Interface | Description |
AttachmentService |
This service enables you to manage the entire life cycle of a DMS based attachment: from attachment creation to attachment storage, from access to update via OData Service.
BasicProductAvailabilityInformationService |
This service enables you to display availability information for a specific product at a specified location, as calculated by your S/4HANA Cloud system.
BillOfMaterialComparisonService |
This service enables you to compare two Bills of Material (BOMs) by comparing their BOM item attributes.
BillOfMaterialMaintainService |
This service can be used to read , create and update Bill of Material
BusinessEventQueueService |
This service enables you to read the event queue, which contains a list of triggered business events.
BusinessEventSubscriptionService |
This service enables you to subscribe business event objects.
BusinessPartnerService |
This service enables you to create, read, update, and delete master data related to Business Partners, Suppliers, and Customers in an SAP S/4HANA system.
CreateReadUpdateAndDeleteChangeMastersService |
This service enables you to create, read, update and delete change masters.
DefectProcessingService |
This service enables you to create, read, update and delete defects from the SAP S/4HANA Cloud system.
DocumentManagementService |
This service enables you to create, read, update the Document Info Records(DIR) along with object Links.
EnableExternalJobSchedulerIntegrationService |
This service enables external job schedulers to connect to the SAP back-end and perform the following operations on application jobs: get a list of application job templates, instantiate a job from a job template without parameters and with start condition ‘immediate start’, read the status of a job, and cancel or deschedule a job
LegalTransactionService |
This service enables you to create, read and update legal transaction with the data provided in a payload, in an API call.
ManageWorkforceAvailabiltyService |
This service enables you to add availability information to the S/4HANA system for customers that are not using SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central.
ManageWorkforceTimesheetService |
This service enables you to create, read, update and delete (CRUD) data related to Timesheet of a workforce (Employees or Contingent Workers) with the data provided in a payload, in an API call.
MaterialStockDisplayService |
This service enables you to retrieve material stock information using the OData protocol with filter data provided in the payload.
ProcessCreditMemoRequestsService |
This service can be consumed by external applications to integrate with credit memo request processing in SAP S/4HANA Cloud.
ProcessDebitMemoRequestsService |
This service can be consumed by external applications in order to integrate with debit memo request processing in SAP S/4HANA Cloud.
ProcessMaterialDocumentsService |
This service enables you to retrieve and create material documents, e.g.
ProcessPhysicalInventoryDocumentsService |
This service enables you to retrieve and create physical inventory documents, as well as count items and post differences on both document and item level.
ProcessProductionOrdersService |
You can use this service to read header data, items, operations, components, and the status of production orders.
ProcessPurchaseContractService |
This service enables you to create Purchase Contracts through an API call from a source system outside SAP S/4HANA Cloud or SAP S/4HANA on- Premise.
ProcessPurchaseOrdersService |
This service enables you to create purchase orders through an API call from a source system outside SAP S/4HANA Cloud or SAP S/4HANA on-Premise.
ProcessPurchaseRequisitionService |
This service enables you to create purchase requisitions through an API call from a source system outside SAP S/4HANA Cloud or SAP S/4HANA on- Premise.
ProcessPurchasingCategoriesService |
This service enables a remote system to create, read, and update purchasing categories from / in SAP S/4HANA tenant.
ProcessPurchasingInforecordService |
This service enables the user to read header and item details of Purchasing InfoRecord.
ProcessRequestForQuotationService |
This service enables you to create Request for Quotation (RFQ) through an API call from a source system outside SAP S/4HANA Cloud or SAP S/4HANA on- Premise.
ProcessSalesOrderService |
This service can be consumed by external applications in order to integrate with sales order processing in SAP S/4HANA Cloud.
ProcessSchedulingAgreementService |
This service enables you to create scheduling agreements through an API call from a source system outside SAP S/4HANA Cloud or SAP S/4HANA on- Premise.
ProcessServiceEntrySheetsService |
This communication scenario enables a remote system to read and create service entry sheets from / in the SAP S/4HANA tenant.
ProcessSupplierActivitiesService |
This service enables a remote system to create, read and change supplier activities from / in the SAP S/4HANA tenant.
ProcessSupplierActivityTasksService |
This service enables a remote system to read and create supplier activity tasks from / in the SAP S/4HANA tenant.
ProcessSupplierEvaluationResponsesService |
This service enables a remote system to read supplier evaluation responses from the SAP S/4HANA tenant.
ProcessSupplierEvaluationScorecardsService |
This service enables a remote system to read supplier evaluation scorecards containing results of supplier evaluations per supplier from the SAP S/4HANA tenant.
ProcessSupplierQuotationService |
This service enables you to create Supplier Quotation data through an API call from a source system outside SAP S/4HANA Cloud or SAP S/4HANA on- Premise.
ProductAllocationObjectService |
Product Allocation (PAL) in SAP S/4HANA is used to determine the availability of requested products by checking against sales data as well as data for restricted resources (materials and/or capacity) consumed along the value chain of the requested product.
ProductAllocationSequenceService |
Product allocation (in the following PAL) is an S/4HANA functionality that determines the availability of requested product(s) by checking against sales data and/or bottleneck resource data, which could be materials and/or capacity consumed along the value chain of the requested product.
ProductMasterService |
This service enables you to create, read, update, and delete (CRUD operations) the master data for products by exposing the remote API views through OData.
PurchasingQuotaArrangementService |
This communication scenario enables a remote system to read and post quota arrangements from / in the SAP S/4HANA tenant.
PurchasingSourceService |
This communication scenario enables a remote system to read purchasing sources from the SAP S/4HANA tenant.
RawSubstanceService |
You use this service to read raw substance attributes, such as header data or composition via an OData service.
ReadAccountingDocumentService |
This service enables you to display accounting document master data to be consumed in SAP Fiori apps and on other user interfaces.
ReadActivityTypeService |
This service enables you to display activity type master data to be consumed in SAP Fiori apps and on other user interfaces.
ReadAndUpdatePirsService |
This service enables you to create, read and update Planned Independent Requirements (PIRs).
ReadBillingDocumentsService |
This OData service enables external systems and other consumers outside SAP S/4HANA Cloud to read billing document data through API calls.
ReadBusinessAreaService |
This service enables you to read business area master data in an API call.
ReadCharacteristicDataForClassificationService |
This service enables you to read characteristic data, that is valid on a given date.
ReadChartOfAccountsService |
This service enables you to read chart of accounts master data in an API call.
ReadClassDataForClassificationService |
This service enables you to read class data, that is valid on a given date.
ReadCommercialProjectDetailsService |
This service allows you to read project information such as project dates, accounting details, work packages, work items, assigned roles and resources, and planned effort.
ReadCompanyCodeService |
This service enables you to read company code master data in an API call.
ReadControllingAreaService |
This service enables you to display controlling area master data to be consumed in SAP Fiori apps and on other user interfaces.
ReadCostCenterDataService |
Cost Center Data Provider
ReadCostCenterService |
This service enables you to display cost center master data to be consumed in SAP Fiori apps and on other user interfaces.
ReadCountryService |
This service enables you to read country master data of customers and suppliers in an API call.
ReadCreateAndDeleteInboundDeliveriesService |
This service enables you to read, create, and delete inbound deliveries in an API call.
ReadCreateUpdateAndDeleteOutboundDeliveriesService |
This service enables you to read, create, update and delete outbound deliveries in an API call.
ReadCustomerAndSupplierIndustryService |
This service enables you to read the industry master data of the customer and supplier in an API call.
ReadCustomerGroupService |
This service enables you to read customer group master data in an API call.
ReadCustomerMaterialsService |
This service enables external applications to integrate with read methods for processing customer materials in SAP S/4HANA Cloud.
ReadCustomerReturnsService |
This service enables external applications to integrate with read methods for processing customer returns in SAP S/4HANA Cloud.
ReadDebitorcreditIndicatorService |
This service enables you to display the debit/credit indicator to be consumed in SAP Fiori apps and on other user interfaces.
ReadDefectCategoriesService |
This service enables you to read defect categories and their language-dependent texts from the SAP S/4HANA Cloud system.
ReadDefectClassesService |
This service enables you to read defect classes and their language-dependent texts from the SAP S/4HANA Cloud system.
ReadDefectCodesAndCodeGroupsService |
This service enables you to read defect codes and code groups and their language-dependent texts from the SAP S/4HANA Cloud system.
ReadDistributionChannelService |
This service enables you to display distribution channel master data to be consumed in SAP Fiori apps and on other user interfaces.
ReadDivisionService |
This service enables you to display revision master data to be consumed in SAP Fiori apps and on other user interfaces.
ReadFinancialPlanningEntryItemsService |
This service can be consumed by external applications to integrate with financial plan data processing.
ReadFunctionalAreaService |
This service enables you to display functional area master data to be consumed in SAP Fiori apps and on other user interfaces.
ReadGorlAccountService |
This service enables you to read G/L account master data in an API call.
ReadInspectionMethodsService |
This service enables you to read inspection methods from the SAP S/4HANA Cloud system.
ReadJournalEntryItemsService |
This service can be consumed by external applications to integrate with financial actual data processing.
ReadLedgerService |
This service enables you to read ledger master data in an API call.
ReadMasterInspectionCharacteristicsService |
This service enables you to read master inspection characteristics from the S/4HANA Cloud system.
ReadPlannedOrdersService |
This service enables you to read order headers and components belonging to planned orders.
ReadPlanningCategoryService |
This service enables you to display planning category master data to be consumed in SAP Fiori apps and on other user interfaces.
ReadProcessOrderConfirmationsService |
This service enables you to read process order confirmations.
ReadProcessOrdersService |
This service enables you to read order headers, items, operations, components, statuses, and production/resource tools (PRTs) belonging to process orders.
ReadProductGroupService |
This service enables you to display product group master data to be consumed in SAP Fiori apps and on other user interfaces.
ReadProductionOrderConfirmationsService |
Reads production order confirmations.
ReadProductMasterDataIncludingClassificationService |
This service enables you to read the master data for products including class assignment and characteristic evaluation.
ReadProfitCenterService |
This service enables you to display profit center master data to be consumed in SAP Fiori apps and on other user interfaces.
ReadSalesContractsService |
This service enables external applications to integrate with read read methods for processing sales contracts in SAP S/4HANA Cloud.
ReadSalesDistrictService |
This service enables you to display sales district master data to be consumed in SAP Fiori apps and on other user interfaces.
ReadSalesInquiriesService |
This service enables external applications to integrate with read methods for processing sales inquiries in SAP S/4HANA Cloud.
ReadSalesOrganizationService |
This service enables you to display sales organization master data to be consumed in SAP Fiori apps and on other user interfaces.
ReadSalesQuotationsService |
This service enables external applications to integrate with read methods for processing sales quotations in SAP S/4HANA Cloud.
ReadSegmentService |
This service enables you to read segment master data in an API call.
ReadTradingPartnerService |
This service enables you to read trading partner master data in an API call.
ReadTrialBalanceService |
This service enables you to read trial balance data in an API call.
ReadWorkCenterDataService |
This service enables you to read header data, capacities, today's operations, and queueing operations for work centers.
RealSubstanceService |
With this service, you can read real substance attributes, such as header data or composition via an OData service.
RecipeHeaderAndFormulaService |
You use this service to read recipe header data and formula items via an OData service.
SupplierInvoiceIntegrationService |
This service enables you to create supplier invoices through an API call from a source system outside SAP S/4HANA Cloud.
UpdateOfMaterialPriceService |
This service enables you to change the prices of your materials.
Class | Description |
DefaultAttachmentService |
This service enables you to manage the entire life cycle of a DMS based attachment: from attachment creation to attachment storage, from access to update via OData Service.
DefaultBasicProductAvailabilityInformationService |
This service enables you to display availability information for a specific product at a specified location, as calculated by your S/4HANA Cloud system.
DefaultBillOfMaterialComparisonService |
This service enables you to compare two Bills of Material (BOMs) by comparing their BOM item attributes.
DefaultBillOfMaterialMaintainService |
This service can be used to read , create and update Bill of Material
DefaultBusinessEventQueueService |
This service enables you to read the event queue, which contains a list of triggered business events.
DefaultBusinessEventSubscriptionService |
This service enables you to subscribe business event objects.
DefaultBusinessPartnerService |
This service enables you to create, read, update, and delete master data related to Business Partners, Suppliers, and Customers in an SAP S/4HANA system.
DefaultCreateReadUpdateAndDeleteChangeMastersService |
This service enables you to create, read, update and delete change masters.
DefaultDefectProcessingService |
This service enables you to create, read, update and delete defects from the SAP S/4HANA Cloud system.
DefaultDocumentManagementService |
This service enables you to create, read, update the Document Info Records(DIR) along with object Links.
DefaultEnableExternalJobSchedulerIntegrationService |
This service enables external job schedulers to connect to the SAP back-end and perform the following operations on application jobs: get a list of application job templates, instantiate a job from a job template without parameters and with start condition ‘immediate start’, read the status of a job, and cancel or deschedule a job
DefaultLegalTransactionService |
This service enables you to create, read and update legal transaction with the data provided in a payload, in an API call.
DefaultManageWorkforceAvailabiltyService |
This service enables you to add availability information to the S/4HANA system for customers that are not using SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central.
DefaultManageWorkforceTimesheetService |
This service enables you to create, read, update and delete (CRUD) data related to Timesheet of a workforce (Employees or Contingent Workers) with the data provided in a payload, in an API call.
DefaultMaterialStockDisplayService |
This service enables you to retrieve material stock information using the OData protocol with filter data provided in the payload.
DefaultProcessCreditMemoRequestsService |
This service can be consumed by external applications to integrate with credit memo request processing in SAP S/4HANA Cloud.
DefaultProcessDebitMemoRequestsService |
This service can be consumed by external applications in order to integrate with debit memo request processing in SAP S/4HANA Cloud.
DefaultProcessMaterialDocumentsService |
This service enables you to retrieve and create material documents, e.g.
DefaultProcessPhysicalInventoryDocumentsService |
This service enables you to retrieve and create physical inventory documents, as well as count items and post differences on both document and item level.
DefaultProcessProductionOrdersService |
You can use this service to read header data, items, operations, components, and the status of production orders.
DefaultProcessPurchaseContractService |
This service enables you to create Purchase Contracts through an API call from a source system outside SAP S/4HANA Cloud or SAP S/4HANA on- Premise.
DefaultProcessPurchaseOrdersService |
This service enables you to create purchase orders through an API call from a source system outside SAP S/4HANA Cloud or SAP S/4HANA on-Premise.
DefaultProcessPurchaseRequisitionService |
This service enables you to create purchase requisitions through an API call from a source system outside SAP S/4HANA Cloud or SAP S/4HANA on- Premise.
DefaultProcessPurchasingCategoriesService |
This service enables a remote system to create, read, and update purchasing categories from / in SAP S/4HANA tenant.
DefaultProcessPurchasingInforecordService |
This service enables the user to read header and item details of Purchasing InfoRecord.
DefaultProcessRequestForQuotationService |
This service enables you to create Request for Quotation (RFQ) through an API call from a source system outside SAP S/4HANA Cloud or SAP S/4HANA on- Premise.
DefaultProcessSalesOrderService |
This service can be consumed by external applications in order to integrate with sales order processing in SAP S/4HANA Cloud.
DefaultProcessSchedulingAgreementService |
This service enables you to create scheduling agreements through an API call from a source system outside SAP S/4HANA Cloud or SAP S/4HANA on- Premise.
DefaultProcessServiceEntrySheetsService |
This communication scenario enables a remote system to read and create service entry sheets from / in the SAP S/4HANA tenant.
DefaultProcessSupplierActivitiesService |
This service enables a remote system to create, read and change supplier activities from / in the SAP S/4HANA tenant.
DefaultProcessSupplierActivityTasksService |
This service enables a remote system to read and create supplier activity tasks from / in the SAP S/4HANA tenant.
DefaultProcessSupplierEvaluationResponsesService |
This service enables a remote system to read supplier evaluation responses from the SAP S/4HANA tenant.
DefaultProcessSupplierEvaluationScorecardsService |
This service enables a remote system to read supplier evaluation scorecards containing results of supplier evaluations per supplier from the SAP S/4HANA tenant.
DefaultProcessSupplierQuotationService |
This service enables you to create Supplier Quotation data through an API call from a source system outside SAP S/4HANA Cloud or SAP S/4HANA on- Premise.
DefaultProductAllocationObjectService |
Product Allocation (PAL) in SAP S/4HANA is used to determine the availability of requested products by checking against sales data as well as data for restricted resources (materials and/or capacity) consumed along the value chain of the requested product.
DefaultProductAllocationSequenceService |
Product allocation (in the following PAL) is an S/4HANA functionality that determines the availability of requested product(s) by checking against sales data and/or bottleneck resource data, which could be materials and/or capacity consumed along the value chain of the requested product.
DefaultProductMasterService |
This service enables you to create, read, update, and delete (CRUD operations) the master data for products by exposing the remote API views through OData.
DefaultPurchasingQuotaArrangementService |
This communication scenario enables a remote system to read and post quota arrangements from / in the SAP S/4HANA tenant.
DefaultPurchasingSourceService |
This communication scenario enables a remote system to read purchasing sources from the SAP S/4HANA tenant.
DefaultRawSubstanceService |
You use this service to read raw substance attributes, such as header data or composition via an OData service.
DefaultReadAccountingDocumentService |
This service enables you to display accounting document master data to be consumed in SAP Fiori apps and on other user interfaces.
DefaultReadActivityTypeService |
This service enables you to display activity type master data to be consumed in SAP Fiori apps and on other user interfaces.
DefaultReadAndUpdatePirsService |
This service enables you to create, read and update Planned Independent Requirements (PIRs).
DefaultReadBillingDocumentsService |
This OData service enables external systems and other consumers outside SAP S/4HANA Cloud to read billing document data through API calls.
DefaultReadBusinessAreaService |
This service enables you to read business area master data in an API call.
DefaultReadCharacteristicDataForClassificationService |
This service enables you to read characteristic data, that is valid on a given date.
DefaultReadChartOfAccountsService |
This service enables you to read chart of accounts master data in an API call.
DefaultReadClassDataForClassificationService |
This service enables you to read class data, that is valid on a given date.
DefaultReadCommercialProjectDetailsService |
This service allows you to read project information such as project dates, accounting details, work packages, work items, assigned roles and resources, and planned effort.
DefaultReadCompanyCodeService |
This service enables you to read company code master data in an API call.
DefaultReadControllingAreaService |
This service enables you to display controlling area master data to be consumed in SAP Fiori apps and on other user interfaces.
DefaultReadCostCenterDataService |
Cost Center Data Provider
DefaultReadCostCenterService |
This service enables you to display cost center master data to be consumed in SAP Fiori apps and on other user interfaces.
DefaultReadCountryService |
This service enables you to read country master data of customers and suppliers in an API call.
DefaultReadCreateAndDeleteInboundDeliveriesService |
This service enables you to read, create, and delete inbound deliveries in an API call.
DefaultReadCreateUpdateAndDeleteOutboundDeliveriesService |
This service enables you to read, create, update and delete outbound deliveries in an API call.
DefaultReadCustomerAndSupplierIndustryService |
This service enables you to read the industry master data of the customer and supplier in an API call.
DefaultReadCustomerGroupService |
This service enables you to read customer group master data in an API call.
DefaultReadCustomerMaterialsService |
This service enables external applications to integrate with read methods for processing customer materials in SAP S/4HANA Cloud.
DefaultReadCustomerReturnsService |
This service enables external applications to integrate with read methods for processing customer returns in SAP S/4HANA Cloud.
DefaultReadDebitorcreditIndicatorService |
This service enables you to display the debit/credit indicator to be consumed in SAP Fiori apps and on other user interfaces.
DefaultReadDefectCategoriesService |
This service enables you to read defect categories and their language-dependent texts from the SAP S/4HANA Cloud system.
DefaultReadDefectClassesService |
This service enables you to read defect classes and their language-dependent texts from the SAP S/4HANA Cloud system.
DefaultReadDefectCodesAndCodeGroupsService |
This service enables you to read defect codes and code groups and their language-dependent texts from the SAP S/4HANA Cloud system.
DefaultReadDistributionChannelService |
This service enables you to display distribution channel master data to be consumed in SAP Fiori apps and on other user interfaces.
DefaultReadDivisionService |
This service enables you to display revision master data to be consumed in SAP Fiori apps and on other user interfaces.
DefaultReadFinancialPlanningEntryItemsService |
This service can be consumed by external applications to integrate with financial plan data processing.
DefaultReadFunctionalAreaService |
This service enables you to display functional area master data to be consumed in SAP Fiori apps and on other user interfaces.
DefaultReadGorlAccountService |
This service enables you to read G/L account master data in an API call.
DefaultReadInspectionMethodsService |
This service enables you to read inspection methods from the SAP S/4HANA Cloud system.
DefaultReadJournalEntryItemsService |
This service can be consumed by external applications to integrate with financial actual data processing.
DefaultReadLedgerService |
This service enables you to read ledger master data in an API call.
DefaultReadMasterInspectionCharacteristicsService |
This service enables you to read master inspection characteristics from the S/4HANA Cloud system.
DefaultReadPlannedOrdersService |
This service enables you to read order headers and components belonging to planned orders.
DefaultReadPlanningCategoryService |
This service enables you to display planning category master data to be consumed in SAP Fiori apps and on other user interfaces.
DefaultReadProcessOrderConfirmationsService |
This service enables you to read process order confirmations.
DefaultReadProcessOrdersService |
This service enables you to read order headers, items, operations, components, statuses, and production/resource tools (PRTs) belonging to process orders.
DefaultReadProductGroupService |
This service enables you to display product group master data to be consumed in SAP Fiori apps and on other user interfaces.
DefaultReadProductionOrderConfirmationsService |
Reads production order confirmations.
DefaultReadProductMasterDataIncludingClassificationService |
This service enables you to read the master data for products including class assignment and characteristic evaluation.
DefaultReadProfitCenterService |
This service enables you to display profit center master data to be consumed in SAP Fiori apps and on other user interfaces.
DefaultReadSalesContractsService |
This service enables external applications to integrate with read read methods for processing sales contracts in SAP S/4HANA Cloud.
DefaultReadSalesDistrictService |
This service enables you to display sales district master data to be consumed in SAP Fiori apps and on other user interfaces.
DefaultReadSalesInquiriesService |
This service enables external applications to integrate with read methods for processing sales inquiries in SAP S/4HANA Cloud.
DefaultReadSalesOrganizationService |
This service enables you to display sales organization master data to be consumed in SAP Fiori apps and on other user interfaces.
DefaultReadSalesQuotationsService |
This service enables external applications to integrate with read methods for processing sales quotations in SAP S/4HANA Cloud.
DefaultReadSegmentService |
This service enables you to read segment master data in an API call.
DefaultReadTradingPartnerService |
This service enables you to read trading partner master data in an API call.
DefaultReadTrialBalanceService |
This service enables you to read trial balance data in an API call.
DefaultReadWorkCenterDataService |
This service enables you to read header data, capacities, today's operations, and queueing operations for work centers.
DefaultRealSubstanceService |
With this service, you can read real substance attributes, such as header data or composition via an OData service.
DefaultRecipeHeaderAndFormulaService |
You use this service to read recipe header data and formula items via an OData service.
DefaultSupplierInvoiceIntegrationService |
This service enables you to create supplier invoices through an API call from a source system outside SAP S/4HANA Cloud.
DefaultUpdateOfMaterialPriceService |
This service enables you to change the prices of your materials.
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