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Module - Google Cloud Storage

Activities for using Google Cloud Storage.


Download Object (Google Cloud Storage)

Download an object from Google Cloud Storage.

Technical Name Type Minimal Agent Version
download asynchronous WIN-2.0.0

Input Parameters:

Name Type Attributes Default Description
bucketName string mandatory The name of the bucket from which the object must be downloaded.
objectName string mandatory The name of the object that will be downloaded.
version number optional The version of the object that will be downloaded. The most recent version is used by default.
pathToDownload string optional The path to the folder to which the object will be downloaded. The usual system's download location is used by default.
fileName string optional If a name is provided, the downloaded file will be renamed.
timeout number optional Timeout for the activity. The default is 30000ms.

Output Parameters:

Name Type Description
fullPath string The full file path of the downloaded object.


Error Class Package Description
SequenceError irpa_core Thrown if this activty is used without any authorization activity.
CloudStorageError irpa_googlecloudstorage Thrown if any call to Google's Cloud Storage API fails.
InvalidArgument irpa_core Thrown if the provided download path does not exist or if the GoogleCloudPlatformScope is not added during authorization.
Timeout irpa_core Thrown if the activity times out.
Error irpa_core Generic Error

Delete Object (Google Cloud Storage)

Delete an object from Google Cloud Storage.

Technical Name Type Minimal Agent Version
deleteObject asynchronous WIN-2.0.0

Input Parameters:

Name Type Attributes Default Description
bucketName string mandatory The name of the bucket from which the object must be deleted.
objectName string mandatory The name of the object that will be deleted.
version number optional The version of the object that will be deleted. The most recent version is used by default.
timeout number optional Timeout for the activity. The default is 30000ms.


Error Class Package Description
SequenceError irpa_core Thrown if this activty is used without any authorization activity.
CloudStorageError irpa_googlecloudstorage Thrown if any call to Google's Cloud Storage API fails.
InvalidArgument irpa_core Thrown if the GoogleCloudPlatformScope is not added during authorization.
Timeout irpa_core Thrown if the activity times out.
Error irpa_core Generic Error

Get Object Metadata (Google Cloud Storage)

Retrieve the metadata of an object from Google Cloud Storage.

Technical Name Type Minimal Agent Version
getObjectMetadata asynchronous WIN-2.0.0

Input Parameters:

Name Type Attributes Default Description
bucketName string mandatory The name of the bucket containing the object.
objectName string mandatory The name of the object.
version number optional The version of the object. The most recent version is used by default.
timeout number optional Timeout for the activity. The default is 30000ms.

Output Parameters:

Name Type Description
cloudStorageObject irpa_googlecloudstorage.cloudStorageObject The metadata of the object.


Error Class Package Description
SequenceError irpa_core Thrown if this activty is used without any authorization activity.
CloudStorageError irpa_googlecloudstorage Thrown if any call to Google's Cloud Storage API fails.
InvalidArgument irpa_core Thrown if the GoogleCloudPlatformScope is not added during authorization.
Timeout irpa_core Thrown if the activity times out.
Error irpa_core Generic Error

List Objects (Google Cloud Storage)

Retrieve a list of objects in a bucket.

Technical Name Type Minimal Agent Version
listObjects asynchronous WIN-2.0.0

Input Parameters:

Name Type Attributes Default Description
bucketName string mandatory The name of the bucket whose objects must be listed.
delimiter string optional Results will contain only objects whose names do not contain delimiter.
prefix string optional Filter the results to objects with a name beginning with the specified prefix.
timeout number optional Timeout for the activity. The default is 30000ms.

Output Parameters:

Name Type Description
cloudStorageObjects Array.<irpa_googlecloudstorage.cloudStorageObject> The metadata of the objects as per the query.


Error Class Package Description
SequenceError irpa_core Thrown if this activty is used without any authorization activity.
CloudStorageError irpa_googlecloudstorage Thrown if any call to Google's Cloud Storage API fails.
InvalidArgument irpa_core Thrown if the GoogleCloudPlatformScope is not added during authorization.
Timeout irpa_core Thrown if the activity times out.
Error irpa_core Generic Error

Create Bucket (Google Cloud Storage)

Create a bucket.

Technical Name Type Minimal Agent Version
createBucket asynchronous WIN-2.0.0

Input Parameters:

Name Type Attributes Default Description
bucketName string mandatory The name of the bucket.
projectId string mandatory The ID of the GCP project where the bucket will be created.
storageClass irpa_googlecloudstorage.enums.StorageClass optional Storage class of the bucket that will be created. (Default will be STANDARD).
timeout number optional Timeout for the activity. The default is 30000ms.

Output Parameters:

Name Type Description
bucketMetadata irpa_googlecloudstorage.cloudStorageBucketMetadata Metadata of the newly created bucket.


Error Class Package Description
SequenceError irpa_core Thrown if this activty is used without any authorization activity.
CloudStorageError irpa_googlecloudstorage Thrown if any call to Google's Cloud Storage API fails.
InvalidArgument irpa_core Thrown if the GoogleCloudPlatformScope is not added during authorization.
Timeout irpa_core Thrown if the activity times out.
Error irpa_core Generic Error

List Buckets (Google Cloud Storage)

Retrieve a list of buckets.

Technical Name Type Minimal Agent Version
listBuckets asynchronous WIN-2.0.0

Input Parameters:

Name Type Attributes Default Description
projectId string mandatory The ID of the GCP project where the bucket is located.
timeout number optional Timeout for the activity. The default is 30000ms.

Output Parameters:

Name Type Description
bucketsMetadata Array.<irpa_googlecloudstorage.cloudStorageBucketMetadata> List of buckets metadata.


Error Class Package Description
SequenceError irpa_core Thrown if this activty is used without any authorization activity.
CloudStorageError irpa_googlecloudstorage Thrown if any call to Google's Cloud Storage API fails.
InvalidArgument irpa_core Thrown if the GoogleCloudPlatformScope is not added during authorization.
Timeout irpa_core Thrown if the activity times out.
Error irpa_core Generic Error

Get Bucket (Google Cloud Storage)

Retrieve a bucket from Google Cloud Storage.

Technical Name Type Minimal Agent Version
getBucket asynchronous WIN-2.0.0

Input Parameters:

Name Type Attributes Default Description
bucketName string mandatory The name of the bucket.
timeout number optional Timeout for the activity. The default is 30000ms.

Output Parameters:

Name Type Description
bucketMetadata irpa_googlecloudstorage.cloudStorageBucketMetadata Metadata of the bucket to retrieve.


Error Class Package Description
SequenceError irpa_core Thrown if this activty is used without any authorization activity.
CloudStorageError irpa_googlecloudstorage Thrown if any call to Google's Cloud Storage API fails.
InvalidArgument irpa_core Thrown if the GoogleCloudPlatformScope is not added during authorization.
Timeout irpa_core Thrown if the activity times out.
Error irpa_core Generic Error

Delete Bucket (Google Cloud Storage)

Delete a bucket from Google Cloud Storage.

Technical Name Type Minimal Agent Version
deleteBucket asynchronous WIN-2.0.0

Input Parameters:

Name Type Attributes Default Description
bucketName string mandatory The name of the bucket.
timeout number optional Timeout for the activity. The default is 30000ms.

Output Parameters:

Name Type Description
status boolean True if the bucket has been successfully retrieved.


Error Class Package Description
SequenceError irpa_core Thrown if this activty is used without any authorization activity.
CloudStorageError irpa_googlecloudstorage Thrown if any call to Google's Cloud Storage API fails.
InvalidArgument irpa_core Thrown if the GoogleCloudPlatformScope is not added during authorization.
Timeout irpa_core Thrown if the activity times out.
Error irpa_core Generic Error

Upload Object (Google Cloud Storage)

Upload an object to Google Cloud Storage.

Technical Name Type Minimal Agent Version
uploadObject asynchronous WIN-2.0.0

Input Parameters:

Name Type Attributes Default Description
filePath string mandatory Path of the file in your local system that contains the object you want to upload.
bucketName string mandatory The name of the bucket.
destinationPath string optional Path of the file in bucket to be stored. (If a folder is not found a new one will be created under the root folder).
objectName string optional Name of the object to be stored in a bucket (without the extension).
gzip boolean optional If enabled; the file will be compressed before the upload. If the archive consists of multiple files, set this parameter to 'false'. For more information, check the Google documentation:
timeout number optional Timeout for the activity. The default is 30000ms.

Output Parameters:

Name Type Description
objectMetadata irpa_googlecloudstorage.cloudStorageObject Metadata of the uploaded file.


Error Class Package Description
SequenceError irpa_core Thrown if this activty is used without any authorization activity.
CloudStorageError irpa_googlecloudstorage Thrown if any call to Google's Cloud Storage API fails.
InvalidArgument irpa_core Thrown if the GoogleCloudPlatformScope is not added during authorization.
Timeout irpa_core Thrown if the activity times out.
Error irpa_core Generic Error