics proxy class (for more information, see Graphics Proxy Supported).

When creating the graphics proxy the application can also specify the product to be used (product ID or priority). The application can specify a particular product or leave the selection of the product to the graphics proxy´s default strategy.

Product management can request a product with a specific priority. Graphics proxies make use of this option to implement a default strategy if the desired product is not available on the platform.

If a default strategy is permitted the graphics proxy requests an appropriate product (given graphics proxy, platform and specified priority) from product management.


In such a case it is not guaranteed that the product offers the full functionality required by the application.

For more information, see Product Management.

The parameter PROD_ID specifies the ID of the graphics product to be used. You must note the graphics products supported by the graphics proxy and use the constants defined in the graphics proxy class.

If the specified product is mandatory and there are problems with creation (product not supported by the graphics proxy or product not available on the current platform and so on) the method returns an error message. The object reference for the graphics proxy should be rejected by the application.