Working With BART+

Target Audience

  • Administrator (system, application)
  • Technology consultant


BART+ is a user interface of SAP Convergent Charging. It is a console program that allows you to manage the connected instance of the SAP CC BART Server system by changing its configuration parameters. The console program runs in interactive mode to get values and to give you results or prompts for new values.

Use and Tasks

This user interface allows you to:

Configure Monitor Troubleshoot

Configure the SAP CC BART Server system (see the set command)

  • Technical features
  • Business features

Consult the SAP CC Configuration Guide for more information about the business configuration settings and the technical settings.

Monitor the batch acquisition sessions (see the monitor command)

Important Note

The changes are not immediate and you must restart your BART Server system.

The use of all the commands is detailed in this SAP product documentation. Do not forget that you must be connected and logged on to the SAP CC BART Server system to access to all the commands.


BART+ is included in both the SAP CC BART Server and the SAP CC BART Tool software units that you install in your SAP system landscape.

Getting Started

Executing the Program

On the Microsoft Windows operating system, the administrator opens a CMD/DOS console to type the commands and verify the results. On the Start main menu of MS Windows, select the Execute... submenu and type: cmd in the new displayed popup window. Launch the bart+.bat script from the directory:

  • BART Tool: <DRIVE>:\<INSTALL_DIR>\bin\
  • BART Server system: <DRIVE>:\usr\sap\<SID>\CAB<SAP_INST_NB>\script\

Under UNIX and Linux, the administrator opens a console to type the commands and verify the results. Launch the ./ script from the directory:

  • BART Tool: /<INSTALL_DIR>/bin/
  • BART Server system: /usr/sap/<SID>/CAB<SAP_INST_NB>/script/


The following information is set at installation time by SAPinst:

  • <SID> is the identifier of the SAP CC system
  • <SAP_INST_NB> is a number automatically assigned to the unique instance of the SAP CC BART Server system
  • <INSTALL_DIR> is the installation directory of SAP CC BART Tool

Connecting and Logging On

BART+ communicates directly with the SAP CC BART Server system via the HTTP Communication Interface (HCI) based on proprietary XML messages sent over HTTP.

To connect to the SAP CC BART Server component and get authenticated:

  • Once you have started BART+, type the command host to specify the distant BART Server system to connect to
    • Enter the name or IP address of the host where a BART Server system is running. Both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses can be specified.
    • Enter the communication port number
  • Type the command user to log on and to be authenticated
    • Enter your user name. The user name must correspond to an individual user.
    • Enter your password


Consult the SAP CC Security Guide to get information on communication security and user rights to perform the commands described in this documentation.

Working With the Program

Be familiar with the workspace of this console user interface.

Getting Help

You can use the help command to list the commands and get help with a particular command. Type help monitor to view information about the monitor command.


Most of the commands are only available when you are authenticated. You can use the following commands to complete your administration tasks:

Command Definition
? To view the help
debug To activate the debug mode of the program
dump To view the thread dump of the SAP CC BART Server system. When enabled, it records a thread dump file associated to this command execution.
exit To exit the program
get To view the value of a system parameter of SAP CC BART Server
h To view the help
help To view the help
host To specify the distant SAP CC system to connect to
id To view the current SAP CC user and the host information
login To authenticate the SAP CC user
logs To view the last log or trace messages from a logging destination of the SAP CC BART Server system
monitor To monitor the sessions from the SAP CC BART Server system
monitoring To monitor the sessions from the SAP CC BART Server system
normal To reactivate the normal mode of the program
output To redirect the output to a file and the console
ping To ping the connected SAP CC BART Server system
quit To exit the program
server To manage the SAP CC BART Server system
set To change the value of a system parameter of SAP CC BART Server
url To specify the distant SAP CC system from its URL
user To authenticate the SAP CC user


Troubleshooting Problems

You may have to troubleshoot some problems with your user interface or with your SAP CC environment (system, business operations).

Troubleshooting Problems With the User Interface

To troubleshoot problems that relate to the SAP CC user interface, you can:

Troubleshooting Problems With SAP CC

To troubleshoot problems that relate to the SAP CC system landscape, consider the following tasks:


Related Documentation

For more information, see the related product documentation of SAP Convergent Charging in SAP Help Portal:
Primary Help Secondary Help