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This class represents the entity "CustomerSupplierCountry" of service "API_GRMASTERDATA_SRV". This service is part of the following communication scenarios: Finance - Cloud Consolidation Data Collection Integration (SAP_COM_0241), Finance - Cloud Consolidation Master Data for Group Reporting Integration (SAP_COM_0336). See https://api.sap.com/api/API_GRMASTERDATA_SRV for more information.


  • any
    • CustomerSupplierCountry





additionalMasterDataSource: string

Master Data Source. Maximum length: 10.



country: string

Country Key. The country key contains information which the system uses to check entries such as the length of the postal code or bank account number. The two-character ISO code in accordance with ISO 3166, which is delivered by SAP as a default, is usually used.It could also be the vehicle license plate country-code or a typical country key, for example, in Germany the Federal statistics office key.The country keys are determined at system installation in the global settings.The definition of the country key in the SAP system does not have to match political or government entities.Since the country key does not have to correspond to the ISO code in all installations, programs that differ according to certain values of the country key cannot query the country key T005-LAND1, but have to program based on the ISO code T005 INTCA. Maximum length: 3.


countryText: string

Country Name (Max. 50 Characters). Tthe country description (short form) The country description is used in the address format and on the user interface instead of the country key, or in addition to the country key.There are two fields for the country description. This fifty-character field, and a shorter fifteen-character field.Both fields contain the short description of the country, according to ISO 3166-1.For some countries, the fifteen-character field contains only a shortened form of the description, due to the field length.The fifty-character field contains the short description without abbreviations (but not the official, complete country name). Maximum length: 50.



toCnsldtnCountryHier: CustomerSupplierCountryHier[]

One-to-many navigation property to the CustomerSupplierCountryHier entity.


toCnsldtnCountryT: CustomerSupplierCountryText[]

One-to-many navigation property to the CustomerSupplierCountryText entity.


ADDITIONAL_MASTER_DATA_SOURCE: StringField<CustomerSupplierCountry> = new StringField('AdditionalMasterDataSource', CustomerSupplierCountry, 'Edm.String')

Static representation of the additionalMasterDataSource property for query construction. Use to reference this property in query operations such as 'select' in the fluent request API.


COUNTRY: StringField<CustomerSupplierCountry> = new StringField('Country', CustomerSupplierCountry, 'Edm.String')

Static representation of the country property for query construction. Use to reference this property in query operations such as 'select' in the fluent request API.


COUNTRY_TEXT: StringField<CustomerSupplierCountry> = new StringField('Country_Text', CustomerSupplierCountry, 'Edm.String')

Static representation of the countryText property for query construction. Use to reference this property in query operations such as 'select' in the fluent request API.


TO_CNSLDTN_COUNTRY_HIER: Link<CustomerSupplierCountry, CustomerSupplierCountryHier> = new Link('to_CnsldtnCountryHier', CustomerSupplierCountry, CustomerSupplierCountryHier)

Static representation of the one-to-many navigation property toCnsldtnCountryHier for query construction. Use to reference this property in query operations such as 'select' in the fluent request API.


TO_CNSLDTN_COUNTRY_T: Link<CustomerSupplierCountry, CustomerSupplierCountryText> = new Link('to_CnsldtnCountryT', CustomerSupplierCountry, CustomerSupplierCountryText)

Static representation of the one-to-many navigation property toCnsldtnCountryT for query construction. Use to reference this property in query operations such as 'select' in the fluent request API.

Static _allFields

_allFields: any[] = [CustomerSupplierCountry.COUNTRY,CustomerSupplierCountry.COUNTRY_TEXT,CustomerSupplierCountry.ADDITIONAL_MASTER_DATA_SOURCE,CustomerSupplierCountry.TO_CNSLDTN_COUNTRY_HIER,CustomerSupplierCountry.TO_CNSLDTN_COUNTRY_T]

All fields of the CustomerSupplierCountry entity.

Static _defaultServicePath

_defaultServicePath: string = "/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_GRMASTERDATA_SRV"

Default url path for the according service.

Static _entityName

_entityName: string = "CustomerSupplierCountry"

Technical entity name for CustomerSupplierCountry.

Static _keyFields

_keyFields: Array<Selectable<CustomerSupplierCountry>> = [CustomerSupplierCountry.COUNTRY]

All key fields of the CustomerSupplierCountry entity.

Static _keys

_keys: any = CustomerSupplierCountry._keyFields.reduce((acc: any, field) => {acc[field.fieldName] = field;return acc;}, {})

Mapping of all key field names to the respective static field property CustomerSupplierCountry.

Static _serviceName

_serviceName: string = "API_GRMASTERDATA_SRV"

Technical service name for CustomerSupplierCountry.


Static builder

Static requestBuilder

  • Returns a request builder to construct requests for operations on the CustomerSupplierCountry entity type.

    Returns CustomerSupplierCountryRequestBuilder

    A CustomerSupplierCountry request builder.