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Module - Enumerations

Collection of enumerations for the PowerPoint object model.



Predefined formats: specify the format to use when saving a presentation.




Name Description
ppSaveAsAddIn Save As Add In
ppSaveAsAnimatedGIF Save As Animated GIF
ppSaveAsBMP Save As BMP
ppSaveAsDefault Save As Default
ppSaveAsEMF Save As EMF
ppSaveAsExternalConverter Save As External Converter
ppSaveAsGIF Save As GIF
ppSaveAsJPG Save As JPG
ppSaveAsMetaFile Save As Meta File
ppSaveAsMP4 Save As MP4
ppSaveAsOpenDocumentPresentation Save As Open Document Presentation
ppSaveAsOpenXMLAddin Save As Open XML Add-In
ppSaveAsOpenXMLPicturePresentation Save As Open XML Picture Presentation
ppSaveAsOpenXMLPresentation Save As Open XML Presentation
ppSaveAsOpenXMLPresentationMacroEnabled Save As Open XML Presentation Macro Enabled
ppSaveAsOpenXMLShow Save As Open XML Show
ppSaveAsOpenXMLShowMacroEnabled Save As Open XML Show Macro Enabled
ppSaveAsOpenXMLTemplate Save As Open XML Template
ppSaveAsOpenXMLTemplateMacroEnabled Save As Open XML Template Macro Enabled
ppSaveAsOpenXMLTheme Save As Open XML Theme
ppSaveAsPDF Save As PDF
ppSaveAsPNG Save As PNG
ppSaveAsPresentation Save As Presentation
ppSaveAsRTF Save As RTF
ppSaveAsShow Save As Show
ppSaveAsStrictOpenXMLPresentation Save As Strict Open XML Presentation
ppSaveAsTemplate Save As Template
ppSaveAsTIF Save As TIF
ppSaveAsWMV Save As WMV
ppSaveAsXMLPresentation Save As XML Presentation
ppSaveAsXPS Save As XPS


Predefined formats: specify the layout to use.




Name Description
ppLayoutBlank Blank
ppLayoutChart Chart
ppLayoutChartAndText Chart and text
ppLayoutClipArtAndText ClipArt and text
ppLayoutClipArtAndVerticalText ClipArt and vertical text
ppLayoutComparison Comparison
ppLayoutContentWithCaption Content with caption
ppLayoutFourObjects Four objects
ppLayoutLargeObject Large object
ppLayoutMediaClipAndText MediaClip and text
ppLayoutObject Object
ppLayoutObjectAndText Object and text
ppLayoutObjectAndTwoObjects Object and two objects
ppLayoutObjectOverText Object over text
ppLayoutOrgchart Organization chart
ppLayoutPictureWithCaption Picture with caption
ppLayoutSectionHeader Section header
ppLayoutTable Table
ppLayoutText Text
ppLayoutTextAndChart Text and chart
ppLayoutTextAndClipArt Text and ClipArt
ppLayoutTextAndMediaClip Text and MediaClip
ppLayoutTextAndObject Text and object
ppLayoutTextAndTwoObjects Text and two objects
ppLayoutTextOverObject Text over object
ppLayoutTitle Title
ppLayoutTitleOnly Title only
ppLayoutTwoColumnText Two-column text
ppLayoutTwoObjects Two objects
ppLayoutTwoObjectsAndObject Two objects and object
ppLayoutTwoObjectsAndText Two objects and text
ppLayoutTwoObjectsOverText Two objects over text
ppLayoutVerticalText Vertical text
ppLayoutVerticalTitleAndText Vertical title and text
ppLayoutVerticalTitleAndTextOverChart Vertical title and text over chart


Predefined alignments. Specifies the alignment to use.




Name Description
ppAlignCenter Center align
ppAlignDistribute Distribute
ppAlignJustify Justify
ppAlignJustifyLow Low justify
ppAlignLeft Left aligned
ppAlignRight Right-aligned
ppAlignThaiDistribute Thai distributed