public class OperationalAcctgDocItemCube extends VdmEntity<OperationalAcctgDocItemCube>
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the AccountAssignmentNumber field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the AccountingDocCreatedByUser field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the AccountingDocument field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the AccountingDocumentCategory field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the AccountingDocumentCategoryName field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the AccountingDocumentClass field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<Calendar> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the AccountingDocumentCreationDate field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the AccountingDocumentHeaderText field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the AccountingDocumentItem field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the AccountingDocumentItemRef field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the AccountingDocumentItemType field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the AccountingDocumentType field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the AccountingDocumentTypeName field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the AccountsReceivableIsPledged field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the AdditionalCurrency1 field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the AdditionalCurrency2 field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeSelectable |
Selector for all available fields of OperationalAcctgDocItemCube.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the AlternativeGLAccount field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the AlternativeReferenceDocument field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<BigDecimal> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the AmountInAdditionalCurrency1 field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<BigDecimal> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the AmountInAdditionalCurrency2 field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<BigDecimal> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the AmountInBalanceTransacCrcy field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<BigDecimal> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the AmountInCompanyCodeCurrency field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<BigDecimal> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the AmountInPaymentCurrency field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<BigDecimal> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the AmountInTransactionCurrency field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the AssetContract field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the AssetTransactionType field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<Calendar> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the AssetValueDate field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the AssignmentReference field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the BalanceTransactionCurrency field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the BaseUnit field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the BatchInputSession field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the BillOfExchangeUsage field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the BillingDocument field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the BPBankAccountInternalID field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the Branch field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the BranchAccount field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the BranchCode field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the BudgetPeriod field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the BusinessArea field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the BusinessAreaName field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the BusinessPlace field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the BusinessProcess field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the BusinessTransactionType field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<BigDecimal> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the CashDiscountAmount field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<BigDecimal> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the CashDiscountAmtInCoCodeCrcy field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<BigDecimal> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the CashDiscountBaseAmount field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<BigDecimal> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the CashDiscount1Days field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<Calendar> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the CashDiscount1DueDate field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<BigDecimal> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the CashDiscount1Percent field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<BigDecimal> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the CashDiscount2Days field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<Calendar> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the CashDiscount2DueDate field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<BigDecimal> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the CashDiscount2Percent field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the CashFlowType field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the ChartOfAccounts field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the ClearingAccountingDocument field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<Calendar> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the ClearingCreationDate field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<Calendar> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the ClearingDate field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the ClearingDocFiscalYear field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<Boolean> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the ClearingIsReversed field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<BigDecimal> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the ClearingItem field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the CommitmentItem field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the CompanyCode field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the CompanyCodeCurrency field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the CompanyCodeCurrencyDetnMethod field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the CompanyCodeName field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the ControllingArea field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the ControllingAreaName field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the CorporateGroupAccount field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the CostCenter field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the CostCenterName field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the CostCtrActivityType field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the CostElement field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the CostObject field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the CostOriginGroup field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<Calendar> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the CreationTime field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the CreditControlArea field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the CreditControlAreaCurrency field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the Customer field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<Boolean> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the CustomerIsInExecution field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the CustomerName field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the DataExchangeInstruction1 field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the DataExchangeInstruction2 field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the DataExchangeInstruction3 field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the DataExchangeInstruction4 field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the DebitCreditCode field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the DelivOfGoodsDestCountry field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<Calendar> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the DocumentDate field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the DocumentItemText field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the DocumentReferenceID field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<Calendar> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the DueCalculationBaseDate field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the DunningArea field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the DunningBlockingReason field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the DunningKey field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the DunningLevel field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<BigDecimal> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the ExchangeRate field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<Calendar> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the ExchangeRateDate field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the ExchangeRateType field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the FinancialAccountType field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the FinancialManagementArea field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the FinancialTransactionType field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the FiscalPeriod field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the FiscalYear field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the FixedAsset field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the FixedCashDiscount field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the FollowOnDocumentType field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the FunctionalArea field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the FunctionalAreaName field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the Fund field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the FundedProgram field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the FundsCenter field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the GLAccount field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the GLAccountLongName field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the GLAccountName field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the GoodsMovementEntryUnit field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the GrantID field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<Boolean> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the HasPaymentOrder field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<BigDecimal> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the HedgedAmount field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the HouseBank field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the HouseBankAccount field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the IntercompanyTransaction field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the InventoryValuationType field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<BigDecimal> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the InvoiceAmountInFrgnCurrency field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<BigDecimal> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the InvoiceAmtInCoCodeCrcy field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the InvoiceItemReference field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the InvoiceList field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<Calendar> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the InvoiceReceiptDate field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the InvoiceReference field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the InvoiceReferenceFiscalYear field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<Boolean> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the IsAutomaticallyCreated field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<Boolean> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the IsBalanceSheetAccount field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<Boolean> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the IsCleared field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<Boolean> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the IsCompletelyDelivered field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<Boolean> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the IsEUTriangularDeal field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<Boolean> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the IsNegativePosting field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<Boolean> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the IsNotCashDiscountLiable field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the IsOpenItemManaged field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<Boolean> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the IsReversal field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<Boolean> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the IsReversed field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<Boolean> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the IsSalesRelated field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<Boolean> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the IsUsedInPaymentTransaction field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the JointVenture field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the JointVentureCostRecoveryCode field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the JointVentureEquityGroup field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the JointVentureEquityType field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<Calendar> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the LastChangeDate field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<Calendar> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the LastDunningDate field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the LatePaymentReason field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the Ledger field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the LedgerGLLineItem field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the LedgerGroup field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<Boolean> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the LineItemDisplayIsEnabled field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the LogicalSystem field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the MasterFixedAsset field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the Material field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the MaterialPriceControl field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<BigDecimal> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the MaterialPriceUnitQty field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<Calendar> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the NetDueDate field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<BigDecimal> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the NetPaymentAmount field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<BigDecimal> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the NetPaymentDays field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<BigDecimal> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the NumberOfItems field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the OffsettingAccount field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the OffsettingAccountType field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the OperationalGLAccount field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the OrderID field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the OrderIntBillOfOperationsItem field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the OrderInternalBillOfOperations field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the OriginalReferenceDocument field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<BigDecimal> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the OriginalTaxBaseAmount field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the PartnerBudgetPeriod field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the PartnerBusinessArea field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the PartnerCompany field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the PartnerFunctionalArea field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the PartnerFund field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the PartnerGrant field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the PartnerProfitCenter field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the PartnerSegment field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the PaymentBlockingReason field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the PaymentCardItem field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the PaymentCardPaymentSettlement field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the PaymentCurrency field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the PaymentDifferenceReason field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the PaymentMethod field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the PaymentMethodSupplement field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the PaymentReference field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the PaymentTerms field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the PersonnelNumber field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<BigDecimal> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the PlannedAmtInTransactionCrcy field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<Calendar> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the PlannedReversalDate field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the PlanningLevel field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the Plant field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<Calendar> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the PostingDate field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the PostingKey field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the Product field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the ProfitCenter field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the ProfitCenterName field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the ProfitLossAccountType field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the ProfitabilitySegment field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the Project field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the ProjectNetwork field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<BigDecimal> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the PurchaseOrderQty field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the PurchasingDocument field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the PurchasingDocumentItem field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the PurchasingDocumentPriceUnit field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<BigDecimal> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the Quantity field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<BigDecimal> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the QuantityInEntryUnit field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the RealEstateObject field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the RecurringAccountingDocument field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the ReferenceDocumentLogicalSystem field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the ReferenceDocumentType field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the Reference1IDByBusinessPartner field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the Reference1InDocumentHeader field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the Reference2IDByBusinessPartner field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the Reference2InDocumentHeader field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the Reference3IDByBusinessPartner field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the Region field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<Boolean> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the ReversalIsPlanned field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the ReversalReason field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the ReverseDocument field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the ReverseDocumentFiscalYear field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the SalesDocument field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the SalesDocumentCondition field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the SalesDocumentItem field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the ScheduleLine field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the Segment field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the SegmentName field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the SEPAMandate field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<Calendar> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the SettlementReferenceDate field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the SourceCompanyCode field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the SpecialGLAccountAssignment field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the SpecialGLCode field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the SpecialGLTransactionType field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the StateCentralBankPaymentReason field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the Supplier field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the SupplierName field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the SupplyingCountry field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<BigDecimal> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the TaxAmount field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<BigDecimal> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the TaxAmountInCoCodeCrcy field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<BigDecimal> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the TaxBaseAmountInCoCodeCrcy field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<BigDecimal> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the TaxBaseAmountInTransCrcy field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<Boolean> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the TaxBaseAmountIsNetAmount field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the TaxCode field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<Calendar> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the TaxDeterminationDate field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the TaxDistributionCode1 field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the TaxDistributionCode2 field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the TaxDistributionCode3 field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<BigDecimal> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the TaxExchangeRate field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<Boolean> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the TaxIsCalculatedAutomatically field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the TaxJurisdiction field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<Calendar> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the TaxReportingDate field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the TaxSection field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the TaxType field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the TransactionCode field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the TransactionCurrency field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the TransactionTypeDetermination field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the TreasuryContractType field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the ValuationArea field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<BigDecimal> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the ValuationDiffAmtInAddlCrcy1 field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<BigDecimal> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the ValuationDiffAmtInAddlCrcy2 field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<BigDecimal> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the ValuationDiffAmtInCoCodeCrcy field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<Calendar> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the ValueDate field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the VATRegistration field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the WBSElementInternalID field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<BigDecimal> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the WithholdingTaxAmount field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<BigDecimal> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the WithholdingTaxBaseAmount field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the WithholdingTaxCertificate field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the WithholdingTaxCode field to query operations.
static OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<BigDecimal> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the WithholdingTaxExemptionAmt field to query operations.
Constructor and Description |
OperationalAcctgDocItemCube() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
equals(Object o) |
static <T> OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<T> |
field(String fieldName,
Class<T> fieldType)
Use with available fluent helpers to apply an extension field to query operations.
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 2
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 12
String |
(Key Field) Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 60
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 6
Calendar |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 0
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 25
String |
(Key Field) Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 3
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 2
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 20
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 2
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 5
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 5
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 26
BigDecimal |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 24, Scale: 3
BigDecimal |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 24, Scale: 3
BigDecimal |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 24, Scale: 3
BigDecimal |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 24, Scale: 3
BigDecimal |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 24, Scale: 3
BigDecimal |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 24, Scale: 3
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 13
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 3
Calendar |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 0
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 18
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 5
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 3
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 12
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 5
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 30
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 12
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4
BigDecimal |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 3, Scale: 0
Calendar |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 0
BigDecimal |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 5, Scale: 3
BigDecimal |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 3, Scale: 0
Calendar |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 0
BigDecimal |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 5, Scale: 3
BigDecimal |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 24, Scale: 3
BigDecimal |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 24, Scale: 3
BigDecimal |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 24, Scale: 3
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
Calendar |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 0
Calendar |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 0
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4
Boolean |
Constraints: none
BigDecimal |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 5, Scale: 0
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 24
String |
(Key Field) Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 5
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 25
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 25
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 20
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 6
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 12
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4
Calendar |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 0
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 5
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
Boolean |
Constraints: none
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 80
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 2
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 2
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 2
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 2
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 3
Calendar |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 0
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 50
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 16
Calendar |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 0
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 2
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1
ErpConfigContext |
Convienence field for reusing the same ERP system context with multiple queries (e.g.
BigDecimal |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 9, Scale: 5
Calendar |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 0
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 3
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 3
String |
(Key Field) Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 16
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 30
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 24
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 16
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 50
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 30
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 3
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 20
Boolean |
Constraints: none
BigDecimal |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 24, Scale: 3
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 5
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 5
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 16
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
BigDecimal |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 24, Scale: 3
BigDecimal |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 24, Scale: 3
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 3
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 8
Calendar |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 0
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4
Boolean |
Constraints: none
Boolean |
Constraints: none
Boolean |
Constraints: none
Boolean |
Constraints: none
Boolean |
Constraints: none
Boolean |
Constraints: none
Boolean |
Constraints: none
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1
Boolean |
Constraints: none
Boolean |
Constraints: none
Boolean |
Constraints: none
Boolean |
Constraints: none
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 6
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 2
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 3
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 3
Calendar |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 0
Calendar |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 0
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 2
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 2
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 6
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4
Boolean |
Constraints: none
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 12
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 40
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1
BigDecimal |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 5, Scale: 0
Calendar |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 0
BigDecimal |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 24, Scale: 3
BigDecimal |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 3, Scale: 0
BigDecimal |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 12, Scale: 0
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 12
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 8
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 20
BigDecimal |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 24, Scale: 3
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 6
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 16
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 20
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 3
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 5
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 3
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 2
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 30
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 8
BigDecimal |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 24, Scale: 3
Calendar |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 0
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 2
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4
Calendar |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 0
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 2
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 40
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 20
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 2
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 24
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 12
BigDecimal |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 13, Scale: 3
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 5
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 3
BigDecimal |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 23, Scale: 3
BigDecimal |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 13, Scale: 3
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 40
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 12
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 20
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 12
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 20
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 20
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 5
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 3
Boolean |
Constraints: none
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 2
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 6
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 50
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 35
Calendar |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 0
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 18
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 3
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 80
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 3
BigDecimal |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 24, Scale: 3
BigDecimal |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 24, Scale: 3
BigDecimal |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 24, Scale: 3
BigDecimal |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 24, Scale: 3
Boolean |
Constraints: none
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 2
Calendar |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 0
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 2
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 2
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 2
BigDecimal |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 9, Scale: 5
Boolean |
Constraints: none
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 15
Calendar |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 0
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 20
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 5
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 3
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1
Class<OperationalAcctgDocItemCube> |
getType() |
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4
BigDecimal |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 24, Scale: 3
BigDecimal |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 24, Scale: 3
BigDecimal |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 24, Scale: 3
Calendar |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 0
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 20
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 8
BigDecimal |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 24, Scale: 3
BigDecimal |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 24, Scale: 3
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 2
BigDecimal |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 24, Scale: 3
int |
hashCode() |
void |
setAccountAssignmentNumber(String accountAssignmentNumber)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 2
void |
setAccountingDocCreatedByUser(String accountingDocCreatedByUser)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 12
void |
setAccountingDocument(String accountingDocument)
(Key Field) Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
void |
setAccountingDocumentCategory(String accountingDocumentCategory)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1
void |
setAccountingDocumentCategoryName(String accountingDocumentCategoryName)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 60
void |
setAccountingDocumentClass(String accountingDocumentClass)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 6
void |
setAccountingDocumentCreationDate(Calendar accountingDocumentCreationDate)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 0
void |
setAccountingDocumentHeaderText(String accountingDocumentHeaderText)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 25
void |
setAccountingDocumentItem(String accountingDocumentItem)
(Key Field) Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 3
void |
setAccountingDocumentItemRef(String accountingDocumentItemRef)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
void |
setAccountingDocumentItemType(String accountingDocumentItemType)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1
void |
setAccountingDocumentType(String accountingDocumentType)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 2
void |
setAccountingDocumentTypeName(String accountingDocumentTypeName)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 20
void |
setAccountsReceivableIsPledged(String accountsReceivableIsPledged)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 2
void |
setAdditionalCurrency1(String additionalCurrency1)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 5
void |
setAdditionalCurrency2(String additionalCurrency2)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 5
void |
setAlternativeGLAccount(String alternativeGLAccount)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
void |
setAlternativeReferenceDocument(String alternativeReferenceDocument)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 26
void |
setAmountInAdditionalCurrency1(BigDecimal amountInAdditionalCurrency1)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 24, Scale: 3
void |
setAmountInAdditionalCurrency2(BigDecimal amountInAdditionalCurrency2)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 24, Scale: 3
void |
setAmountInBalanceTransacCrcy(BigDecimal amountInBalanceTransacCrcy)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 24, Scale: 3
void |
setAmountInCompanyCodeCurrency(BigDecimal amountInCompanyCodeCurrency)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 24, Scale: 3
void |
setAmountInPaymentCurrency(BigDecimal amountInPaymentCurrency)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 24, Scale: 3
void |
setAmountInTransactionCurrency(BigDecimal amountInTransactionCurrency)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 24, Scale: 3
void |
setAssetContract(String assetContract)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 13
void |
setAssetTransactionType(String assetTransactionType)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 3
void |
setAssetValueDate(Calendar assetValueDate)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 0
void |
setAssignmentReference(String assignmentReference)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 18
void |
setBalanceTransactionCurrency(String balanceTransactionCurrency)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 5
void |
setBaseUnit(String baseUnit)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 3
void |
setBatchInputSession(String batchInputSession)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 12
void |
setBillingDocument(String billingDocument)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
void |
setBillOfExchangeUsage(String billOfExchangeUsage)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1
void |
setBPBankAccountInternalID(String bPBankAccountInternalID)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4
void |
setBranch(String branch)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4
void |
setBranchAccount(String branchAccount)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
void |
setBranchCode(String branchCode)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 5
void |
setBudgetPeriod(String budgetPeriod)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
void |
setBusinessArea(String businessArea)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4
void |
setBusinessAreaName(String businessAreaName)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 30
void |
setBusinessPlace(String businessPlace)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4
void |
setBusinessProcess(String businessProcess)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 12
void |
setBusinessTransactionType(String businessTransactionType)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4
void |
setCashDiscount1Days(BigDecimal cashDiscount1Days)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 3, Scale: 0
void |
setCashDiscount1DueDate(Calendar cashDiscount1DueDate)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 0
void |
setCashDiscount1Percent(BigDecimal cashDiscount1Percent)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 5, Scale: 3
void |
setCashDiscount2Days(BigDecimal cashDiscount2Days)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 3, Scale: 0
void |
setCashDiscount2DueDate(Calendar cashDiscount2DueDate)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 0
void |
setCashDiscount2Percent(BigDecimal cashDiscount2Percent)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 5, Scale: 3
void |
setCashDiscountAmount(BigDecimal cashDiscountAmount)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 24, Scale: 3
void |
setCashDiscountAmtInCoCodeCrcy(BigDecimal cashDiscountAmtInCoCodeCrcy)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 24, Scale: 3
void |
setCashDiscountBaseAmount(BigDecimal cashDiscountBaseAmount)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 24, Scale: 3
void |
setCashFlowType(String cashFlowType)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4
void |
setChartOfAccounts(String chartOfAccounts)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4
void |
setClearingAccountingDocument(String clearingAccountingDocument)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
void |
setClearingCreationDate(Calendar clearingCreationDate)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 0
void |
setClearingDate(Calendar clearingDate)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 0
void |
setClearingDocFiscalYear(String clearingDocFiscalYear)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4
void |
setClearingIsReversed(Boolean clearingIsReversed)
Constraints: none
void |
setClearingItem(BigDecimal clearingItem)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 5, Scale: 0
void |
setCommitmentItem(String commitmentItem)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 24
void |
setCompanyCode(String companyCode)
(Key Field) Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4
void |
setCompanyCodeCurrency(String companyCodeCurrency)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 5
void |
setCompanyCodeCurrencyDetnMethod(String companyCodeCurrencyDetnMethod)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1
void |
setCompanyCodeName(String companyCodeName)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 25
void |
setControllingArea(String controllingArea)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4
void |
setControllingAreaName(String controllingAreaName)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 25
void |
setCorporateGroupAccount(String corporateGroupAccount)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
void |
setCostCenter(String costCenter)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
void |
setCostCenterName(String costCenterName)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 20
void |
setCostCtrActivityType(String costCtrActivityType)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 6
void |
setCostElement(String costElement)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
void |
setCostObject(String costObject)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 12
void |
setCostOriginGroup(String costOriginGroup)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4
void |
setCreationTime(Calendar creationTime)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 0
void |
setCreditControlArea(String creditControlArea)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4
void |
setCreditControlAreaCurrency(String creditControlAreaCurrency)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 5
void |
setCustomer(String customer)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
void |
setCustomerIsInExecution(Boolean customerIsInExecution)
Constraints: none
void |
setCustomerName(String customerName)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 80
void |
setDataExchangeInstruction1(String dataExchangeInstruction1)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 2
void |
setDataExchangeInstruction2(String dataExchangeInstruction2)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 2
void |
setDataExchangeInstruction3(String dataExchangeInstruction3)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 2
void |
setDataExchangeInstruction4(String dataExchangeInstruction4)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 2
void |
setDebitCreditCode(String debitCreditCode)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1
void |
setDelivOfGoodsDestCountry(String delivOfGoodsDestCountry)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 3
void |
setDocumentDate(Calendar documentDate)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 0
void |
setDocumentItemText(String documentItemText)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 50
void |
setDocumentReferenceID(String documentReferenceID)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 16
void |
setDueCalculationBaseDate(Calendar dueCalculationBaseDate)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 0
void |
setDunningArea(String dunningArea)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 2
void |
setDunningBlockingReason(String dunningBlockingReason)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1
void |
setDunningKey(String dunningKey)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1
void |
setDunningLevel(String dunningLevel)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1
void |
setErpConfigContext(ErpConfigContext erpConfigContext)
Convienence field for reusing the same ERP system context with multiple queries (e.g.
void |
setExchangeRate(BigDecimal exchangeRate)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 9, Scale: 5
void |
setExchangeRateDate(Calendar exchangeRateDate)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 0
void |
setExchangeRateType(String exchangeRateType)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4
void |
setFinancialAccountType(String financialAccountType)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1
void |
setFinancialManagementArea(String financialManagementArea)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4
void |
setFinancialTransactionType(String financialTransactionType)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 3
void |
setFiscalPeriod(String fiscalPeriod)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 3
void |
setFiscalYear(String fiscalYear)
(Key Field) Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4
void |
setFixedAsset(String fixedAsset)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4
void |
setFixedCashDiscount(String fixedCashDiscount)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1
void |
setFollowOnDocumentType(String followOnDocumentType)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1
void |
setFunctionalArea(String functionalArea)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 16
void |
setFunctionalAreaName(String functionalAreaName)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 30
void |
setFund(String fund)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
void |
setFundedProgram(String fundedProgram)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 24
void |
setFundsCenter(String fundsCenter)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 16
void |
setGLAccount(String gLAccount)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
void |
setGLAccountLongName(String gLAccountLongName)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 50
void |
setGLAccountName(String gLAccountName)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 30
void |
setGoodsMovementEntryUnit(String goodsMovementEntryUnit)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 3
void |
setGrantID(String grantID)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 20
void |
setHasPaymentOrder(Boolean hasPaymentOrder)
Constraints: none
void |
setHedgedAmount(BigDecimal hedgedAmount)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 24, Scale: 3
void |
setHouseBank(String houseBank)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 5
void |
setHouseBankAccount(String houseBankAccount)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 5
void |
setIntercompanyTransaction(String intercompanyTransaction)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 16
void |
setInventoryValuationType(String inventoryValuationType)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
void |
setInvoiceAmountInFrgnCurrency(BigDecimal invoiceAmountInFrgnCurrency)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 24, Scale: 3
void |
setInvoiceAmtInCoCodeCrcy(BigDecimal invoiceAmtInCoCodeCrcy)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 24, Scale: 3
void |
setInvoiceItemReference(String invoiceItemReference)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 3
void |
setInvoiceList(String invoiceList)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 8
void |
setInvoiceReceiptDate(Calendar invoiceReceiptDate)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 0
void |
setInvoiceReference(String invoiceReference)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
void |
setInvoiceReferenceFiscalYear(String invoiceReferenceFiscalYear)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4
void |
setIsAutomaticallyCreated(Boolean isAutomaticallyCreated)
Constraints: none
void |
setIsBalanceSheetAccount(Boolean isBalanceSheetAccount)
Constraints: none
void |
setIsCleared(Boolean isCleared)
Constraints: none
void |
setIsCompletelyDelivered(Boolean isCompletelyDelivered)
Constraints: none
void |
setIsEUTriangularDeal(Boolean isEUTriangularDeal)
Constraints: none
void |
setIsNegativePosting(Boolean isNegativePosting)
Constraints: none
void |
setIsNotCashDiscountLiable(Boolean isNotCashDiscountLiable)
Constraints: none
void |
setIsOpenItemManaged(String isOpenItemManaged)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1
void |
setIsReversal(Boolean isReversal)
Constraints: none
void |
setIsReversed(Boolean isReversed)
Constraints: none
void |
setIsSalesRelated(Boolean isSalesRelated)
Constraints: none
void |
setIsUsedInPaymentTransaction(Boolean isUsedInPaymentTransaction)
Constraints: none
void |
setJointVenture(String jointVenture)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 6
void |
setJointVentureCostRecoveryCode(String jointVentureCostRecoveryCode)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 2
void |
setJointVentureEquityGroup(String jointVentureEquityGroup)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 3
void |
setJointVentureEquityType(String jointVentureEquityType)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 3
void |
setLastChangeDate(Calendar lastChangeDate)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 0
void |
setLastDunningDate(Calendar lastDunningDate)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 0
void |
setLatePaymentReason(String latePaymentReason)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 2
void |
setLedger(String ledger)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 2
void |
setLedgerGLLineItem(String ledgerGLLineItem)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 6
void |
setLedgerGroup(String ledgerGroup)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4
void |
setLineItemDisplayIsEnabled(Boolean lineItemDisplayIsEnabled)
Constraints: none
void |
setLogicalSystem(String logicalSystem)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
void |
setMasterFixedAsset(String masterFixedAsset)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 12
void |
setMaterial(String material)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 40
void |
setMaterialPriceControl(String materialPriceControl)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1
void |
setMaterialPriceUnitQty(BigDecimal materialPriceUnitQty)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 5, Scale: 0
void |
setNetDueDate(Calendar netDueDate)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 0
void |
setNetPaymentAmount(BigDecimal netPaymentAmount)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 24, Scale: 3
void |
setNetPaymentDays(BigDecimal netPaymentDays)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 3, Scale: 0
void |
setNumberOfItems(BigDecimal numberOfItems)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 12, Scale: 0
void |
setOffsettingAccount(String offsettingAccount)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
void |
setOffsettingAccountType(String offsettingAccountType)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1
void |
setOperationalGLAccount(String operationalGLAccount)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
void |
setOrderID(String orderID)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 12
void |
setOrderIntBillOfOperationsItem(String orderIntBillOfOperationsItem)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 8
void |
setOrderInternalBillOfOperations(String orderInternalBillOfOperations)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
void |
setOriginalReferenceDocument(String originalReferenceDocument)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 20
void |
setOriginalTaxBaseAmount(BigDecimal originalTaxBaseAmount)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 24, Scale: 3
void |
setPartnerBudgetPeriod(String partnerBudgetPeriod)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
void |
setPartnerBusinessArea(String partnerBusinessArea)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4
void |
setPartnerCompany(String partnerCompany)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 6
void |
setPartnerFunctionalArea(String partnerFunctionalArea)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 16
void |
setPartnerFund(String partnerFund)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
void |
setPartnerGrant(String partnerGrant)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 20
void |
setPartnerProfitCenter(String partnerProfitCenter)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
void |
setPartnerSegment(String partnerSegment)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
void |
setPaymentBlockingReason(String paymentBlockingReason)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1
void |
setPaymentCardItem(String paymentCardItem)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 3
void |
setPaymentCardPaymentSettlement(String paymentCardPaymentSettlement)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
void |
setPaymentCurrency(String paymentCurrency)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 5
void |
setPaymentDifferenceReason(String paymentDifferenceReason)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 3
void |
setPaymentMethod(String paymentMethod)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1
void |
setPaymentMethodSupplement(String paymentMethodSupplement)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 2
void |
setPaymentReference(String paymentReference)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 30
void |
setPaymentTerms(String paymentTerms)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4
void |
setPersonnelNumber(String personnelNumber)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 8
void |
setPlannedAmtInTransactionCrcy(BigDecimal plannedAmtInTransactionCrcy)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 24, Scale: 3
void |
setPlannedReversalDate(Calendar plannedReversalDate)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 0
void |
setPlanningLevel(String planningLevel)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 2
void |
setPlant(String plant)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4
void |
setPostingDate(Calendar postingDate)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 0
void |
setPostingKey(String postingKey)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 2
void |
setProduct(String product)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 40
void |
setProfitabilitySegment(String profitabilitySegment)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
void |
setProfitCenter(String profitCenter)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
void |
setProfitCenterName(String profitCenterName)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 20
void |
setProfitLossAccountType(String profitLossAccountType)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 2
void |
setProject(String project)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 24
void |
setProjectNetwork(String projectNetwork)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 12
void |
setPurchaseOrderQty(BigDecimal purchaseOrderQty)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 13, Scale: 3
void |
setPurchasingDocument(String purchasingDocument)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
void |
setPurchasingDocumentItem(String purchasingDocumentItem)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 5
void |
setPurchasingDocumentPriceUnit(String purchasingDocumentPriceUnit)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 3
void |
setQuantity(BigDecimal quantity)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 23, Scale: 3
void |
setQuantityInEntryUnit(BigDecimal quantityInEntryUnit)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 13, Scale: 3
void |
setRealEstateObject(String realEstateObject)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 40
void |
setRecurringAccountingDocument(String recurringAccountingDocument)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
void |
setReference1IDByBusinessPartner(String reference1IDByBusinessPartner)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 12
void |
setReference1InDocumentHeader(String reference1InDocumentHeader)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 20
void |
setReference2IDByBusinessPartner(String reference2IDByBusinessPartner)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 12
void |
setReference2InDocumentHeader(String reference2InDocumentHeader)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 20
void |
setReference3IDByBusinessPartner(String reference3IDByBusinessPartner)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 20
void |
setReferenceDocumentLogicalSystem(String referenceDocumentLogicalSystem)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
void |
setReferenceDocumentType(String referenceDocumentType)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 5
void |
setRegion(String region)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 3
void |
setReversalIsPlanned(Boolean reversalIsPlanned)
Constraints: none
void |
setReversalReason(String reversalReason)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 2
void |
setReverseDocument(String reverseDocument)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
void |
setReverseDocumentFiscalYear(String reverseDocumentFiscalYear)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4
void |
setSalesDocument(String salesDocument)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
void |
setSalesDocumentCondition(String salesDocumentCondition)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
void |
setSalesDocumentItem(String salesDocumentItem)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 6
void |
setScheduleLine(String scheduleLine)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4
void |
setSegment(String segment)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
void |
setSegmentName(String segmentName)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 50
void |
setSEPAMandate(String sEPAMandate)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 35
void |
setSettlementReferenceDate(Calendar settlementReferenceDate)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 0
void |
setSourceCompanyCode(String sourceCompanyCode)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4
void |
setSpecialGLAccountAssignment(String specialGLAccountAssignment)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 18
void |
setSpecialGLCode(String specialGLCode)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1
void |
setSpecialGLTransactionType(String specialGLTransactionType)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1
void |
setStateCentralBankPaymentReason(String stateCentralBankPaymentReason)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 3
void |
setSupplier(String supplier)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
void |
setSupplierName(String supplierName)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 80
void |
setSupplyingCountry(String supplyingCountry)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 3
void |
setTaxAmount(BigDecimal taxAmount)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 24, Scale: 3
void |
setTaxAmountInCoCodeCrcy(BigDecimal taxAmountInCoCodeCrcy)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 24, Scale: 3
void |
setTaxBaseAmountInCoCodeCrcy(BigDecimal taxBaseAmountInCoCodeCrcy)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 24, Scale: 3
void |
setTaxBaseAmountInTransCrcy(BigDecimal taxBaseAmountInTransCrcy)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 24, Scale: 3
void |
setTaxBaseAmountIsNetAmount(Boolean taxBaseAmountIsNetAmount)
Constraints: none
void |
setTaxCode(String taxCode)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 2
void |
setTaxDeterminationDate(Calendar taxDeterminationDate)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 0
void |
setTaxDistributionCode1(String taxDistributionCode1)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 2
void |
setTaxDistributionCode2(String taxDistributionCode2)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 2
void |
setTaxDistributionCode3(String taxDistributionCode3)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 2
void |
setTaxExchangeRate(BigDecimal taxExchangeRate)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 9, Scale: 5
void |
setTaxIsCalculatedAutomatically(Boolean taxIsCalculatedAutomatically)
Constraints: none
void |
setTaxJurisdiction(String taxJurisdiction)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 15
void |
setTaxReportingDate(Calendar taxReportingDate)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 0
void |
setTaxSection(String taxSection)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4
void |
setTaxType(String taxType)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1
void |
setTransactionCode(String transactionCode)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 20
void |
setTransactionCurrency(String transactionCurrency)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 5
void |
setTransactionTypeDetermination(String transactionTypeDetermination)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 3
void |
setTreasuryContractType(String treasuryContractType)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1
void |
setValuationArea(String valuationArea)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4
void |
setValuationDiffAmtInAddlCrcy1(BigDecimal valuationDiffAmtInAddlCrcy1)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 24, Scale: 3
void |
setValuationDiffAmtInAddlCrcy2(BigDecimal valuationDiffAmtInAddlCrcy2)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 24, Scale: 3
void |
setValuationDiffAmtInCoCodeCrcy(BigDecimal valuationDiffAmtInCoCodeCrcy)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 24, Scale: 3
void |
setValueDate(Calendar valueDate)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 0
void |
setVATRegistration(String vATRegistration)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 20
void |
setWBSElementInternalID(String wBSElementInternalID)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 8
void |
setWithholdingTaxAmount(BigDecimal withholdingTaxAmount)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 24, Scale: 3
void |
setWithholdingTaxBaseAmount(BigDecimal withholdingTaxBaseAmount)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 24, Scale: 3
void |
setWithholdingTaxCertificate(String withholdingTaxCertificate)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
void |
setWithholdingTaxCode(String withholdingTaxCode)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 2
void |
setWithholdingTaxExemptionAmt(BigDecimal withholdingTaxExemptionAmt)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 24, Scale: 3
String |
toString() |
getCustomField, getCustomField, getCustomFieldNames, getCustomFields, hasCustomField, hasCustomField, setCustomField, setCustomField
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeSelectable ALL_FIELDS
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> COMPANY_CODE
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> FISCAL_YEAR
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> ACCOUNTING_DOCUMENT
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> ACCOUNTING_DOCUMENT_ITEM
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> COMPANY_CODE_NAME
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> CHART_OF_ACCOUNTS
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> ACCOUNTING_DOCUMENT_ITEM_TYPE
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<Calendar> CLEARING_DATE
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<Calendar> CLEARING_CREATION_DATE
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> CLEARING_ACCOUNTING_DOCUMENT
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<Boolean> IS_CLEARED
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> POSTING_KEY
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> FINANCIAL_ACCOUNT_TYPE
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> SPECIAL_GL_CODE
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> SPECIAL_GL_TRANSACTION_TYPE
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> DEBIT_CREDIT_CODE
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> BUSINESS_AREA
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> BUSINESS_AREA_NAME
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> PARTNER_BUSINESS_AREA
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> TAX_CODE
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> WITHHOLDING_TAX_CODE
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> TAX_TYPE
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> TRANSACTION_TYPE_DETERMINATION
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<Calendar> VALUE_DATE
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> ASSIGNMENT_REFERENCE
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> DOCUMENT_ITEM_TEXT
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> PARTNER_COMPANY
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> FINANCIAL_TRANSACTION_TYPE
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> CORPORATE_GROUP_ACCOUNT
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> PLANNING_LEVEL
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> CONTROLLING_AREA
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> CONTROLLING_AREA_NAME
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> COST_CENTER
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> COST_CENTER_NAME
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> PROJECT
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> ORDER_ID
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> BILLING_DOCUMENT
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> SALES_DOCUMENT
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> SALES_DOCUMENT_ITEM
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> SCHEDULE_LINE
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> MASTER_FIXED_ASSET
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> FIXED_ASSET
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> ASSET_TRANSACTION_TYPE
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<Calendar> ASSET_VALUE_DATE
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> PERSONNEL_NUMBER
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<Boolean> IS_SALES_RELATED
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<Boolean> LINE_ITEM_DISPLAY_IS_ENABLED
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> IS_OPEN_ITEM_MANAGED
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<Boolean> IS_NOT_CASH_DISCOUNT_LIABLE
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<Boolean> IS_AUTOMATICALLY_CREATED
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<Boolean> IS_USED_IN_PAYMENT_TRANSACTION
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> OPERATIONAL_GL_ACCOUNT
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> GL_ACCOUNT
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> GL_ACCOUNT_NAME
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> GL_ACCOUNT_LONG_NAME
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> CUSTOMER
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> CUSTOMER_NAME
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> SUPPLIER
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> SUPPLIER_NAME
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> BRANCH_ACCOUNT
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<Boolean> IS_BALANCE_SHEET_ACCOUNT
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> PROFIT_LOSS_ACCOUNT_TYPE
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> SPECIAL_GL_ACCOUNT_ASSIGNMENT
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<Calendar> DUE_CALCULATION_BASE_DATE
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> PAYMENT_TERMS
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<BigDecimal> CASH_DISCOUNT1_DAYS
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<BigDecimal> CASH_DISCOUNT2_DAYS
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<BigDecimal> NET_PAYMENT_DAYS
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<BigDecimal> CASH_DISCOUNT1_PERCENT
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<BigDecimal> CASH_DISCOUNT2_PERCENT
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> PAYMENT_METHOD
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> PAYMENT_BLOCKING_REASON
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> FIXED_CASH_DISCOUNT
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> HOUSE_BANK
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> BP_BANK_ACCOUNT_INTERNAL_ID
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> TAX_DISTRIBUTION_CODE1
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> TAX_DISTRIBUTION_CODE2
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> TAX_DISTRIBUTION_CODE3
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> INVOICE_REFERENCE
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> INVOICE_REFERENCE_FISCAL_YEAR
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> INVOICE_ITEM_REFERENCE
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> FOLLOW_ON_DOCUMENT_TYPE
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> STATE_CENTRAL_BANK_PAYMENT_REASON
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> SUPPLYING_COUNTRY
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> INVOICE_LIST
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> BILL_OF_EXCHANGE_USAGE
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> DUNNING_KEY
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> DUNNING_BLOCKING_REASON
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<Calendar> LAST_DUNNING_DATE
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> DUNNING_LEVEL
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> DUNNING_AREA
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> WITHHOLDING_TAX_CERTIFICATE
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> MATERIAL
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> PRODUCT
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> PLANT
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> PURCHASING_DOCUMENT
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> PURCHASING_DOCUMENT_ITEM
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> ACCOUNT_ASSIGNMENT_NUMBER
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<Boolean> IS_COMPLETELY_DELIVERED
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> MATERIAL_PRICE_CONTROL
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> VALUATION_AREA
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> INVENTORY_VALUATION_TYPE
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> VAT_REGISTRATION
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> DELIV_OF_GOODS_DEST_COUNTRY
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> PAYMENT_DIFFERENCE_REASON
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> PROFIT_CENTER
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> PROFIT_CENTER_NAME
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> JOINT_VENTURE
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> JOINT_VENTURE_COST_RECOVERY_CODE
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> JOINT_VENTURE_EQUITY_GROUP
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> TREASURY_CONTRACT_TYPE
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> ASSET_CONTRACT
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> CASH_FLOW_TYPE
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> TAX_JURISDICTION
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> REAL_ESTATE_OBJECT
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<Calendar> SETTLEMENT_REFERENCE_DATE
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> COMMITMENT_ITEM
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> COST_OBJECT
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> PROJECT_NETWORK
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> ORDER_INTERNAL_BILL_OF_OPERATIONS
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> ORDER_INT_BILL_OF_OPERATIONS_ITEM
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> WBS_ELEMENT_INTERNAL_ID
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> PROFITABILITY_SEGMENT
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> JOINT_VENTURE_EQUITY_TYPE
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<Boolean> IS_EU_TRIANGULAR_DEAL
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> COST_ORIGIN_GROUP
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> COMPANY_CODE_CURRENCY_DETN_METHOD
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<Boolean> CLEARING_IS_REVERSED
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> PAYMENT_METHOD_SUPPLEMENT
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> ALTERNATIVE_GL_ACCOUNT
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> FUNDS_CENTER
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> FUND
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> PARTNER_PROFIT_CENTER
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> REFERENCE1_I_D_BY_BUSINESS_PARTNER
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> REFERENCE2_I_D_BY_BUSINESS_PARTNER
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<Boolean> IS_NEGATIVE_POSTING
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> PAYMENT_CARD_ITEM
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> PAYMENT_CARD_PAYMENT_SETTLEMENT
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> CREDIT_CONTROL_AREA
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> REFERENCE3_I_D_BY_BUSINESS_PARTNER
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> DATA_EXCHANGE_INSTRUCTION1
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> DATA_EXCHANGE_INSTRUCTION2
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> DATA_EXCHANGE_INSTRUCTION3
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> DATA_EXCHANGE_INSTRUCTION4
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> REGION
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<Boolean> HAS_PAYMENT_ORDER
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> PAYMENT_REFERENCE
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<Calendar> TAX_DETERMINATION_DATE
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<BigDecimal> CLEARING_ITEM
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> BUSINESS_PLACE
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> TAX_SECTION
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> COST_CTR_ACTIVITY_TYPE
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> ACCOUNTS_RECEIVABLE_IS_PLEDGED
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> BUSINESS_PROCESS
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> GRANT_ID
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> FUNCTIONAL_AREA
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> FUNCTIONAL_AREA_NAME
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<Boolean> CUSTOMER_IS_IN_EXECUTION
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> FUNDED_PROGRAM
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> CLEARING_DOC_FISCAL_YEAR
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> LEDGER_GL_LINE_ITEM
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> SEGMENT
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> SEGMENT_NAME
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> PARTNER_SEGMENT
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> PARTNER_FUNCTIONAL_AREA
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> HOUSE_BANK_ACCOUNT
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> COST_ELEMENT
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> SEPA_MANDATE
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> REFERENCE_DOCUMENT_TYPE
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> ORIGINAL_REFERENCE_DOCUMENT
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> REFERENCE_DOCUMENT_LOGICAL_SYSTEM
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> ACCOUNTING_DOCUMENT_ITEM_REF
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> FISCAL_PERIOD
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> ACCOUNTING_DOCUMENT_CATEGORY
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> ACCOUNTING_DOCUMENT_CATEGORY_NAME
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<Calendar> POSTING_DATE
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<Calendar> DOCUMENT_DATE
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> ACCOUNTING_DOCUMENT_TYPE
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> ACCOUNTING_DOCUMENT_TYPE_NAME
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<Calendar> NET_DUE_DATE
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<Calendar> CASH_DISCOUNT1_DUE_DATE
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<Calendar> CASH_DISCOUNT2_DUE_DATE
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> OFFSETTING_ACCOUNT
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> OFFSETTING_ACCOUNT_TYPE
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> PARTNER_FUND
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> PARTNER_GRANT
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> BUDGET_PERIOD
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> PARTNER_BUDGET_PERIOD
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> BRANCH_CODE
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> COMPANY_CODE_CURRENCY
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<BigDecimal> AMOUNT_IN_COMPANY_CODE_CURRENCY
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<BigDecimal> TAX_AMOUNT_IN_CO_CODE_CRCY
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<BigDecimal> TAX_BASE_AMOUNT_IN_CO_CODE_CRCY
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<BigDecimal> VALUATION_DIFF_AMT_IN_CO_CODE_CRCY
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<BigDecimal> CASH_DISCOUNT_AMT_IN_CO_CODE_CRCY
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<BigDecimal> INVOICE_AMT_IN_CO_CODE_CRCY
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> TRANSACTION_CURRENCY
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<BigDecimal> AMOUNT_IN_TRANSACTION_CURRENCY
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<BigDecimal> ORIGINAL_TAX_BASE_AMOUNT
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<BigDecimal> TAX_AMOUNT
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<BigDecimal> TAX_BASE_AMOUNT_IN_TRANS_CRCY
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<BigDecimal> WITHHOLDING_TAX_BASE_AMOUNT
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<BigDecimal> PLANNED_AMT_IN_TRANSACTION_CRCY
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<BigDecimal> CASH_DISCOUNT_BASE_AMOUNT
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<BigDecimal> CASH_DISCOUNT_AMOUNT
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<BigDecimal> NET_PAYMENT_AMOUNT
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<BigDecimal> WITHHOLDING_TAX_AMOUNT
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<BigDecimal> WITHHOLDING_TAX_EXEMPTION_AMT
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<BigDecimal> INVOICE_AMOUNT_IN_FRGN_CURRENCY
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> BALANCE_TRANSACTION_CURRENCY
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<BigDecimal> AMOUNT_IN_BALANCE_TRANSAC_CRCY
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> ADDITIONAL_CURRENCY1
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<BigDecimal> VALUATION_DIFF_AMT_IN_ADDL_CRCY1
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<BigDecimal> AMOUNT_IN_ADDITIONAL_CURRENCY1
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> ADDITIONAL_CURRENCY2
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<BigDecimal> AMOUNT_IN_ADDITIONAL_CURRENCY2
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<BigDecimal> VALUATION_DIFF_AMT_IN_ADDL_CRCY2
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> PAYMENT_CURRENCY
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<BigDecimal> AMOUNT_IN_PAYMENT_CURRENCY
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> CREDIT_CONTROL_AREA_CURRENCY
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<BigDecimal> HEDGED_AMOUNT
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> BASE_UNIT
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<BigDecimal> QUANTITY
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> GOODS_MOVEMENT_ENTRY_UNIT
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<BigDecimal> QUANTITY_IN_ENTRY_UNIT
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> PURCHASING_DOCUMENT_PRICE_UNIT
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<BigDecimal> PURCHASE_ORDER_QTY
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<BigDecimal> MATERIAL_PRICE_UNIT_QTY
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<BigDecimal> NUMBER_OF_ITEMS
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<Calendar> ACCOUNTING_DOCUMENT_CREATION_DATE
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<Calendar> CREATION_TIME
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<Calendar> LAST_CHANGE_DATE
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<Calendar> EXCHANGE_RATE_DATE
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> ACCOUNTING_DOC_CREATED_BY_USER
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> TRANSACTION_CODE
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> INTERCOMPANY_TRANSACTION
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> DOCUMENT_REFERENCE_ID
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> RECURRING_ACCOUNTING_DOCUMENT
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> REVERSE_DOCUMENT
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> REVERSE_DOCUMENT_FISCAL_YEAR
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> ACCOUNTING_DOCUMENT_HEADER_TEXT
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<BigDecimal> EXCHANGE_RATE
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> BUSINESS_TRANSACTION_TYPE
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> BATCH_INPUT_SESSION
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> FINANCIAL_MANAGEMENT_AREA
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<Boolean> REVERSAL_IS_PLANNED
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<Calendar> PLANNED_REVERSAL_DATE
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<Boolean> TAX_IS_CALCULATED_AUTOMATICALLY
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<Boolean> TAX_BASE_AMOUNT_IS_NET_AMOUNT
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> SOURCE_COMPANY_CODE
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> LOGICAL_SYSTEM
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<BigDecimal> TAX_EXCHANGE_RATE
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> REVERSAL_REASON
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> BRANCH
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> REFERENCE1_IN_DOCUMENT_HEADER
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> REFERENCE2_IN_DOCUMENT_HEADER
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<Calendar> INVOICE_RECEIPT_DATE
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> LEDGER
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> LEDGER_GROUP
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> ALTERNATIVE_REFERENCE_DOCUMENT
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<Calendar> TAX_REPORTING_DATE
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> ACCOUNTING_DOCUMENT_CLASS
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> EXCHANGE_RATE_TYPE
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> LATE_PAYMENT_REASON
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<String> SALES_DOCUMENT_CONDITION
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<Boolean> IS_REVERSAL
public static final OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<Boolean> IS_REVERSED
@Generated(value="lombok") public OperationalAcctgDocItemCube()
public Class<OperationalAcctgDocItemCube> getType()
in class VdmObject<OperationalAcctgDocItemCube>
public static <T> OperationalAcctgDocItemCubeField<T> field(String fieldName, Class<T> fieldType)
- The name of the extension field as returned by the OData service.fieldType
- The Java type to use for the extension field when performing value comparisons.@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getCompanyCode()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getFiscalYear()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getAccountingDocument()
The document number is unique per company code and fiscal year. When entering an accounting document, you can specify the number manually or it can be determined by the system from a pre-defined area (number range). The relevant area of the document numbers (number range) is determined in each company code per document type.
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getAccountingDocumentItem()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getCompanyCodeName()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getChartOfAccounts()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getAccountingDocumentItemType()
For external purposes, the field content is unimportant and therefore, must not be used in customer reporting. In particular, there is no guarantee that the field is always filled (correctly). For internal purposes, a list of the indicators currently used (with no guarantee that it is complete) Use in invoice verification/inventory management Buzid Use 8 " Revaluation A " Asset B " Warehouse stock order C " Warehouse stock order assigned K " Vendor F " Delivery costs G " Assigned delivery costs H " Delivery costs - warehouse stock order I " Delivery costs - assigned warehouse stock order L " Warehouse order M " Material N " Assigned order P " Price difference S " General G/L account T " Tax W " GR/IR item X " Purchase order - assigned asset Y " Delivery costs - assigned asset Z " Cash discount clearing Use in FI: Special feature: Not just used to indicate G/L accounts; also used for special open items BUZID KOART Use A D;K Statistical offsetting posting (Sp.G/L) P D;K Payment requests U S Valuation adjustments for reversal R D;K Residual item transfer posting E D FSCM Biller Direct D S Bill of exchange discounting S D;K Bill of exchange charges W S Bill of exchange tax
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public Calendar getClearingDate()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public Calendar getClearingCreationDate()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getClearingAccountingDocument()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public Boolean getIsCleared()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getPostingKey()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getFinancialAccountType()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getSpecialGLCode()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getSpecialGLTransactionType()
By using this type, you can select entry screens or use certain calculation procedures, for example. The following types must be used : A For all types of down payments as well as down payment requests W For all types of bills of exchange as well as bill of exchange payment requests. You can use any other types except for A and W for all other special G/L transactions.
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getDebitCreditCode()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getBusinessArea()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getBusinessAreaName()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getPartnerBusinessArea()
This relationship enables internal business volume to be eliminated at the business area level (as part of business area consolidation).
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getTaxCode()
The tax indicators are unique to each country. For each tax indicator, the tax rate and other properties are stored in the system. For tax-exempt or non-taxable transactions, tax indicators with the percentage 0 should be used if the corresponding transactions are to be entered in the tax returns. When tax rates are changed by legislation, new tax indicators have to be defined. The old indicators with the old tax rates must remain in force until there are no more open items that use this tax indicator.
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getWithholdingTaxCode()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getTaxType()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getTransactionTypeDetermination()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public Calendar getValueDate()
The value date is used in bank accounts and bank sub-accounts.
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getAssignmentReference()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getDocumentItemText()
Line item texts can be used internally and externally. To be able to distinguish between these, you must begin texts for external use with "*". These texts can then be printed on all correspondence, dunning notices, payment advice notes, etc. The asterisk is removed when the text is printed. This function is only available in the FI component. It cannot be used in Materials Management.
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getPartnerCompany()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getFinancialTransactionType()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getCorporateGroupAccount()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getPlanningLevel()
The following levels could be possible: Only noted items in the cash position Only noted items in the liquidity forecast Purchase orders Sales orders Notified incoming payments FI payment settlements (incoming checks, outgoing checks, bills of exchange, payments) FI bank transactions (bank statement postings, cashed checks, bill of exchange payments) You can freely choose the planning levels. You should, however, follow a naming convention: To improve the display of the cash position and liquidity forecast, you should reserve levels that start with "F" or "B" for automatically updating data during posting. F levels should be used for bank accounts, customers, and vendors, and B levels for bank clearing accounts. Examples: F0: bank accounts F1: purchasing/sales (customers/vendors) FF: down payment requests FW: bills of exchange B1: bank clearing accounts, outgoing checks B2: bank clearing accounts, outgoing bank transfers (domestic) B3: bank clearing accounts, outgoing bank transfers (foreign country) B4: bank clearing accounts, bank collection and so on. When displaying the cash position, you can then see because of level F0 that the amounts are posted to the bank account, whereas the other levels show planned bank account transactions, which include entered payment advices or postings to bank clearing accounts. You can then use the display to compare planned date with actual data. In addition, you should reserve levels, for example, all levels beginning with X, to represent postings with payment blocking indicators in the liquidity forecast. When displaying the liquidity forecast, you can then see because of these levels that the displayed amounts are postings with payment blocking indicators. General notes on accounts, or planning groups, and planning levels: Accounts/groups and levels enable you to look at data two different ways. Accounts/groups answer the who question. Which (major) customers or suppliers? Which customer or supplier group? Which bank account or bank clearing account? Levels answer the how question. How information was entered into the system (posting or payment advice or planned item)? How an amount is posted (normal posting or special G/L transaction)? How accurate information is With amounts in the "outgoing transfers" level, you know the exact date on which the account is debited, but with amounts in the "outgoing checks" level, the date on which the account is debited is uncertain. In levels for MM and SD, both the amount and the planning date are more uncertain than the amount and date in FI postings, since the vendor may, for example, deliver only a subset or the delivery may be delayed. In addition, the system always displays MM amounts without taxes in the liquidity forecast (in purchase orders, tax is not displayed if it can be deducted; in purchase requisitions, it is never displayed). Where are cash management levels assigned in the system? In G/L accounts, you define the level in the company-code-specific part of the master record. For accounts receivable and payable, you define a standard level in the cash management and forecast group. At this time, you can define different levels for the following applications and activities: Locked items Special G/L transactions Payment requests Purchase orders and purchase requisitions Orders Agency deals Loans Securities Money market, foreign exchange, derivatives Real estate Earmarked funds The levels defined should be unique - meaning you must not define the same level for more than one application or activity as this may affect the clarity of the display in the cash position or liquidity forecast. It might also adversely affect the function for jumping from these transactions to the correct application or line item display.
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getControllingArea()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getControllingAreaName()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getCostCenter()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getCostCenterName()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getProject()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getOrderID()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getBillingDocument()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getSalesDocument()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getSalesDocumentItem()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getScheduleLine()
When an item has more than one schedule line, the system automatically assigns a unique number to each line. The number is displayed in the details screens for schedule lines. The schedule line number serves internal purposes and does not, for example, determine the sequence of schedule lines in the overview screen. The schedule lines on the overview screen are sorted by date.
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getMasterFixedAsset()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getFixedAsset()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getAssetTransactionType()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public Calendar getAssetValueDate()
Since the asset value date can have a direct influence on the amount of depreciation, the system creates a default value when it can. You can specify in Customizing how the the default asset value date is determined by the system.
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getPersonnelNumber()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public Boolean getIsSalesRelated()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public Boolean getLineItemDisplayIsEnabled()
For each line item, an entry is saved in an index table. This entry contains the connection between the line item and the account. In the New General Ledger, line item display is always possible for the general ledger view. You have to set this indicator if you - Also want to see the line items in the entry view - Want open item management You should not set the indicator for accounts where line item display in dialog does not make sense due to the number of postings. These include: Tax accounts Receivables Payables Specific revenue and expense accounts
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getIsOpenItemManaged()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public Boolean getIsNotCashDiscountLiable()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public Boolean getIsAutomaticallyCreated()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public Boolean getIsUsedInPaymentTransaction()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getOperationalGLAccount()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getGLAccount()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getGLAccountName()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getGLAccountLongName()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getCustomer()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getCustomerName()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getSupplier()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getSupplierName()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getBranchAccount()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public Boolean getIsBalanceSheetAccount()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getProfitLossAccountType()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getSpecialGLAccountAssignment()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public Calendar getDueCalculationBaseDate()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getPaymentTerms()
It is used in sales orders, purchase orders, and invoices. Terms of payment provide information for: Cash management Dunning procedures Payment transactions Data can be entered in the field for the terms of payment key in various ways as you enter a business transaction: In most business transactions, the system defaults the key specified in the master record of the customer/vendor in question. In some transactions (for example, credit memos), however, the system does not default the key from the master record. Despite this, you can use the key from the customer/vendor master record by entering "*" in the field. Regardless of whether or not a key is defaulted from the master record, you can manually enter a key during document entry at: item level in sales orders header level in purchase orders and invoices Master records have separate areas for Financial Accounting, Sales, and Purchasing. You can specify different terms of payment keys in each of these areas. When you then enter a business transaction, the application in question will use the key specified in its area of the master record.
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public BigDecimal getCashDiscount1Days()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public BigDecimal getCashDiscount2Days()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public BigDecimal getNetPaymentDays()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public BigDecimal getCashDiscount1Percent()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public BigDecimal getCashDiscount2Percent()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getPaymentMethod()
If you enter a payment method, then only this payment method can be used in automatic payment transactions. If you do not enter a payment method, then one of the payment methods which was allowed in the master record is selected in the payment program according to specified rules. For document entry or document changes, you only enter a payment method if you want to switch off the automatic payment method selection of the payment program.
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getPaymentBlockingReason()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getFixedCashDiscount()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getHouseBank()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getBPBankAccountInternalID()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getTaxDistributionCode1()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getTaxDistributionCode2()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getTaxDistributionCode3()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getInvoiceReference()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getInvoiceReferenceFiscalYear()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getInvoiceItemReference()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getFollowOnDocumentType()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getStateCentralBankPaymentReason()
In foreign payment transactions, information concerning the reason for payment is needed for the report according to German foreign trade regulations (AWV). The possible reasons for payment are defined within configuration for SCB indicators. This includes certain indicators which are the key to the reasons for payment, and an explanatory text. The reasons for payment appear on the reporting form and/or in the corresponding data medium exchange. Austria For foreign bank transfers, the explanatory text for the OeNB is determined using this indicator on the bank transfer form or in the data medium exchange. Belgium The content of the first text field for this indicator is used in the data medium exchange. Netherlands The usage of the state central bank indicator, the document type and the texts for this indicator is explained in the detailed documentation for the individual fields. Japan For foreign bank transfers, the reason for payment is determined by this indicator when reporting to the Japanese ministry of finance. We recommend entering a "J" as the first letter so that you can better distinguish this report from other non-Japanese reports.
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getSupplyingCountry()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getInvoiceList()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getBillOfExchangeUsage()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getDunningKey()
You define the contents of the text line in Customizing for the dunning key. If you enter a key in an item, then it can only reach the maximum dunning level defined for this key. Therefore it is possible that an item can contain one dunning notice at the most, although several dunning levels are defined in the dunning procedure.
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getDunningBlockingReason()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public Calendar getLastDunningDate()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getDunningLevel()
The business partner has received the dunning level from the last dunning run. If you use dunning areas, it is the dunning level that the business partner received from the last dunning run in the dunning area assigned. The dunning program sets the dunning level automatically when the customer or vendor receives a dunning notice.
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getDunningArea()
If different responsibilities or different dunning procedures exist within a company code, you can set up corresponding dunning areas. All dunning notices are made separately according to dunning areas, and if necessary with different dunning procedures. The dunning area must be noted in the line items. As long as documents are copied from preliminary work areas (billing documents), the dunning area can be derived from details such as division or sales area, if necessary.
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getWithholdingTaxCertificate()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getMaterial()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getProduct()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getPlant()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getPurchasingDocument()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getPurchasingDocumentItem()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getAccountAssignmentNumber()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public Boolean getIsCompletelyDelivered()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getMaterialPriceControl()
Standard price Moving average price If the material ledger is activated for the material, this indicator, together with the material's price determination indicator, determines at which of the following prices the material is valuated: Standard price Moving average price Periodic unit price
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getValuationArea()
Plant All plants belonging to a company code, in which case the valuation area is the company code
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getInventoryValuationType()
The valuation types allowed for a material are determined by the valuation category. If a material is valuated according to its origin (valuation category H), you can define the possible countries of origin as valuation types.
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getVATRegistration()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getDelivOfGoodsDestCountry()
In the field, the country key of the customer is defaulted. You must change the default value if the country of destination of the goods differs from the reporting country (see field with the same name). The field is currently not used in evaluations but it is planned that this field will be used for processing triangular deals.
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getPaymentDifferenceReason()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getProfitCenter()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getProfitCenterName()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getJointVenture()
A joint venture is usually lead by an operating authority, who is responsible for the costs incurred. At the end of a period, all of the costs incurred are split up and allocated to the partners involved. Joint ventures are created to keep costs as low as possible for the operating authority and the partners. This is achieved by distributing the costs incurred to the participants of the joint venture. In the oil industry, new drill-holes are seldomly controlled by the oil companies alone. Instead, contracts are made with other companies. The contract regulates the costs incurred. This enables the risks involved with an unsuccessful drill-hole to be spread out over several companies. Of course, the anticipated profits (from a rich drill-hole) are also distributed to the partners involved. However, the distribution of the profits is not carried out by the SAP Joint Venture Accounting solution.
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getJointVentureCostRecoveryCode()
You can define recovery indicators at three different levels: o Document type You can assign a recovery indicator to each document type for the credit side and for the debit side. These recovery indicators are internal recovery indicators and are defined in a separate system table. o Cost element (primary and secondary) o Cost object When you make a posting in one of the feeder systems of the Joint Venture Accounting System, all three levels are evaluated in the sequence defined. The first recovery indicator found is transferred to the Joint Venture Accounting System. o Costs that are 100% allocable o Costs borne 100% by the operator o Overheads applied by the operator o Costs which exceed a contractually agreed price and cannot therefore be allocated o Costs already allocated
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getJointVentureEquityGroup()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getTreasuryContractType()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getAssetContract()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getCashFlowType()
You can only use a flow type in connection with a financial transaction if you have assigned the flow typy to the corresponding product type in Customizing.
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getTaxJurisdiction()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getRealEstateObject()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public Calendar getSettlementReferenceDate()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getCommitmentItem()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getCostObject()
Cost objects are the activity units of business whose costs are assigned based on the cost origins. The R/3 System distinguishes between the following types of cost objects: Cost objects represented by a cost object ID Cost objects represented by objects from other components, such as production orders or sales order items Cost objects in the following areas are represented by cost object IDs: Activity-Based Costing (CO-OM-ABC) In Activity-Based Costing, overhead is first assigned to cost centers and then to business processes. From there, the overhead is assigned to cost objects as process costs. Costs for Intangible Goods and Services (CO-PC-OBJ) In Costs for Intangible Goods and Services, costs can be analyzed on general cost objects. Product Cost by Period (CO-PC-OBJ) In Product Cost by Period you can create a cost object hierarchy to record actual costs that cannot be recorded at the material or order level. You can distribute the costs assigned to the nodes of a cost object hierarchy directly to the individual objects in the lowest cost object nodes at period-end closing (for example, product cost collectors) or you can settle the costs directly from the cost object hierarchy to a price difference account. Product Cost Controlling Information System (CO-PC) You can create further cost object IDs in the Product Cost Controlling Information System for CO product groups. You can create a cost object ID for each group, and assign materials to the cost object ID. The costs of the assigned materials appear in summarized form in the information system by product group. You can use CO product groups for product drilldown reports. The cost object type determines which functions can be used with the cost object. Functions for cost object hierarchies are performed on the assumption that the given cost object indicates the top node of the hierarchy.
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getProjectNetwork()
Numbers are used to differentiate these project structures. When you specify a network, for example, when you are entering attendances, you can define that the network is debited when the sender cost center is credited. Use the possible entries pushbutton to select the network number for the required project structure.
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getOrderInternalBillOfOperations()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getOrderIntBillOfOperationsItem()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getWBSElementInternalID()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getProfitabilitySegment()
Examples: Customer '123'/Product '4710' Profitability segment no. 1 Customer '123'/Product '4712' Profitability segment no. 2 Country 'USA'/Region 'NORTH' Profitability segment no. 3
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getJointVentureEquityType()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public Boolean getIsEUTriangularDeal()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getCostOriginGroup()
When material costs are calculated, each material is given a general ledger account and thus is assigned to a primary cost element. If you enter an origin group for the material, the combination of source group and cost element is updated to the CO component. This means that you can Define calculation bases for determination of overhead rates for particular material groups. Define cost components in product costing for particular material groups. Create rules for activating work in process for each material group. When overhead is calculated, an object is debited with overhead costs and another object (usually a cost center) is credited. For more information on the origin of overhead rates in the credit record, specify an origin group in the credit key. The system then displays the origin group in Cost Center Accounting, as well as the overhead cost element.
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getCompanyCodeCurrencyDetnMethod()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public Boolean getClearingIsReversed()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getPaymentMethodSupplement()
Items with different payment method supplements are settled individually. When printing a form, it is possible to print separately according to payment method supplement. Checks can thus be divided into several groups that are then subject to a number of different checking procedures in the company before being mailed, for example. When entering invoices, the payment method supplement is defaulted from the master record of the customer/vendor. You can overwrite this supplement.
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getAlternativeGLAccount()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getFundsCenter()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getFund()
If you assign the budget to a fund, you can obtain a detailed list of origin for the amounts involved.
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getPartnerProfitCenter()
In the case of the receiver of a service/delivery, the sending profit center is entered as the partner profit center and vice versa.
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getReference1IDByBusinessPartner()
As additional information, for correspondence with the customer/vendor, as a search criterion for items in the customer/vendor account. Enter the customer/vendor details which you need for subsequent processing according to your individual company's regulations. Possible information would be, for example, a customer/vendor branch number, or a transaction number under which a controversial transaction is managed at the customer/vendor.
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getReference2IDByBusinessPartner()
As additional information, for correspondence with the customer/vendor, as a search criterion for items in the customer/vendor account. Enter the customer/vendor details which you need for subsequent processing according to your individual company's regulations. Possible information would be, for example, a customer/vendor branch number, or a transaction number under which a controversial transaction is managed at the customer/vendor.
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public Boolean getIsNegativePosting()
If you set this indicator, you change the way the transaction figures for this account are updated, namely that when you make a debit posting, the credit side of the account is reduced, when you make a credit posting, the debit side of the account is reduced. You use this indicator if the reason for reversal you specified makes negative postings necessary. The system then reverses all the updates of transaction figures caused by the document you reversed. In addition, when you enter documents, individual line items can also be marked as negative postings, provided this is permitted for the document type in question. To reverse transaction figures, set this indicator when entering line items.
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getPaymentCardItem()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getPaymentCardPaymentSettlement()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getCreditControlArea()
You can also enter the credit control area separately for each posting, if this was marked in the appropriate company code. When entering an order, the credit control area can also be determined from the business area and the sales area segement of the payer's master record or using a user exit. It follows that company codes and credit control areas are not linked. The only thing that you define in the company code table is the default credit control area. This is used either for payments on account to credit these payments, or where you did not enter a credit control area or the system could not determine one. There is also an allocation table of permitted credit control areas per company code which is used to check entries only.
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getReference3IDByBusinessPartner()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getDataExchangeInstruction1()
Instruction key 1 is used in Germany for foreign data medium exchange (field T16). The instruction key informs the bank how the payment is to be carried out. You can find out what each key means in the format descriptions issued by the banks. Instruction key 1 is copied into the instruction key field of the Z1 form and assigned as follows (entries 06/07 are alternatives): SAP field Meaning of instruction Instr. 1 Z1 form in Z1 form 06 1 Advice note to beneficiary's bank 07 1 Advice note to beneficiary's bank 09 2 Advice to beneficiary by telephone 10 3 Advice to beneficiary by fax/telex 04 4 Payment against legitimation - The Netherlands Instruction key 1 is used in the Netherlands as the payment instruction code for foreign bank transfers by data medium exchange. - France In France, this key is used for data medium exchange abroad (field 9 in record 'Enregistrements complementaires') - Brazil In Brazil, instruction key 1 is used for the 'Codigo de Ocorrência' statement. - Denmark In Denmark, this key is used in the format PostGiro Udland. - Finland Instruction key 1 is used in the ULMP and LUM2 formats. The payment method can be determined via the instruction key. - SWIFT MT formats For the SWIFT MT formats, instruction key 1 is converted into a code that is entered in field 72. - Japan Instruction key 1 is used in Japan for data medium exchange abroad. The instruction key informs the bank whether payment should be wired or mailed, or whether a check should be sent. You can find out what each key means in the format descriptions issued by the banks. - Norway In Norway, instruction key 1 is used in Autogiro and Telepay formats. For the Autogiro format, the instruction key can inform the bank if the payer should receive notification. For foreign payments using the Telepay format, instruction key 1 can inform the bank how the payee should be advised.
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getDataExchangeInstruction2()
Instruction key 2 is used in Germany in foreign data medium exchange (field T17). Austria In Austria, instruction key 2 is used for foreign transfers (DME) for the transfer type rapid payment. Netherlands In the Netherlands, instruction key 2 is used as a code for payment instructions when making payments abroad by DME. France In France, instruction key 2 is used for data medium exchange abroad (field 9 in record 'Enregistrements complementaires') Brazil In Brazil, this key can be used as a further specification criteria for instruction key 1 ('Codigo de Ocorrência'). SWIFT MT formats For the SWIFT MT formats, instruction key 2 is converted into a code that is entered in field 72. Japan Instruction key 2 is used in Japan for data medium exchange abroad. The instruction key informs the bank whether the payment should be made according to notification or to an account. You can find out what each key means in the format descriptions issued by the banks.
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getDataExchangeInstruction3()
Instruction key 3 is used in Germany for foreign data medium exchange (field T18). Note: If the value 95 is entered, the reporting section of the data medium is issued in the order currency. For the Z1 form, you use the relevant parameter in payment medium program RFFOD__L. Netherlands In the Netherlands, instruction key 3 is used for foreign bank transfers by DME as a code for the payment instructions. Brazil In Brazil, instruction key 3 can be used as an additional selection criteria for instruction key 1 ('Codigo de Ocorrência'). SWIFT MT formats For the SWIFT MT formats, instruction key 3 is converted into a code that is entered in field 72. Japan Instruction key 3 is used in Japan for foreign data medium exchange. The instruction key informs the bank whether the currency translation should be made according to the current rate of exchange or a hedged exchange rate, or whether payment should be made from a foreign exchange account or in Japanese Yen. You will find more details on what the key means in the the format descriptions issued by the bank.
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getDataExchangeInstruction4()
Instruction key 4 is used in Germany for foreign data medium exchange (field T19). Netherlands In the Netherlands, key 4 is used as a code for the payment instructions when making transfers abroad by DME. SWIFT MT formats In the case of SWIFT MT formats instruction key 4 is converted into a code that is entered in field 72.
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getRegion()
The automatic address formatting function prints the region in addresses in the USA, Canada, Italy, Brazil or Australia, and the county in Great Britain. For more information, see the examples in the documentation on the Address Layout Key. Meaning of the regional code in ... Australia -> Province Brazil -> State Canada -> Province Germany -> State Great Britain -> County Italy -> Province Japan -> Prefecture Switzerland -> Canton USA -> State
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public Boolean getHasPaymentOrder()
The lock can be removed by the related program.
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getPaymentReference()
For vendor line items, the key that the vendor passes on in the invoice is entered in the payment reference. In automatic payment transactions, the payment reference can be passed on again to the payee. When an outgoing payment is made, the payment reference you specify is passed on to the relevant financial institute and from there to the payee. When you are processing your account statement, you can use the payment reference to determine which items you have paid and then clear them. Payment reference numbers are often used in Finland, Norway, and Sweden. These countries also have rules for the structure of the payment reference. Check digit procedures are used to check that these rules are followed. DME Finland: The number '4477' has a check digit of '8' and should be defined as the character string '44778'. DME Norway: The number '12345678' has the check digit '2' when using the Modulo-10 method, and check digit '5' when using the Modulo-11 method. Therefore, 123456782 or 123456785 are permitted as payment references. DME Sweden: The number '1234567890' has the check digit '3' and should be defined as the character string '12345678903'. The Modulo procedure used is a form of Modulo-10 with the key '1212121'.
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public Calendar getTaxDeterminationDate()
The system determines the date for calculating time-dependent tax (depending on the Customizing settings in the company code) either from the posting date or from the document date. If you want to use a date which is neither the posting date nor the document date for calculating tax on sales/purchases, you can enter the alternative date here.
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public BigDecimal getClearingItem()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getBusinessPlace()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getTaxSection()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getCostCtrActivityType()
Activity types describe the activity produced by a cost center and are measured in units of time or quantity. In activity type planning, control data determines whether the activity price for evaluation of the activity type is manually set or is derived iteratively through activity price calculation.
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getAccountsReceivableIsPledged()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getBusinessProcess()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getGrantID()
A grant may be for any purpose and cover all or only part of the costs of the project in question. You must enter a grant type for each grant you create in Grants Management (GM). The grant as an object has a finite lifecycle, divided into stages. Each stage is represented in the GM solution by a system status. The following are the stages of a grant's lifecycle: Initial Draft This is the first stage of a grant. It is a working copy that can be modified as many times as needed. Proposal When the initial draft becomes a formal and complete document, it becomes a proposal. Application When a proposal is routed to the sponsor for approval, it becomes an application. This application might contain changes in the budget or other adjustments. Award If the sponsor approves an application, an award is created. This is the real operative stage of a grant. The creation and consumption of the grant's budget occurs at this stage. This stage also represents the binding contract between the sponsor and the grantee. Closing When an award is expiring, a phase of closing is established. Only restricted operations can be performed in this stage. Closed This stage defines an expired and closed grant. No further operations are allowed except archiving.
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getFunctionalArea()
The functional area is required in Funds Management in order to fulfill legal reporting requirements subdividing an organization into functions. You can use the functional area to map global aims and purposes, for example, public safety, town planning, and the expenditures of your organization. For more information on the functional area, see the Implementation Guide of Funds Management Government, section Functional Area in Funds Management Government.
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getFunctionalAreaName()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public Boolean getCustomerIsInExecution()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getFundedProgram()
You create funded programs in the component Funds Management Public Sector. They can be budgeted but not assigned to an account directly. The account assignment is always derived from a different account assignment object when it is posted, for example, from a CO order or WBS element.
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getClearingDocFiscalYear()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getLedgerGLLineItem()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getSegment()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getSegmentName()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getPartnerSegment()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getPartnerFunctionalArea()
Use for Cost-of-Sales Accounting The functional area is required to create a profit and loss account in Financial Accounting using cost-of-sales accounting. The following are examples of structure criteria: Manufacturing Administration Sales Research and development Use for Government The functional area is needed for Funds Management to meet legal requirements for reporting with functional aspects. You can use the functional area to represent the global targets and goals (such as public safety or city development), in particular the expenses of your organization. Use in cost-of-sales accounting See the documentation on Filling the Functional Area Field. For comprehensive information on cost-of-sales accounting and on the functional area, see the SAP Library under Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> General Ledger -> Cost-of-Sales Accounting. Use in government For more information on the functional area, see the implementation Guide for Funds Management Government in the section Activate Account Assignment Elements.
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getHouseBankAccount()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getCostElement()
Items in a chart of accounts that are relevant to cost, are referred to as cost elements. They are used for entering all costs within the entire cost accounting system. Cost elements are required to ensure comprehensive reporting and detailed planning.
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getSEPAMandate()
The mandate reference can be specified externally or be determined by internal number assignment. The system determines 12 digit numerical mandate references for the internal number assignment. Whether internal or external number assignment (or both) is possible depends on the application concerned. Once you have created the mandate, you can no longer change its mandate reference. At event 0570, you can implement different logic using your own installation-specific function module. Register the function module in Customizing for Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable under Business Transactions -> Incoming/Outgoing Payment Creation -> Management of SEPA Mandates -> General Settings in the Mandate Reference field. Notes on Assigning Contract Accounts and Contracts to Mandates You can enter a mandate reference in various FI-CA objects (such as, the document item, the contract account, or the contract). The effect of entering a reference is that the system uses the entered mandate for this object during payment. Notes on Using Alternative Payers If you want to enter an alternative payer P1 for business partner B1 with contract account C1, you have to enter the mandate for this alternative payer P1. If the mandate is to be used now exclusively for paying postings on B1, then enter B1 in the field Payment for Alternative Debtor/ID on the lower part of the screen. If you want the mandate to be used only for a certain contract account of B1 (for instance, for C1), then enter the ID of this contract account in the Contract Account field on the upper part of the screen. Example You enter mandate M1 in contract account C1. When items of contract C1 are paid, the system uses mandate M1. Using a mandate for one object does not exclude using it for another object. That means, for example, that you could also enter mandate M1 in contract C2 as the mandate to be used. In that case, no contract account is entered in the mandate itself, so that it can be referenced from multiple objects. Example - Assignment of a mandate to multiple contract accounts Contract account Mandate (in Contract Acct) Meaning C1 M1 Mandate M1 is valid for C1. C2 M1 Mandate M1 is also valid for C2. C3 M2 Mandate M2 is valid for C3. C4 M2 Mandate M2 is also valid for C4. Another alternative is to enter the contract account in the mandate itself. The result of making this assignment, however, is that the mandate can only be used (exclusively) for the payment of items of this one contract account. Example - Assignment of one contract account per mandate Mandate Contract Account (in Mandate) Meaning M1 C1 Mandate M1 is only valid for items of contract account C1. M2 C2 Mandate M2 is only valid for items of contract account C2. If you want a mandate to be used by several FI-CA objects (such as, document, contract account, or contract), enter the mandate only in the given objects. The examples above apply in a similar manner to the assignment of contracts. Even if you do not enter payment data at the contract level in contracts of the various industry components that use Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable, it can be useful to make an assignment between the contract and the mandate. This makes it possible to have the system pay postings assigned to a contract using a specific mandate. If you do not make any assignments between FI-CA objects (such as, document, contract account, or contract) and a mandate, the system determines the mandate from the bank details entered in the payment data of the payer. In doing so, the system compares the IBAN in the mandate with the IBAN of the bank details. If there are several active mandates for the same bank details of the payer, but there are no additional assignments between the mandate and the FI-CA object, you can use event 0653 to specify which of the mandates is used for making the payment. If you do not make any specification, the system uses the first mandate that qualifies for the payment.
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getReferenceDocumentType()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getOriginalReferenceDocument()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getReferenceDocumentLogicalSystem()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getAccountingDocumentItemRef()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getFiscalPeriod()
Every business transaction is allocated to a fiscal period. Examples of period classifications: Per calendar month -> 12 fiscal periods Every 4 weeks -> 13 fiscal periods Weekly -> 52 or 53 fiscal periods
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getAccountingDocumentCategory()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getAccountingDocumentCategoryName()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public Calendar getPostingDate()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public Calendar getDocumentDate()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getAccountingDocumentType()
Attributes that control the entry of the document, or which are themselves noted in the document, are defined for each document type. In particular, the number range assigned to the associated documents is defined on the basis of the document type.
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getAccountingDocumentTypeName()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public Calendar getNetDueDate()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public Calendar getCashDiscount1DueDate()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public Calendar getCashDiscount2DueDate()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getOffsettingAccount()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getOffsettingAccountType()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getPartnerFund()
If you assign budget to a fund, you can execute a detailed proof of origin for your funds.
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getPartnerGrant()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getBudgetPeriod()
During the budget period, the organization may commit, obligate, and encumber funds (terminology varies). After it, the organization may only post follow-on documents. The budget period always works together with the fund account assignment element in Funds Management (FM). Budget Period A: 2000-2010 Budget Period B: 2005-2015 The actuals and commitments recorded then are differentiated by the period of time on which authority was granted to a particular fund. Fund F1 Budget Period: A Fund F2 Budget Period: A Fund F2 Budget Period: B
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getPartnerBudgetPeriod()
During the budget period, the organization may commit, obligate, and encumber funds (terminology varies). After it, the organization may only post follow-on documents. The budget period always works together with the fund account assignment element in Funds Management (FM). Budget Period A: 2000-2010 Budget Period B: 2005-2015 The actuals and commitments recorded then are differentiated by the period of time on which authority was granted to a particular fund. Fund F1 Budget Period: A Fund F2 Budget Period: A Fund F2 Budget Period: B When operations are performed with the fund and the budget, the partner fields help you track the proof of origin for your funds.
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getBranchCode()
The system displays this code at the time of posting sales order, MM invoice, or FI invoice. Companies not registered with the Revenue Department, must enter the text NVAT in this field. If you enter 0000 or 00000, the system considers this to be the head office of the company. The Advance Return for Tax on Sales/Purchases (RFUMSV00) report reads this value and prints the text Head Office in the Head Office Number field in the list output. If you enter any other value, the RFUMSV00 report prints it in the Branch Office Number field in the list output. If the company is not registered with the Revenue Department, the Head Office Number and the Branch Office Number fields are not filled. The J_1HKORD print program also displays this branch code in the PDF output or script output.
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getCompanyCodeCurrency()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public BigDecimal getAmountInCompanyCodeCurrency()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public BigDecimal getTaxAmountInCoCodeCrcy()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public BigDecimal getTaxBaseAmountInCoCodeCrcy()
With the direct entry of tax line items, you must always specify the base amount so that the system can check the tax amount. For postings in foreign currency, specifying the amount in foreign currency is sufficient. The local currency amount contained in this field is determined using translation.
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public BigDecimal getValuationDiffAmtInCoCodeCrcy()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public BigDecimal getCashDiscountAmtInCoCodeCrcy()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public BigDecimal getInvoiceAmtInCoCodeCrcy()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getTransactionCurrency()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public BigDecimal getAmountInTransactionCurrency()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public BigDecimal getOriginalTaxBaseAmount()
The amount deviates from the actual amount of the line item by automatically determined revised amounts. This is the case, for example, with net document types for which cash discount deductions are calculated non-deductible portions, such as for non-deductible input tax portions of the offsetting entry for additional taxes which can be distributed to expense items.
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public BigDecimal getTaxAmount()
The amount serves, together with other values such as the tax code and the tax base amount, as a basis for the automatically created postings for taxes on sales/purchases and therefore also as a base for the advance return for tax on sales/purchases. During document entry, you specify the tax amount providing it is known. If the tax is distributed between several line items with the same tax code, you can specify the total tax amount for one of these line items. In the case of down payments however, (contrary to this rule) you specify the corresponding tax portion per line item. If only the tax code and not the tax amount is known, you can select 'Calculate tax' for the first item. The tax amount is then calculated by the system.
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public BigDecimal getTaxBaseAmountInTransCrcy()
When directly entering tax items, you always have to specify the base amount so that the system can check that the tax amount is correct.
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public BigDecimal getWithholdingTaxBaseAmount()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public BigDecimal getPlannedAmtInTransactionCrcy()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public BigDecimal getCashDiscountBaseAmount()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public BigDecimal getCashDiscountAmount()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public BigDecimal getNetPaymentAmount()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public BigDecimal getWithholdingTaxAmount()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public BigDecimal getWithholdingTaxExemptionAmt()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public BigDecimal getInvoiceAmountInFrgnCurrency()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getBalanceTransactionCurrency()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public BigDecimal getAmountInBalanceTransacCrcy()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getAdditionalCurrency1()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public BigDecimal getValuationDiffAmtInAddlCrcy1()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public BigDecimal getAmountInAdditionalCurrency1()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getAdditionalCurrency2()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public BigDecimal getAmountInAdditionalCurrency2()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public BigDecimal getValuationDiffAmtInAddlCrcy2()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getPaymentCurrency()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public BigDecimal getAmountInPaymentCurrency()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getCreditControlAreaCurrency()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public BigDecimal getHedgedAmount()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getBaseUnit()
You define the base unit of measure and also alternative units of measure and their conversion factors in the material master record. Since all data is updated in the base unit of measure, your entry is particularly important for the conversion of alternative units of measure. A quantity in the alternative unit of measure can only be shown precisely if its value can be shown with the decimal places available. To ensure this, please note the following: The base unit of measure is the unit satisfying the highest necessary requirement for precision. The conversion of alternative units of measure to the base unit should result in simple decimal fractions (not, for example, 1/3 = 0.333...). Inventory Management In Inventory Management, the base unit of measure is the same as the stockkeeping unit. Services Services have units of measure of their own, including the following: Service unit Unit of measure at the higher item level. The precise quantities of the individual services are each at the detailed service line level. Blanket Unit of measure at service line level for services to be provided once only, and for which no precise quantities can or are to be specified.
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public BigDecimal getQuantity()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getGoodsMovementEntryUnit()
Enter a unit of measure here only if it differs from the default unit of measure. There are the following default units of measure: the order unit for goods receipts with reference to purchase orders the production unit for goods receipts with reference to production orders the unit of issue for other goods movements If the default unit of measure has not been defined in the material master record, the system will suggest the stockkeeping unit.
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public BigDecimal getQuantityInEntryUnit()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getPurchasingDocumentPriceUnit()
100 pc are ordered at a price of 10 $/kg. The order unit is "pc" (piece), and the purchase order price unit is "kg" (kilogram).
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public BigDecimal getPurchaseOrderQty()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public BigDecimal getMaterialPriceUnitQty()
If 10 gallons of gasoline cost $12.00, the price unit is 10.
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public BigDecimal getNumberOfItems()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public Calendar getAccountingDocumentCreationDate()
Note The posting date can differ from the entry date (date of entry in the system) and the document date.
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public Calendar getCreationTime()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public Calendar getLastChangeDate()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public Calendar getExchangeRateDate()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getAccountingDocCreatedByUser()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getTransactionCode()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getIntercompanyTransaction()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getDocumentReferenceID()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getRecurringAccountingDocument()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getReverseDocument()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getReverseDocumentFiscalYear()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getAccountingDocumentHeaderText()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public BigDecimal getExchangeRate()
Your system is configured in such a way that it expects: No prefix (leading sign) for direct rates A "" as prefix (leading sign) for direct rates No prefix for indirect rates A "" as prefix for indirect rates
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getBusinessTransactionType()
A business transaction is a business event that represents a change in a certain value or quantity for a company and, as a result, needs to be entered in accounting.
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getBatchInputSession()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getFinancialManagementArea()
An FM area is an organizational unit which plans, controls and monitors funds and commitment budgets.
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public Boolean getReversalIsPlanned()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public Calendar getPlannedReversalDate()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public Boolean getTaxIsCalculatedAutomatically()
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public Boolean getTaxBaseAmountIsNetAmount()
The rule used to determine the base amount for the calculation of sales tax is subject to the relevant country legislation. Either the company code table or the jurisdiction code table is used for control purposes. If the jurisdiction code is used for tax calculation, the entries in the company code table are not valid. Control then takes place at the highest level of the definition of the jurisdiction code. This method of tax calculation is used in America, for example. In Great Britain, the base amount for sales tax is the invoice amount less the agreed discount. If the tax base amount is net, the net value also has to be chosen as the discount base. Exception: If tax is calculated using the jurisdiction code (USA), the combination 'Net tax base' and 'Gross discount base' is also permitted, however, no tax adjustment is made for payment with a discount deduction. In the following an example is given for each possible combination. In each case, the material value is 100.00, the possible discount percentage 3.00 %, and the tax percentage 10.00 %. 1) Gross tax base, Gross discount base Tax base 100.00 ==> Tax amount 10.00 Possible discount amount (3.00 % of 110.00) 3.30 Invoice amount 110.00 2) Gross tax base, Net discount base Tax base 100.00 ==> Tax amount 10.00 Possible discount amount (3.00 % of 100.00) 3.00 Invoice amount 110.00 3) Net tax base, Net discount base Tax base 97.00 ==> Tax amount 9.70 (Tax base = Value of goods - Possible discount = 100.00 - 3.00) Possible discount amount (3.00 % of 100.00) 3.00 Invoice amount 109.70 4) Extremely rare case (only permitted when jurisdiction code is used) Net tax base, Gross discount base The value of the goods is not 100 but 100.30 so that the figures in this case can be compared to those in the other cases. Tax bases 97.00 ==> Tax amount 9.70 (Net value of goods + Tax = 97.00 + 9.70 = 106.70) Since the discount base is gross, this value represents 97% of the gross invoice amount. Invoice amount = 110.00 Possible discount amount (3.00% of 110.00) 3.30
@Nullable @Generated(value="lombok") public String getSourceCompanyCode()