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SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript / TypeScript

Switch to Open Source version

Some packages of the SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript have been migrated to external GitHub. As a result, the packages were renamed as shown in the table below. No Breaking changes were made. Please use the new packages from now on.

old package name new package name
@sap/cloud-sdk-util @sap-cloud-sdk/util
@sap/cloud-sdk-analytics @sap-cloud-sdk/analytics
@sap/cloud-sdk-core @sap-cloud-sdk/core
@sap/cloud-sdk-generator @sap-cloud-sdk/generator
@sap/cloud-sdk-test-util @sap-cloud-sdk/test-util

How to use the Open Source version

  1. Search for all your dependencies/devDependencies/peerDependencies in your package.json.
  2. Replace the old package name e.g., @sap/cloud-sdk-core with the new one e. g.@sap-cloud-sdk/core.
  3. Use a stable version of the SDK e.g., ^1.18.0.
  4. Delete your node_modules and the package-lock.json.
  5. Install your dependencies, run: npm i.
  6. Search your source code for references to the old packages (e. g. in import statements) and replace them with the new names.

Version: 1.20.0

The SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript and TypeScript consists of multiple libraries to enable you to write side-by-side extensions on SAP Cloud Platform.

You can find tutorials that showcase some of the typical use cases on developers.sap.com. If you have questions, you can reach out to us on StackOverflow using the tag sap-cloud-sdk and on answers.sap.com using the tag SAP Cloud SDK. Also, you can browse our release notes to check out what's new in each version.

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