Interface | Description |
ProductDescriptionSelectable |
Interface to enable OData entity selectors for
ProductDescription . |
ProductPlantSelectable |
Interface to enable OData entity selectors for
ProductPlant . |
ProductSalesDeliverySelectable |
Interface to enable OData entity selectors for
ProductSalesDelivery . |
ProductSelectable |
Interface to enable OData entity selectors for
Product . |
ProductStorageLocationSelectable |
Interface to enable OData entity selectors for
ProductStorageLocation . |
RawSubstanceSelectable |
Interface to enable OData entity selectors for
RawSubstance . |
SpecAssignedMatlForKeyDateSelectable |
Interface to enable OData entity selectors for
SpecAssignedMatlForKeyDate . |
SpecAuthorizationGroupTextSelectable |
Interface to enable OData entity selectors for
SpecAuthorizationGroupText . |
SpecCharByValueAssgmtInstSelectable |
Interface to enable OData entity selectors for
SpecCharByValueAssgmtInst . |
SpecIdentifierSelectable |
Interface to enable OData entity selectors for
SpecIdentifier . |
SpecStatusAttributesSelectable |
Interface to enable OData entity selectors for
SpecStatusAttributes . |
SpecStatusNextStatusSelectable |
Interface to enable OData entity selectors for
SpecStatusNextStatus . |
SpecStatusSchemaSelectable |
Interface to enable OData entity selectors for
SpecStatusSchema . |
SpecValAssgmtInstanceWthCompSelectable |
Interface to enable OData entity selectors for
SpecValAssgmtInstanceWthComp . |
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