Interface | Description |
AccountingDocumentService |
It only extracts journal entries with an entry view and is not designed to extract large data volumes.
ActivityTypeService |
This service enables you to read cost center activity type master data in an API call.
AlignmentPurchaseRequisitionToPurchaseOrderService |
This service enables you to align or nullify alignment of account assigned third-party order (TPO) or individual
purchase order (PTO) purchase requisition items with existing purchase order items.
AllergenService |
The service reads data from specifications with category ALLERGEN, and can retrieve allergen header data and
AllergenStatementService |
This service reads which specification types are assigned to category ALLERGEN, and can retrieve exception value
information from Customizing regarding the associated specification type.
AppointmentActivityService |
The service contains header, attendee, person responsible, and text entities.
AttachmentService |
This service allows you to manage attachments and attachment URLs for business objects.
BankDetailService |
The service contains key information for banks, such as bank country, bank key, bank name, SWIFT code, bank group,
bank number, region, street name, city, and branch.
BasicProductAvailabilityInformationService |
The availability information calculated by the service could, for example, be used by webshops to display up-to-date
product availability information to increase the chance of customers placing orders or by suppliers to inform their
customers when required products will be available and in which quantities.
BatchService |
This OData API enables you to create, change and read batches.
BillingDocumentRequestService |
Consumers of this inbound service can read, reject, and delete billing document requests inside your system by
sending OData requests.
BillingDocumentService |
Consumers of this inbound service can read and cancel billing documents inside your system by sending OData requests.
BillOfMaterialComparisonService |
The service enables you to compare two bills of material (primary and secondary BOM) by comparing their BOM item
attributes and gets the comparison result.
BillOfMaterialsService |
This service enables you to read, create, and update bills of material with and without version.
BillsOfMaterialWhereUsedListService |
The service contains either no header, one header or multiple headers, and an item.
BrazilBusinessPlaceService |
This service is based on the OData protocol and can be consumed in Brazilian integration scenarios.
BrazilNotaFiscalService |
This service is based on the OData and can be consumed in Brazilian integration scenarios.
BufferProfileService |
The service contains header and item entities.
BufferSizingService |
The service contains header and item entities.
BusinessAreaService |
The service enables you to retrieve business area master data.
BusinessEventQueueService |
The service reads business events from a queue for a given subscriber.
BusinessEventsSubscriptionService |
This service lets the caller create a subscription for business events for a given subscriber.
BusinessPartnerService |
This service enables you to create, display, update, and delete data related to business partner, supplier, and
customer with the data provided in a payload, in an API call.
BusinessSituationService |
This API is based on the OData protocol.
BusinessSituationTypeService |
This API is based on the OData protocol.
CentralPurchaseContractService |
This service is based on the OData protocol.
ChangeMasterV2Service |
You can display and edit change master header data, as well as specify the allowed object types and add alternative
dates to your change masters.
ChangeRecordService |
You can create, read, and delete change records as header objects.
CharacteristicDataForClassificationService |
Characteristics describe attributes of the objects to be classified.
ChartOfAccountsService |
The service enables you to retrieve chart of accounts master data.
ClassDataForClassificationService |
Classes allow you to group objects together according to criteria that you define.
CompanyCodeService |
The service enables you to retrieve company code master data.
ConditionContractTypeService |
The service is based on the OData protocol and can be consumed in SAP Fiori apps and in other user interfaces.
ConditionRecordForPricingInSalesService |
Consumers of this inbound service can create, read, update, and delete condition records inside your system by using
OData requests.
ConditionTypeForPricingInPurchasingService |
This inbound service enables external applications to read data of condition types that are used for pricing in
ConditionTypeForPricingInSalesService |
This inbound service enables external applications to read data of condition types that are used for pricing in
ControllingAreaService |
It contains the controlling area node.
CostCenterActivityTypeService |
You can use this inbound synchronous service to create, read, update, and delete master data of activity types used
by one or multiple cost centers.
CostCenterService |
This service enables you to read cost center master data from SAP S/4HANA system.
CountryOrRegionService |
The service enables you to retrieve country/region master data.
CreditMemoRequestService |
In every API call, you can make use of the following operations:
You can read entire credit memo requests or only parts of the data, using the provided filters.
CustomerAndSupplierIndustryService |
The service enables you to retrieve industry master data.
CustomerGroupService |
The service enables you to retrieve customer group master data.
CustomerMaterialService |
The service contains one entity only for customer material.
CustomerReturnService |
You can use this service to integrate external applications with customer return processing.
DebitMemoRequestService |
In every API call, you can make use of the following operations:
You can read entire debit memo requests or only parts of the data, using the provided filters.
DebitOrCreditIndicatorService |
It contains the controlling debit credit code and controlling debit credit code text nodes.
DefectCategoryService |
This service is related to the business object Defect.
DefectClassService |
This service is related to the business object Defect.
DefectCodeAndCodeGroupService |
This service is related to the business object Defect.
DefectService |
A defect is any property or attribute of a material that does not meet the specifications of an inspection
DeliveryDocumentWithCreditBlocksService |
The service contains entities for credit blocked delivery document and reject reason.
DistributionChannelService |
It contains the distribution channel and distribution channel text nodes.
DivisionService |
It contains division and division text nodes.
DocumentManagementService |
The service contains header data of the document info record (DIR), description, object link information for BOM,
product, and change record, classification details for class and characteristics, and value help for document status
as nodes.
EnvironmentHealthAndSafetyIncidentService |
This service contains the basic information about an incident as the main entity, and persons involved, location, and
attachments as dependent entities.
EquipmentService |
This service contains equipment, long text, partner function, warranty, class, characteristic, and characteristic
value nodes.
ExtendedPlannedIndependentRequirementService |
The PIRs are read, updated, and/or created on header and item level.
FinancialPlanningDataService |
The service exports financial plan data between systems.
FinancialPlanningEntryItemService |
The service contains financial planning entry items and master data of the referenced company code, cost center,
profit center.
FunctionalAreaService |
It contains functional area and functional area text nodes.
FunctionalLocationService |
This service contains functional location, long text, partner function, warranty, class, characteristic, and
characteristic value nodes.
GeneralLedgerAccountLineItemService |
This service enables you to retrieve accounting-specific information from all journal entries in Financials.
GeneralLedgerAccountService |
The service enables you to retrieve G/L account master data.
IncomingVATInvoiceChinaService |
The service is based on the *OData* protocol, and can be consumed by external systems and user interfaces to
integrate with incoming VAT invoice management in SAP S/4HANA.
IntelligentProductProposalService |
In this API, you can retrieve product and quantity proposals.
JournalEntryItemService |
The service contains journal entry items and master data of the referenced company code, cost center, profit center.
JustInTimeCallService |
For example, you can use this service to create a JIT call or to allocate or delete component materials.
KanbanControlCycleV2Service |
The kanban OData API enables you to create and retrieve kanban control cycles and their kanban container data.
LeadService |
The service contains header, item, person responsible, and text entities.
LedgerService |
The service enables you to retrieve ledger master data.
LegalCategorieService |
This synchronous inbound service is based on the OData protocol and helps you to read legal categories through an API
LegalDocumentAccessLevelService |
This synchronous inbound service is based on the OData protocol and can be consumed in integration scenarios or other
user interfaces.
LegalDocumentContentTypeService |
This synchronous inbound service is based on the OData protocol and helps you to read the content types through an
API call.
LegalDocumentService |
This synchronous inbound service helps you to create and read legal documents through an API call.
LegalDocumentStatusService |
This synchronous inbound service is based on the OData protocol and helps you to read the possible values of legal
document status through an API call.
LegalTransactionService |
This synchronous inbound service is based on the OData protocol and helps you to create, read, and update legal
transactions through an API call.
LineItemOfTreasuryPostingJournalEntryService |
This synchronous inbound service reads line items of treasury posting journal entries.
ManualAccrualService |
The service contains accrual subobject, accrual item, accrual account assignment, accrual parameter, and accrual
period data.
MasterDataForGroupReportingService |
This service includes master data for standard consolidation characteristics and master data for additional
characteristics selected in the configuration of SAP S/4HANA Finance for group reporting.
MasterRecipeService |
Master recipes are used for planning the manufacture of products.
MaterialDocumentService |
This service enables you to retrieve and create material documents, e.g.
MaterialPlanningDataService |
The service contains entities for material master data, supply and demand information, and information about the
coverage of materials.
MaterialPriceService |
This service enables you to change the existing prices of your materials by importing new prices into the material
MaterialStockDisplayService |
This service enables you to retrieve material stock information using the OData protocol with filter data provided in
the payload.
NutrientService |
This service reads data from specifications with category NUTRIENT, and can retrieve nutrient header data and
NutrientStatementService |
This service reads which specification types are assigned to category NUTRIENT, and can retrieve exception value
information from Customizing regarding the associated specification type.
OpportunityService |
The service contains header, item, person responsible, sales representative and text entities.
OrderBillOfMaterialService |
The service contains either no header, one header, or multiple headers for the specified order bill of material and
zero or more items for each header.
PackingInstructionService |
The packing instruction is a business object that contains a detailed set of rules.
PaymentAdviceService |
You can use this inbound synchronous service to create, read, update, and delete payment advices related to a
customer or a supplier.
PersonnelSettlementDocumentService |
The service enables you to read the transactional data of personnel settlement documents.
PhaseRelationshipTypeService |
Relationships link the start or end of a preceding phase with the start or end of a succeeding phase.
PhoneCallActivityService |
The service contains header, attendee, person responsible, and text entities.
PhysicalInventoryDocumentService |
You can count items and post differences on both document and item level.
PlannedOrderService |
In addition to executing the operations on planned orders, you can also read, create, change, and delete components
belonging to the orders.
PlanningCategoryService |
It contains planning category and planning category text nodes.
PricingProcedureInPurchasingService |
The service contains pricing procedure, pricing procedure item data, condition type, and description entities.
PricingProcedureInSalesService |
The service contains pricing procedure, pricing procedure item data, condition type, and description entities.
ProcessOrderConfirmationV2Service |
You can create time ticket confirmations and confirmations on order level, read them, and cancel the confirmations on
time ticket or order level.
ProcessOrderV2Service |
In addition to create, read, and update, you can also release process orders and operations.
ProductAllocationObjectService |
This service enables you to read the data from product allocation objects.
ProductAllocationSequenceService |
This service enables you to read header data for a specific product allocation sequence (including its description).
ProductGroupService |
It contains product group and product group text nodes.
ProductionOrderConfirmationV2Service |
You can create time ticket confirmations and confirmations on order level, read them, and cancel the confirmations on
time ticket or order level.
ProductionOrderV2Service |
In addition to create, read, and update, you can also release production orders and operations.
ProductionRoutingService |
A routing is a description of the operations (or steps in a process) that are performed to manufacture a product (or
ProductionSupplyAreaService |
The OData API for production supply areas enables you to create, update, delete, and retrieve production supply
ProductMasterDataIncludingClassificationService |
Product master is a reusable set of data describing a product or service.
ProductMasterService |
You can perform the CRUD operations on product master data records at the entity level.
ProductSpecificationCompositionConfigurationService |
This service enables you to read the composition types defined in the SAP S/4HANA system in the Customizing
configuration Define Settings for Specification APIs.
ProductSpecificationPropertyConfigurationService |
This service enables you to read the class-based properties (A VAT category) defined in the SAP S/4HANA system in the
Customizing configuration Define Settings for Specification APIs.
ProductSpecificationService |
This service can operate with specification types assigned to the following specification categories: raw substance,
real substance, stream substance, and packaging.
ProfitCenterService |
This service enables you to read profit center master data in an API call.
ProjectService |
The service reads data from the project using Project Internal ID, and can retrieve project header data as well as
description fields, organizational fields and planned date fields.
PurchaseContractService |
This service is based on the OData protocol.
PurchaseRequisitionService |
This service helps you to create, read, update and delete purchase requisitions through an API call from a source
system outside SAP S/4HANA.
PurchasingInfoRecordService |
This synchronous inbound service enables you to create, update, and delete purchasing info records with conditions.
PurchasingPricingConditionRecordService |
Consumers of this inbound service can create, read, update, and delete condition records inside your system by using
OData requests.
PureSubstanceComponentTypeService |
This service reads data from specifications with category pure substance, and can retrieve which component type is
allowed for pure substances in the standard composition.
PureSubstanceService |
This service reads data from specifications with category pure substance, and can retrieve pure substance header data
and description.
QualityInfoRecordService |
The data related to a quality info record and first article inspection has one entity type each.
RecipeHeaderAndFormulaService |
The service contains information belonging to the recipe header, such as status, validity, and creation date, as well
as formula data, including a list of ingredients with their quantities.
RequestsForQuotationService |
The service contains header, item, and bidder nodes.
ReservationDocumentService |
For example, user might create a reservation for a material with some quantity and assign that reserved material to a
cost center, a sales order or an asset.
SalesAndDistributionDocumentOrderReasonService |
The service contains four entities, from which Self- Billing Cockpit consumers can retrieve the order reason ID and
description, retro- billing relevance of the order reason, as well as the related item type for self- billing
SalesContractService |
The service contains header and item entities, as well as their sub-entities for partners and pricing elements.
SalesDistrictService |
It contains sales district and sales district text nodes.
SalesDocumentWithCreditBlocksService |
The service contains entities for credit blocked sales document and reject reason.
SalesInquiryService |
The service contains header, header partner, header pricing element, item, item partner, and item pricing element
SalesOrderService |
In every API call, you can make use of the following operations:
You can read entire sales orders or only parts of the data, using the provided filters.
SalesOrderSimulateService |
The API gives you information about pricing, material availability, and the customer's credit limit.
SalesOrderWithoutChargeService |
In every API call, you can make use of the following operations:
You can read entire sales orders without charge or only parts of the data, using the provided filters.
SalesOrganizationService |
It contains sales organization and sales organization text nodes.
SalesQuotationService |
In every API call, you can make use of the following operations:
You can read entire sales quotations or only parts of the data, using the provided filters.
SalesSchedulingAgreementService |
The service contains header, item, delivery schedule, and schedule line entities, as well as header and item
sub-entities for partners and pricing elements.
SchedulingAgreementService |
This service enables you to create, read, update and delete purchase scheduling agreements from any external system
through an API call.
SegmentationStructureAndStrategyMaintenanceService |
This service enables you to create, read, update, and delete segmentation details of the segmentation structure and
SegmentService |
The service enables you to retrieve segment master data.
ServiceConfirmationService |
You can use this service to integrate external applications with service confirmation processing in SAP S/4HANA.
ServiceEntrySheetService |
This service enables a remote system to read, create and update service entry sheets from or in the SAP S/4HANA
ServiceOrderService |
You can use this service to integrate external applications with service order processing in SAP S/4HANA.
ServiceOrderTemplateService |
You can use this service to integrate external applications with service order processing in SAP S/4HANA.
ServiceRequestService |
The service contains header, reference object, person responsible, reason, order, defect, and text entities.
SoldToPartyAssignmentOfSalesSchedulingAgreementService |
This service contains one entity only.
SolutionQuotationService |
The service contains entities for solution quotation header, various supported items, follow-up transactions, and
texts, as well as the entities for items.
SpecificationPhraseService |
This service enables you to read specification phrase data, such as phrase sets, phrases, and phrase items.
StatisticalKeyFigureService |
This service is based on the OData protocol and can be consumed in Fiori apps and on other user interfaces..
SubscriptionContractService |
The service provides the subscription contract header and contract items.
SubsequentBillingDocumentService |
SAP Self-Billing Cockpit uses this service to retrieve details about billing documents in your system that were
created with reference to existing billing documents in your system.
SupplierEvaluationScoreService |
This service enables consumers to read operational supplier evaluation scores from the SAP S/4HANA system.
SupplierInvoiceIntegrationService |
This service enables you to create supplier invoices through an API call from a source system outside SAP S/4HANA.
SupplierQuotationService |
This service enables you to read, update and create supplier quotations with reference to an RFQ from or in the SAP
S/4HANA system.
SupplyAssignmentPriorityService |
This service enables you to read and update the values of supply assignment demand priority and demand group priority
of sales orders, fashion contracts, and stock transport orders from the SAP S/4HANA system.
SupplyAssignmentService |
This service enables you to read the existing supply assignments of different requirement documents from the SAP
S/4HANA system.
TaskActivityService |
The service contains header, person responsible, and text entities.
TradingPartnerService |
The service enables you to retrieve trading partner master data.
TransactionDataForGroupReportingService |
This service selects transaction data that is included in SAP S/4HANA Finance for group reporting, such as reported
financial data or consolidated financial data.
TreasuryPositionFlowService |
You can use this inbound service to read treasury position flows.
VehicleManagementSystemForVehicleLocationService |
This service enables you to read the vehicle location that is configured as per the business process of vehicle
management system.
VehicleManagementSystemForVehicleService |
This service enables you to read vehicle details of an individual vehicle of vehicle management system.
WorkCenterDataService |
This service is based on OData protocol and can be consumed in Fiori apps and on other user interfaces.
Class | Description |
DefaultAccountingDocumentService |
It only extracts journal entries with an entry view and is not designed to extract large data volumes.
DefaultActivityTypeService |
This service enables you to read cost center activity type master data in an API call.
DefaultAlignmentPurchaseRequisitionToPurchaseOrderService |
This service enables you to align or nullify alignment of account assigned third-party order (TPO) or individual
purchase order (PTO) purchase requisition items with existing purchase order items.
DefaultAllergenService |
The service reads data from specifications with category ALLERGEN, and can retrieve allergen header data and
DefaultAllergenStatementService |
This service reads which specification types are assigned to category ALLERGEN, and can retrieve exception value
information from Customizing regarding the associated specification type.
DefaultAppointmentActivityService |
The service contains header, attendee, person responsible, and text entities.
DefaultAttachmentService |
This service allows you to manage attachments and attachment URLs for business objects.
DefaultBankDetailService |
The service contains key information for banks, such as bank country, bank key, bank name, SWIFT code, bank group,
bank number, region, street name, city, and branch.
DefaultBasicProductAvailabilityInformationService |
The availability information calculated by the service could, for example, be used by webshops to display up-to-date
product availability information to increase the chance of customers placing orders or by suppliers to inform their
customers when required products will be available and in which quantities.
DefaultBatchService |
This OData API enables you to create, change and read batches.
DefaultBillingDocumentRequestService |
Consumers of this inbound service can read, reject, and delete billing document requests inside your system by
sending OData requests.
DefaultBillingDocumentService |
Consumers of this inbound service can read and cancel billing documents inside your system by sending OData requests.
DefaultBillOfMaterialComparisonService |
The service enables you to compare two bills of material (primary and secondary BOM) by comparing their BOM item
attributes and gets the comparison result.
DefaultBillOfMaterialsService |
This service enables you to read, create, and update bills of material with and without version.
DefaultBillsOfMaterialWhereUsedListService |
The service contains either no header, one header or multiple headers, and an item.
DefaultBrazilBusinessPlaceService |
This service is based on the OData protocol and can be consumed in Brazilian integration scenarios.
DefaultBrazilNotaFiscalService |
This service is based on the OData and can be consumed in Brazilian integration scenarios.
DefaultBufferProfileService |
The service contains header and item entities.
DefaultBufferSizingService |
The service contains header and item entities.
DefaultBusinessAreaService |
The service enables you to retrieve business area master data.
DefaultBusinessEventQueueService |
The service reads business events from a queue for a given subscriber.
DefaultBusinessEventsSubscriptionService |
This service lets the caller create a subscription for business events for a given subscriber.
DefaultBusinessPartnerService |
This service enables you to create, display, update, and delete data related to business partner, supplier, and
customer with the data provided in a payload, in an API call.
DefaultBusinessSituationService |
This API is based on the OData protocol.
DefaultBusinessSituationTypeService |
This API is based on the OData protocol.
DefaultCentralPurchaseContractService |
This service is based on the OData protocol.
DefaultChangeMasterV2Service |
You can display and edit change master header data, as well as specify the allowed object types and add alternative
dates to your change masters.
DefaultChangeRecordService |
You can create, read, and delete change records as header objects.
DefaultCharacteristicDataForClassificationService |
Characteristics describe attributes of the objects to be classified.
DefaultChartOfAccountsService |
The service enables you to retrieve chart of accounts master data.
DefaultClassDataForClassificationService |
Classes allow you to group objects together according to criteria that you define.
DefaultCompanyCodeService |
The service enables you to retrieve company code master data.
DefaultConditionContractTypeService |
The service is based on the OData protocol and can be consumed in SAP Fiori apps and in other user interfaces.
DefaultConditionRecordForPricingInSalesService |
Consumers of this inbound service can create, read, update, and delete condition records inside your system by using
OData requests.
DefaultConditionTypeForPricingInPurchasingService |
This inbound service enables external applications to read data of condition types that are used for pricing in
DefaultConditionTypeForPricingInSalesService |
This inbound service enables external applications to read data of condition types that are used for pricing in
DefaultControllingAreaService |
It contains the controlling area node.
DefaultCostCenterActivityTypeService |
You can use this inbound synchronous service to create, read, update, and delete master data of activity types used
by one or multiple cost centers.
DefaultCostCenterService |
This service enables you to read cost center master data from SAP S/4HANA system.
DefaultCountryOrRegionService |
The service enables you to retrieve country/region master data.
DefaultCreditMemoRequestService |
In every API call, you can make use of the following operations:
You can read entire credit memo requests or only parts of the data, using the provided filters.
DefaultCustomerAndSupplierIndustryService |
The service enables you to retrieve industry master data.
DefaultCustomerGroupService |
The service enables you to retrieve customer group master data.
DefaultCustomerMaterialService |
The service contains one entity only for customer material.
DefaultCustomerReturnService |
You can use this service to integrate external applications with customer return processing.
DefaultDebitMemoRequestService |
In every API call, you can make use of the following operations:
You can read entire debit memo requests or only parts of the data, using the provided filters.
DefaultDebitOrCreditIndicatorService |
It contains the controlling debit credit code and controlling debit credit code text nodes.
DefaultDefectCategoryService |
This service is related to the business object Defect.
DefaultDefectClassService |
This service is related to the business object Defect.
DefaultDefectCodeAndCodeGroupService |
This service is related to the business object Defect.
DefaultDefectService |
A defect is any property or attribute of a material that does not meet the specifications of an inspection
DefaultDeliveryDocumentWithCreditBlocksService |
The service contains entities for credit blocked delivery document and reject reason.
DefaultDistributionChannelService |
It contains the distribution channel and distribution channel text nodes.
DefaultDivisionService |
It contains division and division text nodes.
DefaultDocumentManagementService |
The service contains header data of the document info record (DIR), description, object link information for BOM,
product, and change record, classification details for class and characteristics, and value help for document status
as nodes.
DefaultEnvironmentHealthAndSafetyIncidentService |
This service contains the basic information about an incident as the main entity, and persons involved, location, and
attachments as dependent entities.
DefaultEquipmentService |
This service contains equipment, long text, partner function, warranty, class, characteristic, and characteristic
value nodes.
DefaultExtendedPlannedIndependentRequirementService |
The PIRs are read, updated, and/or created on header and item level.
DefaultFinancialPlanningDataService |
The service exports financial plan data between systems.
DefaultFinancialPlanningEntryItemService |
The service contains financial planning entry items and master data of the referenced company code, cost center,
profit center.
DefaultFunctionalAreaService |
It contains functional area and functional area text nodes.
DefaultFunctionalLocationService |
This service contains functional location, long text, partner function, warranty, class, characteristic, and
characteristic value nodes.
DefaultGeneralLedgerAccountLineItemService |
This service enables you to retrieve accounting-specific information from all journal entries in Financials.
DefaultGeneralLedgerAccountService |
The service enables you to retrieve G/L account master data.
DefaultIncomingVATInvoiceChinaService |
The service is based on the *OData* protocol, and can be consumed by external systems and user interfaces to
integrate with incoming VAT invoice management in SAP S/4HANA.
DefaultIntelligentProductProposalService |
In this API, you can retrieve product and quantity proposals.
DefaultJournalEntryItemService |
The service contains journal entry items and master data of the referenced company code, cost center, profit center.
DefaultJustInTimeCallService |
For example, you can use this service to create a JIT call or to allocate or delete component materials.
DefaultKanbanControlCycleV2Service |
The kanban OData API enables you to create and retrieve kanban control cycles and their kanban container data.
DefaultLeadService |
The service contains header, item, person responsible, and text entities.
DefaultLedgerService |
The service enables you to retrieve ledger master data.
DefaultLegalCategorieService |
This synchronous inbound service is based on the OData protocol and helps you to read legal categories through an API
DefaultLegalDocumentAccessLevelService |
This synchronous inbound service is based on the OData protocol and can be consumed in integration scenarios or other
user interfaces.
DefaultLegalDocumentContentTypeService |
This synchronous inbound service is based on the OData protocol and helps you to read the content types through an
API call.
DefaultLegalDocumentService |
This synchronous inbound service helps you to create and read legal documents through an API call.
DefaultLegalDocumentStatusService |
This synchronous inbound service is based on the OData protocol and helps you to read the possible values of legal
document status through an API call.
DefaultLegalTransactionService |
This synchronous inbound service is based on the OData protocol and helps you to create, read, and update legal
transactions through an API call.
DefaultLineItemOfTreasuryPostingJournalEntryService |
This synchronous inbound service reads line items of treasury posting journal entries.
DefaultManualAccrualService |
The service contains accrual subobject, accrual item, accrual account assignment, accrual parameter, and accrual
period data.
DefaultMasterDataForGroupReportingService |
This service includes master data for standard consolidation characteristics and master data for additional
characteristics selected in the configuration of SAP S/4HANA Finance for group reporting.
DefaultMasterRecipeService |
Master recipes are used for planning the manufacture of products.
DefaultMaterialDocumentService |
This service enables you to retrieve and create material documents, e.g.
DefaultMaterialPlanningDataService |
The service contains entities for material master data, supply and demand information, and information about the
coverage of materials.
DefaultMaterialPriceService |
This service enables you to change the existing prices of your materials by importing new prices into the material
DefaultMaterialStockDisplayService |
This service enables you to retrieve material stock information using the OData protocol with filter data provided in
the payload.
DefaultNutrientService |
This service reads data from specifications with category NUTRIENT, and can retrieve nutrient header data and
DefaultNutrientStatementService |
This service reads which specification types are assigned to category NUTRIENT, and can retrieve exception value
information from Customizing regarding the associated specification type.
DefaultOpportunityService |
The service contains header, item, person responsible, sales representative and text entities.
DefaultOrderBillOfMaterialService |
The service contains either no header, one header, or multiple headers for the specified order bill of material and
zero or more items for each header.
DefaultPackingInstructionService |
The packing instruction is a business object that contains a detailed set of rules.
DefaultPaymentAdviceService |
You can use this inbound synchronous service to create, read, update, and delete payment advices related to a
customer or a supplier.
DefaultPersonnelSettlementDocumentService |
The service enables you to read the transactional data of personnel settlement documents.
DefaultPhaseRelationshipTypeService |
Relationships link the start or end of a preceding phase with the start or end of a succeeding phase.
DefaultPhoneCallActivityService |
The service contains header, attendee, person responsible, and text entities.
DefaultPhysicalInventoryDocumentService |
You can count items and post differences on both document and item level.
DefaultPlannedOrderService |
In addition to executing the operations on planned orders, you can also read, create, change, and delete components
belonging to the orders.
DefaultPlanningCategoryService |
It contains planning category and planning category text nodes.
DefaultPricingProcedureInPurchasingService |
The service contains pricing procedure, pricing procedure item data, condition type, and description entities.
DefaultPricingProcedureInSalesService |
The service contains pricing procedure, pricing procedure item data, condition type, and description entities.
DefaultProcessOrderConfirmationV2Service |
You can create time ticket confirmations and confirmations on order level, read them, and cancel the confirmations on
time ticket or order level.
DefaultProcessOrderV2Service |
In addition to create, read, and update, you can also release process orders and operations.
DefaultProductAllocationObjectService |
This service enables you to read the data from product allocation objects.
DefaultProductAllocationSequenceService |
This service enables you to read header data for a specific product allocation sequence (including its description).
DefaultProductGroupService |
It contains product group and product group text nodes.
DefaultProductionOrderConfirmationV2Service |
You can create time ticket confirmations and confirmations on order level, read them, and cancel the confirmations on
time ticket or order level.
DefaultProductionOrderV2Service |
In addition to create, read, and update, you can also release production orders and operations.
DefaultProductionRoutingService |
A routing is a description of the operations (or steps in a process) that are performed to manufacture a product (or
DefaultProductionSupplyAreaService |
The OData API for production supply areas enables you to create, update, delete, and retrieve production supply
DefaultProductMasterDataIncludingClassificationService |
Product master is a reusable set of data describing a product or service.
DefaultProductMasterService |
You can perform the CRUD operations on product master data records at the entity level.
DefaultProductSpecificationCompositionConfigurationService |
This service enables you to read the composition types defined in the SAP S/4HANA system in the Customizing
configuration Define Settings for Specification APIs.
DefaultProductSpecificationPropertyConfigurationService |
This service enables you to read the class-based properties (A VAT category) defined in the SAP S/4HANA system in the
Customizing configuration Define Settings for Specification APIs.
DefaultProductSpecificationService |
This service can operate with specification types assigned to the following specification categories: raw substance,
real substance, stream substance, and packaging.
DefaultProfitCenterService |
This service enables you to read profit center master data in an API call.
DefaultProjectService |
The service reads data from the project using Project Internal ID, and can retrieve project header data as well as
description fields, organizational fields and planned date fields.
DefaultPurchaseContractService |
This service is based on the OData protocol.
DefaultPurchaseRequisitionService |
This service helps you to create, read, update and delete purchase requisitions through an API call from a source
system outside SAP S/4HANA.
DefaultPurchasingInfoRecordService |
This synchronous inbound service enables you to create, update, and delete purchasing info records with conditions.
DefaultPurchasingPricingConditionRecordService |
Consumers of this inbound service can create, read, update, and delete condition records inside your system by using
OData requests.
DefaultPureSubstanceComponentTypeService |
This service reads data from specifications with category pure substance, and can retrieve which component type is
allowed for pure substances in the standard composition.
DefaultPureSubstanceService |
This service reads data from specifications with category pure substance, and can retrieve pure substance header data
and description.
DefaultQualityInfoRecordService |
The data related to a quality info record and first article inspection has one entity type each.
DefaultRecipeHeaderAndFormulaService |
The service contains information belonging to the recipe header, such as status, validity, and creation date, as well
as formula data, including a list of ingredients with their quantities.
DefaultRequestsForQuotationService |
The service contains header, item, and bidder nodes.
DefaultReservationDocumentService |
For example, user might create a reservation for a material with some quantity and assign that reserved material to a
cost center, a sales order or an asset.
DefaultSalesAndDistributionDocumentOrderReasonService |
The service contains four entities, from which Self- Billing Cockpit consumers can retrieve the order reason ID and
description, retro- billing relevance of the order reason, as well as the related item type for self- billing
DefaultSalesContractService |
The service contains header and item entities, as well as their sub-entities for partners and pricing elements.
DefaultSalesDistrictService |
It contains sales district and sales district text nodes.
DefaultSalesDocumentWithCreditBlocksService |
The service contains entities for credit blocked sales document and reject reason.
DefaultSalesInquiryService |
The service contains header, header partner, header pricing element, item, item partner, and item pricing element
DefaultSalesOrderService |
In every API call, you can make use of the following operations:
You can read entire sales orders or only parts of the data, using the provided filters.
DefaultSalesOrderSimulateService |
The API gives you information about pricing, material availability, and the customer's credit limit.
DefaultSalesOrderWithoutChargeService |
In every API call, you can make use of the following operations:
You can read entire sales orders without charge or only parts of the data, using the provided filters.
DefaultSalesOrganizationService |
It contains sales organization and sales organization text nodes.
DefaultSalesQuotationService |
In every API call, you can make use of the following operations:
You can read entire sales quotations or only parts of the data, using the provided filters.
DefaultSalesSchedulingAgreementService |
The service contains header, item, delivery schedule, and schedule line entities, as well as header and item
sub-entities for partners and pricing elements.
DefaultSchedulingAgreementService |
This service enables you to create, read, update and delete purchase scheduling agreements from any external system
through an API call.
DefaultSegmentationStructureAndStrategyMaintenanceService |
This service enables you to create, read, update, and delete segmentation details of the segmentation structure and
DefaultSegmentService |
The service enables you to retrieve segment master data.
DefaultServiceConfirmationService |
You can use this service to integrate external applications with service confirmation processing in SAP S/4HANA.
DefaultServiceEntrySheetService |
This service enables a remote system to read, create and update service entry sheets from or in the SAP S/4HANA
DefaultServiceOrderService |
You can use this service to integrate external applications with service order processing in SAP S/4HANA.
DefaultServiceOrderTemplateService |
You can use this service to integrate external applications with service order processing in SAP S/4HANA.
DefaultServiceRequestService |
The service contains header, reference object, person responsible, reason, order, defect, and text entities.
DefaultSoldToPartyAssignmentOfSalesSchedulingAgreementService |
This service contains one entity only.
DefaultSolutionQuotationService |
The service contains entities for solution quotation header, various supported items, follow-up transactions, and
texts, as well as the entities for items.
DefaultSpecificationPhraseService |
This service enables you to read specification phrase data, such as phrase sets, phrases, and phrase items.
DefaultStatisticalKeyFigureService |
This service is based on the OData protocol and can be consumed in Fiori apps and on other user interfaces..
DefaultSubscriptionContractService |
The service provides the subscription contract header and contract items.
DefaultSubsequentBillingDocumentService |
SAP Self-Billing Cockpit uses this service to retrieve details about billing documents in your system that were
created with reference to existing billing documents in your system.
DefaultSupplierEvaluationScoreService |
This service enables consumers to read operational supplier evaluation scores from the SAP S/4HANA system.
DefaultSupplierInvoiceIntegrationService |
This service enables you to create supplier invoices through an API call from a source system outside SAP S/4HANA.
DefaultSupplierQuotationService |
This service enables you to read, update and create supplier quotations with reference to an RFQ from or in the SAP
S/4HANA system.
DefaultSupplyAssignmentPriorityService |
This service enables you to read and update the values of supply assignment demand priority and demand group priority
of sales orders, fashion contracts, and stock transport orders from the SAP S/4HANA system.
DefaultSupplyAssignmentService |
This service enables you to read the existing supply assignments of different requirement documents from the SAP
S/4HANA system.
DefaultTaskActivityService |
The service contains header, person responsible, and text entities.
DefaultTradingPartnerService |
The service enables you to retrieve trading partner master data.
DefaultTransactionDataForGroupReportingService |
This service selects transaction data that is included in SAP S/4HANA Finance for group reporting, such as reported
financial data or consolidated financial data.
DefaultTreasuryPositionFlowService |
You can use this inbound service to read treasury position flows.
DefaultVehicleManagementSystemForVehicleLocationService |
This service enables you to read the vehicle location that is configured as per the business process of vehicle
management system.
DefaultVehicleManagementSystemForVehicleService |
This service enables you to read vehicle details of an individual vehicle of vehicle management system.
DefaultWorkCenterDataService |
This service is based on OData protocol and can be consumed in Fiori apps and on other user interfaces.
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