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Process documentationSetting Up a Set Point Group Request and Response


This function enables SAP ME to receive a request message from a resource on the shop floor, and to send a corresponding response message from SAP ME to the resource in order to setup the resource with the set point group parameters to produce manufactured product.

SAP ME is the system of record for master set point group data.



  • You have created one or more set point groups in Set Point Maintenance in SAP ME.

  • For each set point group, you have defined one or more set point parameters.

  • For each set point group, you have defined attachments.

    Note Note

    Resource is required. Material and Material Group are optionally required.

    End of the note.
  • You have defined a date range for each set point group to be put in production via effective start and end dates.

  • You have set each set point group to be put in production to a status of Releasable.

  • You have configured a request message to include the following:

    • Site (required)

    • Resource (required)

    • Operation

    • Identifier (SFC or Shop Order)

    • Material

    Note Note

    SFC is optional if the material is specified. The material is optional if SFC is specified. If both are specified, the material must be the specific material associated with the SFC in production in SAP ME.

    End of the note.

For more information, consult the SAP ME javadocs.


When SAP ME receives a request message from a resource, it performs a search for a set point group with the following criteria:

  • The range of the effective start and end date and time of the set point group with respect to the current date and time.

  • A status of Releasable.

  • Matching attachments.

Once a matching set point group is found, SAP ME returns a response to the resource that includes all of the group’s set point parameter values, including any empty fields. Only one set point group can be returned in the response. If more than one match is found or if no match is found, an error occurs.


If instead of the material, the SFC or the shop order is included in the request, SAP ME retrieves the corresponding material, routing, operation, and step ID for matching of attachments.

In order for a match to be found for either a sent or resolved material, either the material or its material group must be specified as a set point group attachment.


Example Example

A resource sends a request to SAP ME that contains site, resource and material.

SAP ME retrieves the set point group with the following criteria and returns all set point parameter values, including any empty fields, to the resource.

  • The set point group’s attachments match the site, resource and material in the request.

  • The status of the set point group is Releasable.

  • The current date and time is within the range of the effective start and end date and time of the set point group.

End of the example.

Example Example

A resource sends a request to SAP ME that contains site, resource and SFC.

SAP ME looks up the SFC details for the material, routing, and current operation for the SFC, retrieves the set point group with the following criteria, and returns all of the group’s set point parameter values, including any empty fields, to the resource.

  • The set point group’s attachments match the site and the resource in the request.

  • The set point group’s attachments match the material, routing, and current operation associated with the SFC in the request.

  • The status of the set point group is Releasable.

  • The current date and time is within the range of the effective start and end date and time of the set point group.

End of the example.