Class | Description |
BR_NFAdditionalInformation |
Nota Fiscal Additional Information
BR_NFAdditionalInformation.BR_NFAdditionalInformationBuilder |
Helper class to allow for fluent creation of BR_NFAdditionalInformation instances.
BR_NFAdditionalInformationByKeyFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch a single
BR_NFAdditionalInformation entity using key fields. |
BR_NFAdditionalInformationCreateFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to create a new
BR_NFAdditionalInformation entity and save it to the S/4HANA system. |
BR_NFAdditionalInformationFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch multiple
BR_NFAdditionalInformation entities. |
BR_NFAdditionalInformationUpdateFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to update an existing
BR_NFAdditionalInformation entity and save it to the S/4HANA system. |
BR_NFAdditionImportDoc |
Nota Fiscal Import Document Additions
BR_NFAdditionImportDoc.BR_NFAdditionImportDocBuilder |
Helper class to allow for fluent creation of BR_NFAdditionImportDoc instances.
BR_NFAdditionImportDocByKeyFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch a single
BR_NFAdditionImportDoc entity using key fields. |
BR_NFAdditionImportDocCreateFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to create a new
BR_NFAdditionImportDoc entity and save it to the S/4HANA system. |
BR_NFAdditionImportDocFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch multiple
BR_NFAdditionImportDoc entities. |
BR_NFAdditionImportDocUpdateFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to update an existing
BR_NFAdditionImportDoc entity and save it to the S/4HANA system. |
BR_NFDocument |
Nota Fiscal
BR_NFDocument.BR_NFDocumentBuilder |
Helper class to allow for fluent creation of BR_NFDocument instances.
BR_NFDocumentByKeyFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch a single
BR_NFDocument entity using key fields. |
BR_NFDocumentCreateFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to create a new
BR_NFDocument entity and save it to the S/4HANA system. |
BR_NFDocumentFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch multiple
BR_NFDocument entities. |
BR_NFDocumentUpdateFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to update an existing
BR_NFDocument entity and save it to the S/4HANA system. |
BR_NFePayment |
Nota Fiscal Payments
BR_NFePayment.BR_NFePaymentBuilder |
Helper class to allow for fluent creation of BR_NFePayment instances.
BR_NFePaymentByKeyFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch a single
BR_NFePayment entity using key fields. |
BR_NFePaymentCreateFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to create a new
BR_NFePayment entity and save it to the S/4HANA system. |
BR_NFePaymentFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch multiple
BR_NFePayment entities. |
BR_NFePaymentUpdateFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to update an existing
BR_NFePayment entity and save it to the S/4HANA system. |
BR_NFePharmaceutical |
Nota Fiscal Pharmaceutical Items
BR_NFePharmaceutical.BR_NFePharmaceuticalBuilder |
Helper class to allow for fluent creation of BR_NFePharmaceutical instances.
BR_NFePharmaceuticalByKeyFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch a single
BR_NFePharmaceutical entity using key fields. |
BR_NFePharmaceuticalCreateFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to create a new
BR_NFePharmaceutical entity and save it to the S/4HANA system. |
BR_NFePharmaceuticalFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch multiple
BR_NFePharmaceutical entities. |
BR_NFePharmaceuticalUpdateFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to update an existing
BR_NFePharmaceutical entity and save it to the S/4HANA system. |
BR_NFeProductTraceability |
Nota Fiscal Traceability Data
BR_NFeProductTraceability.BR_NFeProductTraceabilityBuilder |
Helper class to allow for fluent creation of BR_NFeProductTraceability instances.
BR_NFeProductTraceabilityByKeyFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch a single
BR_NFeProductTraceability entity using key fields. |
BR_NFeProductTraceabilityCreateFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to create a new
BR_NFeProductTraceability entity and save it to the S/4HANA system. |
BR_NFeProductTraceabilityFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch multiple
BR_NFeProductTraceability entities. |
BR_NFeProductTraceabilityUpdateFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to update an existing
BR_NFeProductTraceability entity and save it to the S/4HANA system. |
BR_NFExportDocument |
Nota Fiscal Export Document Data
BR_NFExportDocument.BR_NFExportDocumentBuilder |
Helper class to allow for fluent creation of BR_NFExportDocument instances.
BR_NFExportDocumentByKeyFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch a single
BR_NFExportDocument entity using key fields. |
BR_NFExportDocumentCreateFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to create a new
BR_NFExportDocument entity and save it to the S/4HANA system. |
BR_NFExportDocumentFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch multiple
BR_NFExportDocument entities. |
BR_NFExportDocumentUpdateFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to update an existing
BR_NFExportDocument entity and save it to the S/4HANA system. |
BR_NFFuel |
Nota Fiscal Fuel Data
BR_NFFuel.BR_NFFuelBuilder |
Helper class to allow for fluent creation of BR_NFFuel instances.
BR_NFFuelByKeyFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch a single
entity using key fields. |
BR_NFFuelCreateFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to create a new
entity and save it to the S/4HANA system. |
BR_NFFuelFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch multiple
entities. |
BR_NFFuelUpdateFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to update an existing
entity and save it to the S/4HANA system. |
BR_NFImportDocument |
Nota Fiscal Import Documents
BR_NFImportDocument.BR_NFImportDocumentBuilder |
Helper class to allow for fluent creation of BR_NFImportDocument instances.
BR_NFImportDocumentByKeyFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch a single
BR_NFImportDocument entity using key fields. |
BR_NFImportDocumentCreateFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to create a new
BR_NFImportDocument entity and save it to the S/4HANA system. |
BR_NFImportDocumentFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch multiple
BR_NFImportDocument entities. |
BR_NFImportDocumentUpdateFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to update an existing
BR_NFImportDocument entity and save it to the S/4HANA system. |
BR_NFItem |
Nota Fiscal Items
BR_NFItem.BR_NFItemBuilder |
Helper class to allow for fluent creation of BR_NFItem instances.
BR_NFItemByKeyFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch a single
entity using key fields. |
BR_NFItemCreateFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to create a new
entity and save it to the S/4HANA system. |
BR_NFItemFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch multiple
entities. |
Nota Fiscal NVE Codes
BR_NFItemNVE.BR_NFItemNVEBuilder |
Helper class to allow for fluent creation of BR_NFItemNVE instances.
BR_NFItemNVEByKeyFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch a single
BR_NFItemNVE entity using key fields. |
BR_NFItemNVECreateFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to create a new
BR_NFItemNVE entity and save it to the S/4HANA system. |
BR_NFItemNVEFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch multiple
BR_NFItemNVE entities. |
BR_NFItemNVEUpdateFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to update an existing
BR_NFItemNVE entity and save it to the S/4HANA system. |
BR_NFItemUpdateFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to update an existing
entity and save it to the S/4HANA system. |
BR_NFPartner |
Nota Fiscal Partners
BR_NFPartner.BR_NFPartnerBuilder |
Helper class to allow for fluent creation of BR_NFPartner instances.
BR_NFPartnerByKeyFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch a single
BR_NFPartner entity using key fields. |
BR_NFPartnerCreateFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to create a new
BR_NFPartner entity and save it to the S/4HANA system. |
BR_NFPartnerFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch multiple
BR_NFPartner entities. |
BR_NFPartnerUpdateFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to update an existing
BR_NFPartner entity and save it to the S/4HANA system. |
BR_NFReferencedProcess |
Nota Fiscal Referenced Processes
BR_NFReferencedProcess.BR_NFReferencedProcessBuilder |
Helper class to allow for fluent creation of BR_NFReferencedProcess instances.
BR_NFReferencedProcessByKeyFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch a single
BR_NFReferencedProcess entity using key fields. |
BR_NFReferencedProcessCreateFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to create a new
BR_NFReferencedProcess entity and save it to the S/4HANA system. |
BR_NFReferencedProcessFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch multiple
BR_NFReferencedProcess entities. |
BR_NFReferencedProcessUpdateFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to update an existing
BR_NFReferencedProcess entity and save it to the S/4HANA system. |
BR_NFSugarCaneDeductible |
Nota Fiscal Sugar Cane Deductibles Data
BR_NFSugarCaneDeductible.BR_NFSugarCaneDeductibleBuilder |
Helper class to allow for fluent creation of BR_NFSugarCaneDeductible instances.
BR_NFSugarCaneDeductibleByKeyFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch a single
BR_NFSugarCaneDeductible entity using key fields. |
BR_NFSugarCaneDeductibleCreateFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to create a new
BR_NFSugarCaneDeductible entity and save it to the S/4HANA system. |
BR_NFSugarCaneDeductibleFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch multiple
BR_NFSugarCaneDeductible entities. |
BR_NFSugarCaneDeductibleUpdateFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to update an existing
BR_NFSugarCaneDeductible entity and save it to the S/4HANA system. |
BR_NFSugarCaneSupply |
Nota Fiscal Sugar Cane Supply Data
BR_NFSugarCaneSupply.BR_NFSugarCaneSupplyBuilder |
Helper class to allow for fluent creation of BR_NFSugarCaneSupply instances.
BR_NFSugarCaneSupplyByKeyFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch a single
BR_NFSugarCaneSupply entity using key fields. |
BR_NFSugarCaneSupplyCreateFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to create a new
BR_NFSugarCaneSupply entity and save it to the S/4HANA system. |
BR_NFSugarCaneSupplyFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch multiple
BR_NFSugarCaneSupply entities. |
BR_NFSugarCaneSupplyUpdateFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to update an existing
BR_NFSugarCaneSupply entity and save it to the S/4HANA system. |
Nota Fiscal Taxes
Helper class to allow for fluent creation of BR_NFTAX instances.
BR_NFTAXByKeyFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch a single
BR_NFTAX entity
using key fields. |
BR_NFTAXCreateFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to create a new
BR_NFTAX entity
and save it to the S/4HANA system. |
BR_NFTAXFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch multiple
entities. |
BR_NFTAXUpdateFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to update an existing
BR_NFTAX entity
and save it to the S/4HANA system. |
BR_NFTradeNote |
Nota Fiscal Trade Notes
BR_NFTradeNote.BR_NFTradeNoteBuilder |
Helper class to allow for fluent creation of BR_NFTradeNote instances.
BR_NFTradeNoteByKeyFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch a single
BR_NFTradeNote entity using key fields. |
BR_NFTradeNoteCreateFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to create a new
BR_NFTradeNote entity and save it to the S/4HANA system. |
BR_NFTradeNoteFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch multiple
BR_NFTradeNote entities. |
BR_NFTradeNoteUpdateFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to update an existing
BR_NFTradeNote entity and save it to the S/4HANA system. |
BR_NFTrailer |
Nota Fiscal Trailer Data
BR_NFTrailer.BR_NFTrailerBuilder |
Helper class to allow for fluent creation of BR_NFTrailer instances.
BR_NFTrailerByKeyFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch a single
BR_NFTrailer entity using key fields. |
BR_NFTrailerCreateFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to create a new
BR_NFTrailer entity and save it to the S/4HANA system. |
BR_NFTrailerFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch multiple
BR_NFTrailer entities. |
BR_NFTrailerUpdateFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to update an existing
BR_NFTrailer entity and save it to the S/4HANA system. |
BR_NFTransportedVolume |
Nota Fiscal Transported Volumes
BR_NFTransportedVolume.BR_NFTransportedVolumeBuilder |
Helper class to allow for fluent creation of BR_NFTransportedVolume instances.
BR_NFTransportedVolumeByKeyFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch a single
BR_NFTransportedVolume entity using key fields. |
BR_NFTransportedVolumeCreateFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to create a new
BR_NFTransportedVolume entity and save it to the S/4HANA system. |
BR_NFTransportedVolumeFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch multiple
BR_NFTransportedVolume entities. |
BR_NFTransportedVolumeUpdateFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to update an existing
BR_NFTransportedVolume entity and save it to the S/4HANA system. |
BR_NFVehicle |
Nota Fiscal Vehicles
BR_NFVehicle.BR_NFVehicleBuilder |
Helper class to allow for fluent creation of BR_NFVehicle instances.
BR_NFVehicleByKeyFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch a single
BR_NFVehicle entity using key fields. |
BR_NFVehicleCreateFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to create a new
BR_NFVehicle entity and save it to the S/4HANA system. |
BR_NFVehicleFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch multiple
BR_NFVehicle entities. |
BR_NFVehicleUpdateFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to update an existing
BR_NFVehicle entity and save it to the S/4HANA system. |
BR_OneTimePartner |
Nota Fiscal One Time Partners
BR_OneTimePartner.BR_OneTimePartnerBuilder |
Helper class to allow for fluent creation of BR_OneTimePartner instances.
BR_OneTimePartnerByKeyFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch a single
BR_OneTimePartner entity using key fields. |
BR_OneTimePartnerCreateFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to create a new
BR_OneTimePartner entity and save it to the S/4HANA system. |
BR_OneTimePartnerFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch multiple
BR_OneTimePartner entities. |
BR_OneTimePartnerUpdateFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to update an existing
BR_OneTimePartner entity and save it to the S/4HANA system. |
BR_TechnicalResponsible |
Nota Fiscal Technical Responsibles
BR_TechnicalResponsible.BR_TechnicalResponsibleBuilder |
Helper class to allow for fluent creation of BR_TechnicalResponsible instances.
BR_TechnicalResponsibleByKeyFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch a single
BR_TechnicalResponsible entity using key fields. |
BR_TechnicalResponsibleCreateFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to create a new
BR_TechnicalResponsible entity and save it to the S/4HANA system. |
BR_TechnicalResponsibleFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch multiple
BR_TechnicalResponsible entities. |
BR_TechnicalResponsibleUpdateFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to update an existing
BR_TechnicalResponsible entity and save it to the S/4HANA system. |
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