public static final class ClfnCharcValueForKeyDate.ClfnCharcValueForKeyDateBuilder extends Object
@Nonnull public ClfnCharcValueForKeyDate.ClfnCharcValueForKeyDateBuilder charcValueDesc(ClfnCharcValueDescForKeyDate... value)
- The ClfnCharcValueDescForKeyDates to build this ClfnCharcValueForKeyDate with.@Nonnull public ClfnCharcValueForKeyDate.ClfnCharcValueForKeyDateBuilder charcInternalID(@Nullable String charcInternalID)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: CharcInternalID
.@Nonnull public ClfnCharcValueForKeyDate.ClfnCharcValueForKeyDateBuilder charcValuePositionNumber(@Nullable String charcValuePositionNumber)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: CharcValuePositionNumber
.@Nonnull public ClfnCharcValueForKeyDate.ClfnCharcValueForKeyDateBuilder charcValueDependency(@Nullable String charcValueDependency)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: CharcValueDependency
Example: 1.54>-<2.088The coding of the individual possible entries is described below.Code Operator Value1 Operator Value21 EQ2 GE LT3 GE LE4 GT LT5 GT LE6 LT7 LE8 GT9 GE
.@Nonnull public ClfnCharcValueForKeyDate.ClfnCharcValueForKeyDateBuilder charcValue(@Nullable String charcValue)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: CharcValue
If the characteristic has character format (CHAR), this field contains a single character string.Values in time
format (TIME) must have the format HH:MM:SS. The separators are set automatically. Example: 112855 -->
11:28:55The values in date format (DATE) must have the format DD.MM.YYYY. The separators are set automatically.
Example: 110100 --> 11.01.2000NoteIf you valuate validity parameters, you cannot specify intervals. You can only
specify individual values.The following description does not apply to the valuation of validity parameters:If the
characteristic format is numeric (NUM), time (TIME), or date (DATE), you can enter a number or (if allowed) an
interval.Intervals are written in the following format:Value1 - Value2 (from Value1 to Value2)>Value1 (greater
than Value1)>=Value1 (greater than or equal to Value1)
.@Nonnull public ClfnCharcValueForKeyDate.ClfnCharcValueForKeyDateBuilder charcFromNumericValue(@Nullable Double charcFromNumericValue)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: CharcFromNumericValue
.@Nonnull public ClfnCharcValueForKeyDate.ClfnCharcValueForKeyDateBuilder charcToNumericValue(@Nullable Double charcToNumericValue)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: CharcToNumericValue
.@Nonnull public ClfnCharcValueForKeyDate.ClfnCharcValueForKeyDateBuilder isDefaultValue(@Nullable Boolean isDefaultValue)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: IsDefaultValue
.@Nonnull public ClfnCharcValueForKeyDate.ClfnCharcValueForKeyDateBuilder charcFromNumericValueUnit(@Nullable String charcFromNumericValueUnit)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: CharcFromNumericValueUnit
This format is used for internal processing.The internal format is automatically replaced by either the external commercial (three-character) or technical (six-character) format before output to the screen.
.@Nonnull public ClfnCharcValueForKeyDate.ClfnCharcValueForKeyDateBuilder charcToNumericValueUnit(@Nullable String charcToNumericValueUnit)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: CharcToNumericValueUnit
This format is used for internal processing.The internal format is automatically replaced by either the external commercial (three-character) or technical (six-character) format before output to the screen.
.@Nonnull public ClfnCharcValueForKeyDate.ClfnCharcValueForKeyDateBuilder longTextID(@Nullable String longTextID)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: LongTextID
.@Nonnull public ClfnCharcValueForKeyDate.ClfnCharcValueForKeyDateBuilder changeNumber(@Nullable String changeNumber)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ChangeNumber
If you make a change with reference to a change number, or create an object with a change number, the following functions are at your disposal:The system determines the validity conditionsThe conditions that the change is effective under can be defined in the change master record as follows:Changes with a date validity (valid-from date)Changes with parameter effectivity (for example: serial no. effectivity)Log of the changes madeDocumentation of the changesAssignment of a revision level to a change state of a material or documentRelease of changes for the different areas in the company
.@Nonnull public ClfnCharcValueForKeyDate.ClfnCharcValueForKeyDateBuilder documentType(@Nullable String documentType)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: DocumentType
organizational procedures which result from them.this
.@Nonnull public ClfnCharcValueForKeyDate.ClfnCharcValueForKeyDateBuilder docNumber(@Nullable String docNumber)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: DocNumber
.@Nonnull public ClfnCharcValueForKeyDate.ClfnCharcValueForKeyDateBuilder documentPart(@Nullable String documentPart)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: DocumentPart
Design departments, for example, can use document parts to divide up large documents such as design drawings into pages.
.@Nonnull public ClfnCharcValueForKeyDate.ClfnCharcValueForKeyDateBuilder documentVersion(@Nullable String documentVersion)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: DocumentVersion
A new version is assigned after the original files have been edited in the following processing situations:The new processing status varies from the original in a certain way (for example, text change sin a text file).You want the original processing status to remain the same (for example, documentation of project progress).
.@Nonnull public ClfnCharcValueForKeyDate.ClfnCharcValueForKeyDateBuilder validityStartDate(@Nullable LocalDateTime validityStartDate)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ValidityStartDate
.@Nonnull public ClfnCharcValueForKeyDate.ClfnCharcValueForKeyDateBuilder validityEndDate(@Nullable LocalDateTime validityEndDate)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ValidityEndDate
.@Nonnull public ClfnCharcValueForKeyDate.ClfnCharcValueForKeyDateBuilder keyDate(@Nullable LocalDateTime keyDate)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: KeyDate
.@Nonnull public ClfnCharcValueForKeyDate.ClfnCharcValueForKeyDateBuilder charcLastChangedDateTime(@Nullable ZonedDateTime charcLastChangedDateTime)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: CharcLastChangedDateTime
In order to convert local time into a UTC time stamp, which makes it easier to compare times, the local time must be converted according to your time zone. The ABAP command convert is available for this purpose.Even if the time zone that the conversion is based on can be redetermined from Customizing or master data, we still recommend that you save the time zone.The internal structure of the high-resolution UTC time stamp is logically organized in date and time sections in a packed decimal format (YYYYMMDDhhmmssmmmuuun), which depicts the year, month, day, hour,second, millisecond, microsecond and the first decimal of the nanoseconds. Please note that the hardware that is normally used does not fully support a resolution of 100 nanoseconds, which is available in the structure.See also GET TIME STAMPA UTC time stamp in short form is also available.
.@Nonnull public ClfnCharcValueForKeyDate build()
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