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SAP NetWeaver 7.50 SP 13 KMC

Package com.sapportals.wcm.repository.service.serviceacl

Provides a service to manage ACLs of services for resources.

See: Description

Package com.sapportals.wcm.repository.service.serviceacl Description

Provides a service to manage ACLs of services for resources.

Package Specification


The ACL repository service provides a way for administrating service specific ACLs for resources.
These ACLs should not be mixed up with the framework ACLs: While the framework ACLs are associated to the framework permissions (e.g. READ), the service ACLs are associated to the several service permissions (e.g. SUBSCRIPTION_ACTIVE).
Using this ACL Service, other repository services can restrict their specific operations on resources to certain users, groups, or roles. As mentioned above, the only difference to the IAclSecurityManager are the permissions used.


In the CM configuration UI:

Configure the ACL Service:
Property Required Description
ACL Manager Factory yes ACL manager factory (must be distinct from the factory the ACLSecurityManager uses)
Configure the ACL manager factory:
Property Required Description
ACL manager configuration yes Configuration for the AclManager the factory instantiates (must be distinct from the configuration the ACLSecurityManager uses)
Configure the ACL manager:
Property Required Description
ACL cache yes ACL cache (must not be used by any other ACL manager)
Connection pool yes Connection pool for persistence of the ACLs (must be distinct from the connection pool the ACLSecurityManager uses)
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SAP NetWeaver 7.50 SP 13 KMC

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