Class | Description |
AccountGrp |
Account grp.
AccountingDocumentLineItemNumber |
Accounting document line item number
AccountingDocumentNumber |
Accounting document number
AccountingIndicator |
Accounting indicator
AccountingPrinciple |
Accounting Principle
AccountNumberOfBankAccountAtPostOffice |
Account Number of Bank Account At Post Office
AccountNumberOfSupplier |
Account Number of Supplier
AccountShortKeyAtTheHouseBank |
Account short key at the house bank
AcctType |
Acct type
ActiveStatusOfTransactionOrActivity |
Active status of transaction or activity
ActivityType |
Activity type
AdditionalDepreciation |
Additional Depreciation
ApplicationArea |
Application area
ApplicationLogLogNumber |
Application log: log number (no.
ApplicationLogSerialNumber |
Application log: Serial number
AssetClass |
Asset class
AssetNumber |
Asset number
AssetNumber12 |
Asset number
AssetSubnumber |
Asset subnumber
AssignmentNumber |
Assignment number
AuthorizationGroupToDataObject |
Authorization group to data object
BankAccountNumber |
Bank account number
BankControlKey |
Bank control key
BankKey |
Bank Key
BankNumber |
Bank number
BasisManualPropertyValuationAa |
Basis manual property valuation AA
BillingCategory |
Billing category
BillingType |
Billing Type
BlockKey |
Block Key
BlockKey5 |
Block Key
BranchCode |
Branch Code
BuildingNumber |
Building number
BusinessArea |
Business area
BusinessPartners |
Business partners
CentralClearingOption |
Central Clearing Option
ChangeDocumentsChangeType |
Change Documents: Change Type (U, I, S, D)
ClearingStatus |
Clearing Status (TREA)
CommitmentItem |
Commitment item
CommitmentItem24 |
Commitment item
Company |
CompanyCode |
Company code
ComponentForRwInterface |
Component for RW interface
ConditionApplication |
Condition application
ConditionKey |
Condition key
ConditionTypeFreightTaxCost |
Condition type: Freight, tax, cost,,......
ConfirmationStatus |
Confirmation status
ControllingArea |
Controlling area
CostCenter |
Cost center
CostCenterManager |
Cost center manager
CostElement |
Cost element
CostingNumber |
Costing number (unit costing/product costing)
CostingSheet |
Costing Sheet
CostObjectHierarchyNodeForProcessCosting |
Cost object: Hierarchy node for process costing
Counterconfirmation |
CountryIsoCode |
Country ISO code
CountryKey |
Country key
CurrencyAmountsDisplayedWithSignsInBapiInterfaces |
Currency amounts displayed with signs in BAPI interfaces
CurrencyAmountsInBapiInterfaces |
Currency amounts in BAPI interfaces
CurrencyField |
Currency field (13 characters with +/- sign)
CurrencyKey |
Currency Key
CurrencyType |
Currency type
CustomerNumber |
Customer Number
Department |
DepKey |
DepreciationAreaForAssets |
Depreciation area for assets
DetermineGroupingDefinition |
Determine grouping definition
DigitReferenceDocumentNumber35 |
35-Digit Reference Document Number
DirectionOfFlow |
Direction of flow
DirectionOfTransaction |
Direction of transaction
DisputeManagementDisputeInterfaceCategory |
Dispute Management: Dispute Interface Category
DistributionChannel |
Distribution channel
Division |
DocumentItemManualDocumentEntry |
Document Item: Manual Document Entry
DocumentNumberManualDocumentEntry |
Document Number: Manual Document Entry
DocumentType |
Document type
DomainForValueOfThePositionClassifier |
Domain for Value of the Position Classifier
DunningArea |
Dunning Area
DurationInYears |
Duration in years
EcsEnvironment |
ECS Environment
Element |
EquipmentSerialNumber |
Equipment serial number
EquityType |
Equity type
EvaluationGroup5 |
Evaluation group 5
EvaluationGroups |
Evaluation groups
ExchangeRate |
Exchange rate
ExchangeRateWith9DecimalPlaces |
Exchange rate with 9 decimal places
ExpensesKey |
Expenses key
ExpenseTypeForGrantor |
Expense Type for Grantor (copy of GTRT_CRM_GRM_EXPENSE_CAT)
ExternalAccount |
External Account
ExternalTradeId |
External Trade ID
FactoryCalendarId |
Factory calendar ID
FastEntryVariant |
Fast entry: Variant
FiAaJapanAssetItem |
FI-AA: Japan / Asset item (Annex16)
FiAaJapanAssetStructure |
FI-AA: Japan / Asset structure (Annex16)
FinancialAssetsManagementProductType |
Financial Assets Management product type
FiscalPeriod |
Fiscal period
FlagToUpdateFieldsInBapiStructures |
Flag to update fields in BAPI structures
FlowTypeOfFlowItem |
Flow type of flow item
FmArea |
FM area
FmBudgetPeriod |
FM: Budget Period
FmFundedProgram |
FM: Funded Program
FunctionalArea |
Functional area
FunctionalArea4 |
Functional area
FundsCenter |
Funds center
GenericSelectOptionForDynamicSelections |
'Generic' SELECT-OPTION for dynamic selections
GLAccountNumber |
G/L account number
Grant |
HedgeRequestId |
Hedge Request ID
HedgingClassification |
Hedging Classification
HedgingClassification5 |
Hedging Classification
Iban |
IdOfLength35 |
ID of Length 35
IncidExpKeyForIncidExpensesAcctSettlement |
IndexSeriesReplacementValue |
Index series replacement value
IndicatorForCostCenterType |
Indicator for cost center type
IndicatorForTheUseOfBankData |
Indicator for the use of bank data
IndicatorIfTransferredDataIsComplete |
Indicator if transferred data is complete
IndicatorWithholdingTaxType |
Indicator: Withholding Tax Type
InstructionKeyForDataMediumExchange |
Instruction key for data medium exchange
Instructions |
InsuranceCompanyAa |
Insurance company AA
InsuranceRateFiAa |
Insurance rate FI-AA
InsuranceTypeAa |
Insurance type AA
Int4FieldsWithOutputLength11InStructureSyst |
INT4 fields with output length 11 in structure SYST
Int4WithoutSigns |
INT4, without +/- signs
InterestCalculationMethodIndic |
Interest calculation method indic.
InterfaceInformationCallingApplicationKey |
Interface information: Calling Application key
InterfaceInformationObjectTypeForCallingApplication |
Interface information: Object type for calling application
InternalKeyForRealEstateObject |
Internal key for Real Estate object
InventoryNumber |
Inventory number
IsoCodeCurrency |
ISO code currency
IsoCodesForMeasurementUnits |
ISO codes for measurement units
ItemInPurchasingDocument |
Item in purchasing document
ItemNumberOfTheSdDocument |
Item number of the SD document
JibeJibeSubclassA |
JIBE/JIBE Subclass A
JibJibeClass |
JointVenture |
Joint Venture
JointVentureObjectType |
Joint Venture Object Type
KeyForInvestmentSupportMeasures |
Key for investment support measures
KeyWhichIdentifiesAFlowInTheBapi |
Key which identifies a flow in the BAPI
LandRegisterEntrySequenceNumber |
Land register entry: Sequence number
LandRegisterPage |
Land register page
LandRegisterVolume |
Land register volume
LanguageKey |
Language Key
LanguageKeyAccordingToIso639 |
Language key according to ISO 639
LeaseOutNumber |
Lease-Out number
LeasingType |
Leasing type
LedgerGroup |
Ledger Group
LicensePlateNoOfVehicle |
License plate no.
LicensePlateNumber |
License plate number
ListOfPaymentMethodsPermitted |
List of payment methods permitted
LocalFieldName |
Local field name
LogicalSystem |
Logical system
LogicalTransaction |
Logical transaction
LongMaterialNumber |
(Future development): Long material number
LowercaseCharOfLength16 |
Lowercase char of length 16
MainAssetNumber |
Main Asset Number
ManagementContractNumber |
Management contract number
MasterAgreement |
Master Agreement
MaterialNumber |
Material Number (18 Characters)
MaterialNumber40 |
Material Number (40 Characters)
MaterialRelatedOrigin |
Material-related origin
MatnrEguid |
(Future development:GUID for material no.
MerchantIdOfCreditCardCompany |
Merchant ID of credit card company
MessageNumber |
Message number
MonthEndIndicator |
Month-end indicator
MovementIndicator |
Movement indicator
NewInputValues |
New Input Values ('X', '.', or SPACE)
NumberOfAControllingDocument |
Number of a controlling document
NumberOfBusinessEntity |
Number of Business Entity
NumberOfCoBusinessProcess |
Number of CO business process
NumberOfDays |
Number of days
NumberOfRentalUnit |
Number of rental unit
NumberOfTheAdjustmentPortfolio |
Number of the adjustment portfolio
OptionCategoryStandardDownOutUpInDigital |
Option category: standard, down&out, up&in, digital, ...
OptionExerciseType |
Option exercise type (American or European)
OrderItemNumber |
Order Item Number
OrderNumber |
Order number
Origin |
Origin (sub-division of account)
PackedField8CharactersWODecimalPlaces |
Packed Field, 8 Characters w/o Decimal Places
PackedPercentageNnnNn |
Packed percentage NNN,NN
PackedPercentageRateNnNnn |
Packed percentage rate NN,NNN
PartnerName |
Partner name
PaymentCardCompany |
Payment card company
PaymentCardNumber |
Payment card number
PaymentCardsEntryMode |
Payment cards: Entry mode
PaymentCardsPointOfReceiptForTheTransaction |
Payment cards: Point of receipt for the transaction
PaymentKey |
Payment key
PaymentMethodSupplement |
Payment method supplement
PaymentServiceProvider |
Payment Service Provider
PaymentTypeForGrantor |
Payment Type for Grantor (copy of GTRT_CRM_GRM_PAYMENT_TYPE)
PercentageRateForDepCalc |
Percentage rate for dep.
PercentageRatePackedWithSignNnnnNnnv |
Percentage rate packed with +/- sign NNNN,NNNV
PeriodBlock |
Period block
PeriodsDepCalculation |
Periods dep.
PersonnelNumber |
Personnel number
Plant |
PoBox |
PO Box
PorReferenceNumber |
POR reference number
PorSubscriberNumber |
POR subscriber number
PortfolioPosition |
Portfolio position
PostalCode |
Postal code
PostingPeriod |
Posting period
PostingStatusOfFlow |
Posting status of flow
PriceUnitInControllingAreaCurrency |
Price unit in controlling area currency
PrinterName |
Printer name
PriorYearTransactionOrNotForCurrentYearCalculation |
Prior Year Transaction or Not for current year calculation
ProcessTemplate |
Process template
ProfitabilitySegmentNumber |
Profitability segment number (CO-PA)
ProfitCenter |
Profit center
ProjectItemNumber |
Project item number (external)
PropertyClassificationKeyAm |
Property classification key AM
PropertyIndicator |
Property indicator
PropertyNumberForBe |
Property number for BE
PurchasingDocumentNumber |
Purchasing document number
PutCallIndicator |
Put/call indicator
QuantityFieldLength8WithSign |
Quantity field, length 8, with +/- sign
RDAssetSpecialTreatment |
R & D asset - Special treatment
RealEstateContractNumber |
Real Estate contract number
RealEstateOptionRate |
Real estate option rate
ReasonForAssetInvestment |
Reason for asset investment
ReasonForEnvironmentalInvestment |
Reason for environmental investment
ReasonForReversal |
Reason for reversal
ReasonForTaxExemption |
Reason for Tax Exemption
ReceiverKeyForServiceChargeSettlement |
Receiver key for service charge settlement (DARWIN)
RecoveryIndicator |
Recovery indicator
ReferenceDocumentNumber |
Reference Document Number
RegionalCode |
Regional code
RepetitiveCode |
Repetitive Code
ReportKeyForDataMediumExchange |
Report key for data medium exchange
ReservationReason |
Reservation reason
Resource |
ResultsAnalysisKey |
Results analysis key
RoutingNumberForOperations |
Routing number for operations
SalesAndDistributionDocumentNumber |
Sales and distribution document number
SalesGroup |
Sales group
SalesOffice |
Sales office
SalesOrganization |
Sales Organization
SegmentForSegmentalReporting |
Segment for Segmental Reporting
SelectionOperatorOption |
Selection operator OPTION (as per range table)
SelectionOperatorSign |
Selection operator SIGN (as per range table)
ServiceIndicator |
Service indicator
SetId |
Set ID
SettlementIndicator |
Settlement Indicator
ShiftFactorForDepCalc |
Shift factor for dep.
ShortKeyForAHouseBank |
Short key for a house bank
SponsorFund |
SponsorFund20 |
StateCentralBankIndicator |
State central bank indicator
StatusOfTheDocumentThatIsTransferredToAccounting |
Status of the document that is transferred to Accounting
SubstructureIdentification |
Substructure identification
SupplementaryInventorySpecifications |
Supplementary inventory specifications
SwapRateWith9DecimalPlaces |
Swap rate with 9 decimal places
SwiftCode |
SWIFT code
TableName |
Table Name
TaxBaseUnit |
Tax Base Unit
TaxCode1 |
Tax code 1
TaxesOnSalesPuchasesCode |
Taxes on sales/puchases code
TaxJurisdiction |
Tax Jurisdiction
TaxNumber2 |
Tax number 2
TaxNumberOfTheNoticeOfAssessment |
Tax number of the notice of assessment
TextFieldForAnAmount |
Text field for an amount (18 characters)
ThresholdScheme |
Threshold Scheme
Trader |
Transaction |
TransactionActivity |
Transaction activity
TransactionActivityCategory |
Transaction activity category
TransactionId |
Transaction ID
TransactionReleaseReleaseStatus |
Transaction release: Release status
TransactionType |
Transaction type
TreasuryFinanceProject |
Treasury finance project
TreasuryGeneralValuationClass |
Treasury: General valuation class
TypeNameOfCommodity |
Type name of commodity
UniqueIdentificationOfTheTransactionInThePspSystem |
Unique Identification of the Transaction in the PSP System
UnitsOfMeasurementOfVariousTypes |
Units of Measurement of Various Types
UniversalUniqueIdentifier |
Universal Unique Identifier
UsageOfTheConditionTable |
Usage of the condition table
UserNameInUserMasterRecord |
User Name in User Master Record
UuidInCharacterForm |
UUID in character form
ValuationKey |
Valuation key
ValuationType |
Valuation Type
VatRegistrationNumber |
VAT Registration Number
Version |
VersionIdentification |
Version identification
VersionNumber |
(Future development): Version number (material)
WbsElementNumber |
WBS element number (internal counter as DB key)
WithholdingTaxCode |
Withholding tax code
WorkCenterLocation |
Work center location
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