Type of the entity the field belongs to
Creates an instance of ComplexTypeBinaryPropertyField.
Actual name of the field used in the OData request
Constructor type of the entity the field belongs to
Name of the parent complex type
Type of the field according to the metadata description
Constructor type of the entity the field belongs to
Actual name of the field used in the OData request
Type of the field according to the metadata description
Name of the parent complex type
Creates an instance of Filter for this field and the given value using the operator 'eq', i.e. ==
Value to be used in the filter
The resulting filter
Path to the field to be used in filter and order by queries. Combines the parent complex type name with the field name.
Path to the field to be used in filter and order by queries
Creates an instance of Filter for this field and the given value using the operator 'ne', i.e. !=
Value to be used in the filter
The resulting filter
Represents a complex type property with a binary value.