public final class LineItemsActivityAllocationActualPosting extends Object
Structure: BAPIAAITM
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
static class |
LineItemsActivityAllocationActualPosting.LineItemsActivityAllocationActualPostingBuilder |
public void validate() throws IllegalArgumentException
@Generated(value="lombok") public static LineItemsActivityAllocationActualPosting.LineItemsActivityAllocationActualPostingBuilder builder()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public CostCenter getSendCctr()
Domain name: KOSTL Internal type: C Max length: 20
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public ActivityType getActtype()
Domain name: LSTAR Internal type: C Max length: 12
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public NumberOfCoBusinessProcess getSenbusproc()
Domain name: CO_PRZNR Internal type: C Max length: 24
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public QuantityFieldLength8WithSign getActvtyQty()
Domain name: MENGV8 Internal type: P Max length: 8
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public UnitsOfMeasurementOfVariousTypes getActivityun()
Domain name: MEINS Internal type: C Max length: 6
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public IsoCodesForMeasurementUnits getActivityunIso()
Domain name: ISOCD_UNIT Internal type: C Max length: 6
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public CurrencyAmountsInBapiInterfaces getPrice()
Domain name: BAPICURR Internal type: P Max length: 12
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public CurrencyKey getCurrency()
Domain name: WAERS Internal type: C Max length: 10
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public IsoCodeCurrency getCurrencyIso()
Domain name: ISOCD Internal type: C Max length: 6
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public QuantityFieldLength8WithSign getPosOutqty()
Domain name: MENGV8 Internal type: P Max length: 8
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public UnitsOfMeasurementOfVariousTypes getPostoutun()
Domain name: MEINS Internal type: C Max length: 6
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public IsoCodesForMeasurementUnits getPostoutunIso()
Domain name: ISOCD_UNIT Internal type: C Max length: 6
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public PersonnelNumber getPersonNo()
Domain name: PERNR Internal type: N Max length: 16
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getSegText()
Domain name: TEXT50 Internal type: C Max length: 100
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public CostCenter getRecCctr()
Domain name: KOSTL Internal type: C Max length: 20
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public OrderNumber getRecOrder()
Domain name: AUFNR Internal type: C Max length: 24
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public ProjectItemNumber getRecWbsEl()
Domain name: PS_POSID Internal type: C Max length: 48
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public SalesAndDistributionDocumentNumber getRecsaleord()
Domain name: VBELN Internal type: C Max length: 20
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public ItemNumberOfTheSdDocument getRecitem()
Domain name: POSNR Internal type: N Max length: 12
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public CostObjectHierarchyNodeForProcessCosting getReccostobj()
Domain name: KSTRG Internal type: C Max length: 24
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public NumberOfCoBusinessProcess getRecbusproc()
Domain name: CO_PRZNR Internal type: C Max length: 24
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public OrderNumber getRecNetwrk()
Domain name: AUFNR Internal type: C Max length: 24
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public TransactionId getRecoperatn()
Domain name: VORNR Internal type: C Max length: 8
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public OrderNumber getRecrunschd()
Domain name: SA_AUFNR Internal type: C Max length: 24
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public MaterialNumber getMaterial()
Domain name: MATNR18 Internal type: C Max length: 36
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public VersionIdentification getProdVersn()
Domain name: VERID Internal type: C Max length: 8
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public Plant getPlant()
Domain name: WERKS Internal type: C Max length: 8
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public CostingNumber getRecprcmtproc()
Domain name: CK_KALNR Internal type: N Max length: 24
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public AccountingDocumentLineItemNumber getItemnoAcc()
Domain name: POSNR_ACC Internal type: N Max length: 20
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public AccountingIndicator getRecCalcMotive()
Domain name: BEMOT Internal type: C Max length: 4
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public ActivityType getRecacttype()
Domain name: LSTAR Internal type: C Max length: 12
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public CompanyCode getSreCompCode()
Domain name: BUKRS Internal type: C Max length: 8
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public NumberOfBusinessEntity getSreBusEnt()
Domain name: SWENR Internal type: C Max length: 16
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public PropertyNumberForBe getSreProperty()
Domain name: SGRNR Internal type: C Max length: 16
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public BuildingNumber getSreBuilding()
Domain name: SGENR Internal type: C Max length: 16
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public NumberOfRentalUnit getSreRentUnit()
Domain name: SMENR Internal type: C Max length: 16
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public LeaseOutNumber getSreLease()
Domain name: VVSMIVE Internal type: C Max length: 26
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public ManagementContractNumber getSreMgmtCon()
Domain name: VVSVWNR Internal type: C Max length: 26
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public IncidExpKeyForIncidExpensesAcctSettlement getSreIncExp()
Domain name: SNKSL Internal type: C Max length: 8
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public ReceiverKeyForServiceChargeSettlement getSreSettUnit()
Domain name: SEMPSL Internal type: C Max length: 10
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public org.joda.time.LocalDate getSreRefDate()
Domain name: DDAT Internal type: D Max length: 16
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public RealEstateContractNumber getSreConNo()
Domain name: RECNNR Internal type: C Max length: 26
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public CompanyCode getRreCompCode()
Domain name: BUKRS Internal type: C Max length: 8
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public NumberOfBusinessEntity getRreBusEnt()
Domain name: SWENR Internal type: C Max length: 16
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public PropertyNumberForBe getRreProperty()
Domain name: SGRNR Internal type: C Max length: 16
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public BuildingNumber getRreBuilding()
Domain name: SGENR Internal type: C Max length: 16
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public NumberOfRentalUnit getRreRentUnit()
Domain name: SMENR Internal type: C Max length: 16
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public LeaseOutNumber getRreLease()
Domain name: VVSMIVE Internal type: C Max length: 26
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public ManagementContractNumber getRreMgmtCon()
Domain name: VVSVWNR Internal type: C Max length: 26
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public IncidExpKeyForIncidExpensesAcctSettlement getRreIncExp()
Domain name: SNKSL Internal type: C Max length: 8
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public ReceiverKeyForServiceChargeSettlement getRreSettUnit()
Domain name: SEMPSL Internal type: C Max length: 10
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public org.joda.time.LocalDate getRreRefDate()
Domain name: DDAT Internal type: D Max length: 16
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public RealEstateContractNumber getRreConNo()
Domain name: RECNNR Internal type: C Max length: 26
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public LongMaterialNumber getMaterialExternal()
Domain name: MATNR_EXT Internal type: C Max length: 80
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public MatnrEguid getMaterialGuid()
Domain name: MATNR_EGUID Internal type: C Max length: 64
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public VersionNumber getMaterialVersion()
Domain name: MATNR_VERS Internal type: C Max length: 20
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public SponsorFund getRecFund()
Domain name: BP_GEBER Internal type: C Max length: 20
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public FunctionalArea getRecFunction()
Domain name: FKBER Internal type: C Max length: 32
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public Grant getRecGrant()
Domain name: GM_GRANT_NBR Internal type: C Max length: 40
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public SponsorFund getSendFund()
Domain name: BP_GEBER Internal type: C Max length: 20
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public FunctionalArea getSendFunction()
Domain name: FKBER Internal type: C Max length: 32
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public Grant getSendGrant()
Domain name: GM_GRANT_NBR Internal type: C Max length: 40
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public CurrencyAmountsInBapiInterfaces getPriceFix()
Domain name: BAPICURR Internal type: P Max length: 12
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public CurrencyAmountsInBapiInterfaces getPriceVar()
Domain name: BAPICURR Internal type: P Max length: 12
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public PriceUnitInControllingAreaCurrency getPriceUnit()
Domain name: PRCUNIT Internal type: N Max length: 10
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public CurrencyAmountsInBapiInterfaces getValueTotal()
Domain name: BAPICURR Internal type: P Max length: 12
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public CurrencyAmountsInBapiInterfaces getValueFix()
Domain name: BAPICURR Internal type: P Max length: 12
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public CurrencyAmountsInBapiInterfaces getValueVar()
Domain name: BAPICURR Internal type: P Max length: 12
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getRecFundLong()
Domain name: CHAR20 Internal type: C Max length: 40
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getSendFundLong()
Domain name: CHAR20 Internal type: C Max length: 40
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public FmBudgetPeriod getRecBudgetPeriod()
Domain name: FM_BUDGET_PERIOD Internal type: C Max length: 20
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public FmBudgetPeriod getSendBudgetPeriod()
Domain name: FM_BUDGET_PERIOD Internal type: C Max length: 20
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public MaterialNumber40 getMaterialLong()
Domain name: MATNR40 Internal type: C Max length: 80
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public Resource getSenRsrce()
Domain name: CO_RESSOURCE Internal type: C Max length: 20
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public Resource getRecRsrce()
Domain name: CO_RESSOURCE Internal type: C Max length: 20
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getRecWorkItm()
Domain name: Internal type: C Max length: 20
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public org.joda.time.LocalDate getServDate()
Domain name: DATUM Internal type: D Max length: 16
@Generated(value="lombok") public boolean equals(Object o)
@Generated(value="lombok") public int hashCode()
@Generated(value="lombok") public String toString()
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