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 Maintaining Registration Tax (IRE) (New) Master Data


The Flexible Real Estate Management (RE-FX) solution for Italy allows you to administer the registration tax (IRE) data for real estate contracts. In EHP 7, the solution was extended by a new tab in the contract master data - IRE (New) Data. The following documentation describes the procedure for administering registration tax in IRE (New) Data.


To enter registration tax data, proceed as follows:

  1. On the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Start of the navigation path Accounting Next navigation step Flexible Real Estate Management Next navigation step Contract Next navigation step Process Contract End of the navigation path.

  2. On the Real Estate Contract screen, enter your company code located in Italy, your real estate contract number, and choose Change.

    The system generates a contract with an IRE (New) Data tab page.

  3. Navigate to the IRE (New) Data tab page (only contracts with Italian company codes have this tab page).

  4. To register the registration tax in the system, enter data in the fields that are related to registration.

  5. To calculate the registration tax, select the Calculate IRE checkbox.

    The system proposes the start date of the registration tax calculation (IRE Start Date) to be the value from the Contract Start Date of the contract specified in the General Data with Fast Entry or Term tab page.

    Note Note

    You can select a different start date if the registration tax should be paid later than the contract start date (that is, when transforming technical objects in leased objects).

    End of the note.
  6. Specify the payer of the tax as either L Tenant or P Landlord.

  7. In the IRE Overview Data dialog box, the system generates the first registration tax record automatically, according to the IRE Start Date. The IRE Start Date appears in the IRE Date field, and the contract status is set to B.

  8. Enter the rental object code and the calculation type according to your contract.

    Records to all subsequent registration tax dates are then generated based on this calculation type, the contract end date, and the status.

    Note Note

    If you create additional renewals or notices on the Term tab page, the system automatically recalculates the IRE data.

    End of the note.
  9. If you buy your real estate object by taking over the tenants, then you consider this as a transfer of ownership, which has to be registered manually by the user in the Transfer of Ownership field with the Acquisition (A) value.

    Note Note

    In case of annual payment, the starting registration tax record has the value Status of Contract: I (Intermediate year) and the system calculates the IRE tax amount with the corresponding calculation type.

    In case of one-time payment, the starting registration tax record has the value Status of Contract: B (At the Beginning of contract).

    End of the note.
  10. When during the validity of a contract a new tenant leases in the real estate object, you (as the landlord) do not have to terminate the contract and create a new one. Instead, you can transfer the contract to the new tenant (business partner) on the Partners tab page.

    In this case, you need to assign the new business partner to the contract. The system then creates a new registration tax record with status C (Transfer) and uses the validity of the new business partner as the date of the record.

    The fixed registration tax amount for the record is called from Customizing for Flexible Real Estate Management (RE-FX), Start of the navigation path Country-Specific Settings Next navigation step Italy Next navigation step Tax Calculation for Italy Next navigation step Registration Tax (IRE) Next navigation step Maintain Time-Dependent Parameters End of the navigation path.

    Note Note

    This function applies only for business partners with BP role TR0600 (Master Tenant with Cust. Acct).

    End of the note.
  11. To maintain registration tax data for each contract status, proceed as follows:

    Select a line in the IRE Overview Data dialog box.

    Note Note

    You can maintain only the registration tax records that are not locked. However, you can unlock every IRE record by deactivating the Record Active checkbox.

    Each time you access an unlocked registration tax time record, the system recalculates all the IRE data of the time record based only on the master data. Thus, Customizing changes that influence the registration tax data calculations are visible only when you use the recalculation function (Active/Inactive pushbutton) in the Registration Tax (IRE) (New) Report.

    End of the note.
  12. In the dialog box, enter the registration tax date, the rental object code, the calculation type, and specify the At the Beginning of Contract value in the Status of Contract field. This value determines the calculation type of the subsequent records.

    If necessary, select the Record Active checkbox to ensure that any subsequent changes to the registration tax amount are not applied to your data.

    The system automatically determines the main registration tax code and tax amount displayed in the Tax Code field from the calculation type, contract status, and type of payment. You must maintain the additional registration tax codes and tax amounts in the Tax Code 2 and Tax Code 3 fields manually.

    Note Note

    If you have chosen a calculation type that is used for one-time payment and a payment deduction is allowed for the rental object code, the system calculates the amount of one-time payment deduction based on your settings in Customizing. The system displays the calculated amount in the One-Time Pymnt Deduc. Amt. field.

    End of the note.
  13. Use the manual change pushbutton to make adjustments to the Tax Code, Amount, and One-time Payment Deduction fields. Use the Undo pushbutton to remove any changes.

  14. In Paid On, you can enter the date on which the tax obligation was paid to the tax office.

  15. You can specify a record as not relevant for further reporting or cash flow generation by selecting the Cancel Record checkbox.

  16. To manually add or remove records in IRE Overview Data, use the [+] and [-] pushbuttons.

  17. Select the Summ (summary of registration tax amount) checkbox if you want to add the tax amount of the relevant tax code or the register office value to the total amount of registration tax that appears in the IRE Total Amount field.

  18. You can enter different payback percentages per tax code and for the register office charges. If you do not specify a percentage value for a tax code, the system uses the payback percentage you entered in the Customizing activity Maintain Time-Dependent Parameters as described in Customizing for Registration Tax (IRE) (New) for the payback amount calculation of a given tax code.

    You can edit any data relating to the register office charges only after you entered a registration date in the Registration Office Data group box.

    The system can post the payback amounts only after you have activated the record. It also displays the payback amount in the IRE Payback Amount field.

    For more information about using the cash-flow-based posting method to post registration tax payback amounts, see Registration Tax (IRE) Payback Posting.

  19. If you sell your real estate objects to a customer by keeping the tenants, you consider this as a transfer of ownership, which is handled as a notice with a dedicated reason of notice in the system. You must select a Reason for Notice you have set in Customizing and the system creates a new notice in the Term tab page.

    The transfer of ownership is registered in the Transfer of Ownership field of the registration tax master data automatically with the Retirement (R) value. In this case, the system creates one registration tax record for the date of the notice with the Status of Contract: C (Transfer) with entry R in the Transfer of Ownership field in the overview table.

  20. In case of noticing a contract without transfer of ownership (the Reason for Notice is not defined for a transfer of ownership), the system creates an additional registration tax record for the noticed year with the Status of Contract: N (Noticed) and a fix amount specified during Customizing.

  21. Save your entries.

Depending on the contract status, the system displays the monthly rent, the period in months, the taxable amount of the basic rent, and the registration tax rate in the corresponding fields.

You can then execute the Registration Tax (IRE) (New) Report. For more information about the report, see Registration Tax (IRE) (New) Report.