public static class PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder extends Object
@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder paymentreleaselistitemuuid(@Nullable UUID paymentreleaselistitemuuid)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Paymentreleaselistitemuuid
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder paymentreleaselist(@Nullable String paymentreleaselist)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Paymentreleaselist
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder paymentstatus(@Nullable String paymentstatus)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Paymentstatus
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder paytrellistitemapprovallevel(@Nullable String paytrellistitemapprovallevel)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Paytrellistitemapprovallevel
Items that are pending approval are always assigned an approval level.If an item is assigned to a payment release list, but has not been approved at any level, the field displays the initial value (0).In the IMG activity Define Approval Levels, you can define:Approval levelsYou can define as many approval levels as you require.A description of each approval levelFinal approval levelsWhen you or another approver approve an item at a final approval level, the item status changes to Released for Payment.The actions that approvers can perform at each approval levelIn the IMG activity Disable Clearing and Reversal for Approval Levels, you can define that approvers are not authorized to clear or reverse documents at certain approval levels.In the IMG activity Disable Document Changes for Approval Levels, you can choose the document fields that approvers are not authorized to change at certain approval levels.
be paid after it has been approved at a final approval level.this
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder createdbyuser(@Nullable String createdbyuser)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Createdbyuser
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder lastchangedbyuser(@Nullable String lastchangedbyuser)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Lastchangedbyuser
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder paymentreleaselistapplication(@Nullable String paymentreleaselistapplication)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Paymentreleaselistapplication
items in the payment release process.this
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder companycode(@Nullable String companycode)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Companycode
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder accountingdocument(@Nullable String accountingdocument)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Accountingdocument
The document number is unique per company code and fiscal year. When entering an accounting document, you can specify the number manually or it can be determined by the system from a pre-defined area (number range).The relevant area of the document numbers (number range) is determined in each company code per document type.
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder fiscalyear(@Nullable String fiscalyear)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Fiscalyear
fiscal year can be the same as the calendar year, but does not have to be.this
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder accountingdocumentitem(@Nullable String accountingdocumentitem)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Accountingdocumentitem
numbers are assigned consecutively by the system when entering the document.this
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder supplierfullname(@Nullable String supplierfullname)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Supplierfullname
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder supplier(@Nullable String supplier)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Supplier
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder customer(@Nullable String customer)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Customer
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder branchaccount(@Nullable String branchaccount)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Branchaccount
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder payerpayee(@Nullable String payerpayee)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Payerpayee
If payment for the document item is not to be made using the business partner posted to, you can enter the required payer/payee number here. You can only use the account numbers stored in the master record for the business partner posted to.You can specify the permitted account numbers in the master record, independently of the company code or on a company-code-specific basis.Enter the required account number if payment is to be made using a different business partner.
The account specified here is used to process automatic payment transactions (checks, bank transfers, debit memos and so on).this
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder partnercompany(@Nullable String partnercompany)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Partnercompany
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder debitcreditcode(@Nullable String debitcreditcode)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Debitcreditcode
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder transactioncurrency(@Nullable String transactioncurrency)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Transactioncurrency
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder amountintransactioncurrency(@Nullable BigDecimal amountintransactioncurrency)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Amountintransactioncurrency
During document entry, enter the amount manually. In the last line item, you can enter a "*" - the amount of the final line item is then the balance of all the line items previously entered.Amounts you enter may be changed automatically by the system if the following postings are made:Tax adjustmentsCash discount adjustments during net postings.
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder cashdiscountbaseamount(@Nullable BigDecimal cashdiscountbaseamount)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Cashdiscountbaseamount
During document entry, the amount qualifying for cash discount can be determined manually or automatically. The amount is determined automatically if no entry is made or a '*' is entered.To determine this amount automatically, the system takes into account the offsetting items relevant to cash discount for the invoice item and the rules assigned for each company code for processing cash discount and taxes.
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder cashdiscountamtintransaccrcy(@Nullable BigDecimal cashdiscountamtintransaccrcy)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Cashdiscountamtintransaccrcy
For open items, this amount is the cash discount agreed upon (assuming a fixed amount was agreed upon and not a percentage rate).For cleared items, the amount shows the cash discount that was actually taken.During document entry, you only need enter the cash discount amount if this amount is fixed rather than a percentage rate. This amount is no longer changed by the system.
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder whldgtaxamtintransaccrcy(@Nullable BigDecimal whldgtaxamtintransaccrcy)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Whldgtaxamtintransaccrcy
The amount is continuously calculated by the system on the basis of the withholding tax base amount and the tax percentage rate.
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder balancetransactioncurrency(@Nullable String balancetransactioncurrency)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Balancetransactioncurrency
An exception can occur with clearing entries in a third currency. The item currency for a clearing entry is always identical to the item currency of the entry to be cleared and can therefore be different from both the document currency and the local currency.You post an invoice in USD in a company code with EUR as its local currency. Payment is made in CHF. The clearing entry in the payment document has the item currency key USD and is therefore different from the document currency CHF and the local currency EUR.
corresponds either to the document currency or to the local currency.this
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder amountinbalancetransaccrcy(@Nullable BigDecimal amountinbalancetransaccrcy)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Amountinbalancetransaccrcy
the amount in document currency or the amount in local currency.this
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder cashdiscountamount(@Nullable BigDecimal cashdiscountamount)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Cashdiscountamount
set to inactive. The cash discount displayed here can be changed within the framework of the tolerance limits for users and customers/vendors.this
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder accountingdocumenttype(@Nullable String accountingdocumenttype)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Accountingdocumenttype
Attributes that control the entry of the document, or which are themselves noted in the document, are defined for each document type. In particular, the number range assigned to the associated documents is defined on the basis of the document type.
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder postingdate(@Nullable LocalDateTime postingdate)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Postingdate
The fiscal year and the period for which an update of the accounts specified in the document or cost elements is made, are derived from the posting date.When entering documents, the system checks whether the posting date entered is allowed by means of the posting period permitted.The posting date can differ from both the entry date (day of entry into the system) and the document date (day of creation of the original document).
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder documentdate(@Nullable LocalDateTime documentdate)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Documentdate
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder financialaccounttype(@Nullable String financialaccounttype)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Financialaccounttype
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder postingkey(@Nullable String postingkey)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Postingkey
For every posting key, you specify properties which control the entry of the line item or are noted in the line item itself.The most important properties which are derived from the posting key are:The account typeThe allocation to the debits or credits sideThe possible or necessary specifications which are to be entered in the line item.
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder glaccount(@Nullable String glaccount)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Glaccount
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder operationalglaccount(@Nullable String operationalglaccount)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Operationalglaccount
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder specialglcode(@Nullable String specialglcode)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Specialglcode
For all line items in customer or vendor accounts that are updated to an alternative reconciliation account, the special G/L indicator determines which account is to be selected.
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder businessarea(@Nullable String businessarea)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Businessarea
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder taxcode(@Nullable String taxcode)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Taxcode
Tax codes are unique per country. The tax rate calculation rules and further features are stored in a table for each tax code.For tax-exempt or non-taxable transactions, you should use tax codes with a 0 percentage rate if the corresponding transactions are to be displayed in the tax returns.You must define new tax codes if tax rates are changed by the state. The old codes with the old tax rates must remain in the system until no more open items which use this tax code exist.
the tax authorities.this
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder withholdingtaxcode(@Nullable String withholdingtaxcode)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Withholdingtaxcode
The tax codes are unique per country. For each tax code, the tax rate, the portion of the invoices to be taxed and further properties are stored in a table.When tax rates are changed due to a new law, new tax codes must be defined. The old codes with the old tax rates must be retained until no more open items exist which use this tax code.
when reporting tax to the tax authorities.this
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder documentitemtext(@Nullable String documentitemtext)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Documentitemtext
Line item texts can be used internally and externally. To be able to distinguish between these, you must begin texts for external use with "*". These texts can then be printed on all correspondence, dunning notices, payment advice notes, etc. The asterisk is removed when the text is printed.This function is only available in the FI component. It cannot be used in Materials Management.
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder duecalculationbasedate(@Nullable LocalDateTime duecalculationbasedate)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Duecalculationbasedate
For line items in G/L accounts, the item is due immediately on this date because there are no cash discount specifications.During document entry for open item accounts, the date may be defaulted. For this, a terms of payment key must have been specified in the customer's/vendor's master record for which a default value is requested in the document.The proposed date can be overwritten.If the cash discount rates (and days) have not been entered, the baseline date for payment is the same as the due date.
the case for line items in open item accounts.this
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder cashdiscount1days(@Nullable BigDecimal cashdiscount1days)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Cashdiscount1days
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder cashdiscount2days(@Nullable BigDecimal cashdiscount2days)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Cashdiscount2days
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder netpaymentdays(@Nullable BigDecimal netpaymentdays)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Netpaymentdays
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder cashdiscount1percent(@Nullable BigDecimal cashdiscount1percent)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Cashdiscount1percent
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder cashdiscount2percent(@Nullable BigDecimal cashdiscount2percent)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Cashdiscount2percent
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder purchasingdocument(@Nullable String purchasingdocument)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Purchasingdocument
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder purchasingdocumentitem(@Nullable String purchasingdocumentitem)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Purchasingdocumentitem
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder vatregistration(@Nullable String vatregistration)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Vatregistration
The VAT registration number is used within the EU for tax-exempt deliveries for the "EC sales list". The check rules are defined for each EU country and cannot be changed.
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder statecentralbankpaymentreason(@Nullable String statecentralbankpaymentreason)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Statecentralbankpaymentreason
In foreign payment transactions, information concerning the reason for payment is needed for the report according to German foreign trade regulations (AWV).The possible reasons for payment are defined within configuration for SCB indicators. This includes certain indicators which are the key to the reasons for payment, and an explanatory text.The reasons for payment appear on the reporting form and/or in the corresponding data medium exchange.AustriaFor foreign bank transfers, the explanatory text for the OeNB is determined using this indicator on the bank transfer form or in the data medium exchange.BelgiumThe content of the first text field for this indicator is used in the data medium exchange.NetherlandsThe usage of the state central bank indicator, the document type and the texts for this indicator is explained in the detailed documentation for the individual fields.JapanFor foreign bank transfers, the reason for payment is determined by this indicator when reporting to the Japanese ministry of finance.We recommend entering a "J" as the first letter so that you can better distinguish this report from other non-Japanese reports.
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder supplyingcountry(@Nullable String supplyingcountry)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Supplyingcountry
This field contains the country key of the purchasing country in the case of imports or transits (field U4 or field V5 on the data medium) or that of the country of investment in the case of capital transactions (field W7).Together with the German State Central Bank indicator, this specification is needed for creating reports in line with German foreign trade regulations.
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder projectnetwork(@Nullable String projectnetwork)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Projectnetwork
Numbers are used to differentiate these project structures.When you specify a network, for example, when you are entering attendances, you can define that the network is debited when the sender cost center is credited.Use the possible entries pushbutton to select the network number for the required project structure.
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder orderinternalbillofoperations(@Nullable String orderinternalbillofoperations)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Orderinternalbillofoperations
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder assignmentreference(@Nullable String assignmentreference)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Assignmentreference
The program can display the account line items sorted according to the content of this field.You can either enter the field contents manually, or have the system define them automatically in the master record via the sort key field.You define the rules for the layout of the assignment number field in the Implementation Guide (IMG) under Determine Standard Sorting for Line Items.
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder assetcontract(@Nullable String assetcontract)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Assetcontract
assigned externally by the user or internally by the system.this
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder followondocumenttype(@Nullable String followondocumenttype)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Followondocumenttype
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder costcenter(@Nullable String costcenter)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Costcenter
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder salesdocument(@Nullable String salesdocument)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Salesdocument
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder salesdocumentitem(@Nullable String salesdocumentitem)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Salesdocumentitem
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder profitcenter(@Nullable String profitcenter)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Profitcenter
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder reference1idbybusinesspartner(@Nullable String reference1idbybusinesspartner)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Reference1idbybusinesspartner
As additional information, for correspondence with the customer/vendor, as a search criterion for items in the customer/vendor account.Enter the customer/vendor details which you need for subsequent processing according to your individual company's regulations.Possible information would be, for example, a customer/vendor branch number, or a transaction number under which a controversial transaction is managed at the customer/vendor.
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder reference2idbybusinesspartner(@Nullable String reference2idbybusinesspartner)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Reference2idbybusinesspartner
As additional information, for correspondence with the customer/vendor, as a search criterion for items in the customer/vendor account.Enter the customer/vendor details which you need for subsequent processing according to your individual company's regulations.Possible information would be, for example, a customer/vendor branch number, or a transaction number under which a controversial transaction is managed at the customer/vendor.
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder reference3idbybusinesspartner(@Nullable String reference3idbybusinesspartner)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Reference3idbybusinesspartner
As additional information, for correspondence with the customer/vendor, as a search criterion for items in the customer/vendor account.Enter the customer/vendor details which you need for subsequent processing according to your individual company's regulations.Possible information would be, for example, a customer/vendor branch number, or a transaction number under which a controversial transaction is managed at the customer/vendor.BrazilFor customers, the number of a previously issued boleto is defined here.FinlandIf a forward exchange transaction for hedging has been completed for a foreign currency invoice, you can define the contract number here. If the bank requires a prefix for the contract number, enter this number here. You also have to specify the appropriate house bank ID. This contract number is then copied in the corresponding fields with format LUM2 and ULMP when you create the payment medium with report RFFOFI_U.JapanIf you have concluded a forward exchange transaction for hedging for an invoice in foreign currency you can define the contract number here (no more than 16 characters).For a forward exchange transaction for hedging, you must also enter the relevant house bank ID and the instruction number for the saved exchange rate in instruction 3.The contract number is transferred to the corresponding field in the ZENGINKYO format (accounting information) when the payment medium is generated using report RFFOJP_L.If an invoice in foreign currency is to be split into more than one but no more than three accounting line items, you can enter a "*" here. If a "*" is entered, the system displays a window for additional accounting information for Japan in which you can add necessary information. You can only maintain additional information when changing the document.ProceedThailandIdentification number for the withholding tax certificate. This is either derived from the payment document number and the corresponding line number or can be entered manually.
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder dataexchangeinstruction1(@Nullable String dataexchangeinstruction1)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Dataexchangeinstruction1
Instruction key 1 is used in Germany for foreign data medium exchange (field T16). The instruction key informs the bank how the payment is to be carried out. You can find out what each key means in the format descriptions issued by the banks.Instruction key 1 is copied into the instruction key field of the Z1 form and assigned as follows (entries 06/07 are alternatives):SAP field Meaning of instructionInstr. 1 Z1 form in Z1 form06 1 Advice note to beneficiary's bank07 1 Advice note to beneficiary's bank09 2 Advice to beneficiary by telephone10 3 Advice to beneficiary by fax/telex04 4 Payment against legitimation- The NetherlandsInstruction key 1 is used in the Netherlands as the payment instruction code for foreign bank transfers by data medium exchange.- FranceIn France, this key is used for data medium exchange abroad (field 9 in record 'Enregistrements complementaires')- BrazilIn Brazil, instruction key 1 is used for the 'Codigo de Ocorrência' statement.- DenmarkIn Denmark, this key is used in the format PostGiro Udland.- FinlandInstruction key 1 is used in the ULMP and LUM2 formats. The payment method can be determined via the instruction key.- SWIFT MT formatsFor the SWIFT MT formats, instruction key 1 is converted into a code that is entered in field 72.- JapanInstruction key 1 is used in Japan for data medium exchange abroad. The instruction key informs the bank whether payment should be wired or mailed, or whether a check should be sent. You can find out what each key means in the format descriptions issued by the banks.- NorwayIn Norway, instruction key 1 is used in Autogiro and Telepay formats.For the Autogiro format, the instruction key can inform the bank if the payer should receive notification.For foreign payments using the Telepay format, instruction key 1 can inform the bank how the payee should be advised.
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder dataexchangeinstruction2(@Nullable String dataexchangeinstruction2)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Dataexchangeinstruction2
Instruction key 2 is used in Germany in foreign data medium exchange (field T17).AustriaIn Austria, instruction key 2 is used for foreign transfers (DME) for the transfer type rapid payment.NetherlandsIn the Netherlands, instruction key 2 is used as a code for payment instructions when making payments abroad by DME.FranceIn France, instruction key 2 is used for data medium exchange abroad (field 9 in record 'Enregistrements complementaires')BrazilIn Brazil, this key can be used as a further specification criteria for instruction key 1 ('Codigo de Ocorrência').SWIFT MT formatsFor the SWIFT MT formats, instruction key 2 is converted into a code that is entered in field 72.JapanInstruction key 2 is used in Japan for data medium exchange abroad. The instruction key informs the bank whether the payment should be made according to notification or to an account. You can find out what each key means in the format descriptions issued by the banks.
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder dataexchangeinstruction3(@Nullable String dataexchangeinstruction3)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Dataexchangeinstruction3
Instruction key 3 is used in Germany for foreign data medium exchange (field T18).Note: If the value 95 is entered, the reporting section of the data medium is issued in the order currency. For the Z1 form, you use the relevant parameter in payment medium program RFFOD__L.NetherlandsIn the Netherlands, instruction key 3 is used for foreign bank transfers by DME as a code for the payment instructions.BrazilIn Brazil, instruction key 3 can be used as an additional selection criteria for instruction key 1 ('Codigo de Ocorrência').SWIFT MT formatsFor the SWIFT MT formats, instruction key 3 is converted into a code that is entered in field 72.JapanInstruction key 3 is used in Japan for foreign data medium exchange. The instruction key informs the bank whether the currency translation should be made according to the current rate of exchange or a hedged exchange rate, or whether payment should be made from a foreign exchange account or in Japanese Yen. You will find more details on what the key means in the the format descriptions issued by the bank.
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder dataexchangeinstruction4(@Nullable String dataexchangeinstruction4)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Dataexchangeinstruction4
Instruction key 4 is used in Germany for foreign data medium exchange (field T19).NetherlandsIn the Netherlands, key 4 is used as a code for the payment instructions when making transfers abroad by DME.SWIFT MT formatsIn the case of SWIFT MT formats instruction key 4 is converted into a code that is entered in field 72.
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder addressandbankissetmanually(@Nullable Boolean addressandbankissetmanually)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Addressandbankissetmanually
Address data is a necessary part of line items in one-time accounts. When posting to other customers or vendors, address data is then entered if the automatic payment transactions are to take place via an alternative customer/vendor, an alternative address or an alternative bank.
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder businessplace(@Nullable String businessplace)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Businessplace
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder partnerprofitcenter(@Nullable String partnerprofitcenter)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Partnerprofitcenter
For a profit center that sends a good or service, the receiver profit center is identified as the partner profit center. For the receiver, the sender is the partner profit center.
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder grantid(@Nullable String grantid)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Grantid
A grant may be for any purpose and cover all or only part of the costs of the project in question. You must enter a grant type for each grant you create in Grants Management (GM).The grant as an object has a finite lifecycle, divided into stages. Each stage is represented in the GM solution by a system status. The following are the stages of a grant's lifecycle:Initial DraftThis is the first stage of a grant. It is a working copy that can be modified as many times as needed.ProposalWhen the initial draft becomes a formal and complete document, it becomes a proposal.ApplicationWhen a proposal is routed to the sponsor for approval, it becomes an application. This application might contain changes in the budget or other adjustments.AwardIf the sponsor approves an application, an award is created. This is the real operative stage of a grant. The creation and consumption of the grant's budget occurs at this stage. This stage also represents the binding contract between the sponsor and the grantee.ClosingWhen an award is expiring, a phase of closing is established. Only restricted operations can be performed in this stage.ClosedThis stage defines an expired and closed grant. No further operations are allowed except archiving.
order to carry out a public purpose of support or stimulation in which the sponsor does not expect to be substantially involved.this
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder functionalarea(@Nullable String functionalarea)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Functionalarea
Use for Cost of Sales AccountingThe functional area is required to create a profit and loss statement in Financial Accounting using cost of sales accounting. The following are examples of structure criteria:ManufacturingAdministrationSalesResearch & DevelopmentUse for GovernmentThe functional area is needed for Funds Management to meet legal requirements for reporting with functional aspects. You can use the functional area to represent the global targets and goals (such as public safety or city development), in particular the expenses of your organization.Use in Cost of Sales AccountingSee the documentation on Filling the Functional Area Field.For more information about cost of sales accounting and functional areas, see the SAP Library under Financials -> Financial Accounting -> General Ledger Accounting -> Cost of Sales AccountingUse in GovernmentFor more information on functional areas, see the Implementation Guide for Funds Management Government in the section Activate Account Assignment Elements.
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder fund(@Nullable String fund)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Fund
If you assign the budget to a fund, you can obtain a detailed list of origin for the amounts involved.
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder paymentrequest(@Nullable String paymentrequest)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Paymentrequest
is allocated internally.this
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder paymentrequestamountinpaytcrcy(@Nullable BigDecimal paymentrequestamountinpaytcrcy)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Paymentrequestamountinpaytcrcy
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder paymentrequestorigin(@Nullable String paymentrequestorigin)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Paymentrequestorigin
R/3 components such as Treasury Management (TR-TM)Loans Administration (TR-LO)
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder currentprocessor(@Nullable String currentprocessor)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Currentprocessor
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder earmarkedfundsdocument(@Nullable String earmarkedfundsdocument)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Earmarkedfundsdocument
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder taxid2(@Nullable String taxid2)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Taxid2
Enter the appropriate tax number:Country Tax NumberArgentina NIP number or CM numberBelgium VAT numberBrazil CPF numberBulgaria Legal persons: tax numberNatural persons: personal IDCroatia OIB number Czech Republic ICO numberFrance SIREN numberGreece AFM numberIndia TINItaly VAT numberKazakhstan BC (Beneficiary Code)Netherlands BSN numberRussia OKPO codeSlovakia ICO numberSouth Korea VAT registration numberSweden Organization registration numberSwitzerland VAT numberTaiwan, China Tax registration numberUkraine Legal persons: USREOU numberNatural persons: SRNP numberTurkey Tax numberUnited Kingdom NI numberUnited States Employer identification numberVenezuela NIT number
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder paymentrunitemmessagenumber(@Nullable String paymentrunitemmessagenumber)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Paymentrunitemmessagenumber
printed in the key of the payment list or payment proposal list belongs to every indicator.this
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder paymentblockingreason(@Nullable String paymentblockingreason)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Paymentblockingreason
The following payment blocks exist:Manual payment blockIf you manually select a payment block from the list field to block an invoice for payment, the payment block field in the header of the invoice document is marked with the appropriate indicator.Blocked due to differencesIf invoices are to be blocked automatically due to differences in the invoice items, the system enters the payment block R in the vendor line of the Accounting document. The field in the header of the invoice document remains empty.Random payment blockInvoices that do not show any other blocking reason, can be blocked in accordance with the random principle. In Customizing for the Logistics invoice verification, you can set the probability for the block. The indicator for the logistical payment block is entered in the header of the invoice document.If you have set a manual payment block, and an invoice is blocked automatically due to differences in the invoice items, the system enters the manual payment block in the vendor line of the Accounting document.
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder paymentrundate(@Nullable LocalDateTime paymentrundate)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Paymentrundate
out as planned. However, a program run at an earlier or later date is also possible.this
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder paymentrunid(@Nullable String paymentrunid)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Paymentrunid
reconciliation key date. You can freely define the identification.this
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder paymentdocument(@Nullable String paymentdocument)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Paymentdocument
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder paymentorder(@Nullable String paymentorder)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Paymentorder
Payment orders are generated by the payment program in automatic payment transactions when a payment method is selected which is marked accordingly. Here, the payment program does not post the payment document but just generates a payment order.When the bank shows on the account statement that the payment order has been carried out, the payment is posted. The open items paid can be selected using the number of the payment order.
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder proposalrundate(@Nullable LocalDateTime proposalrundate)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Proposalrundate
program that created the item.this
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder proposalrunnumber(@Nullable String proposalrunnumber)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Proposalrunnumber
the item was copied.this
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder payingcompanycode(@Nullable String payingcompanycode)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Payingcompanycode
Postings to the bank accounts or the bank sub-accounts are made in the company code specified here during automatic payment transactions.
company codes too).this
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder sendingcompanycode(@Nullable String sendingcompanycode)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Sendingcompanycode
When making cross-company code payments, you can specify the sending company code as well as the paying company code for each company code. If the sending company code is different from the paying company code, the system notes the sending company code in the payment transfer medium or payment advice. This note is information for the business partner.Furthermore, the sending company code affects how the system groups items from different company codes into one payment. Items are only grouped into one payment for company codes with the same paying company code and the same sending company code.If the sending company code is not specified, the system automatically regards the paying company code as the sending company code.Specify the sending company code if you want to pay using a cross-company code transaction but do not want to pay the items of all participating company codes together.Example 1:Company code 0001 pays its own items and the items of company codes 0002 and 0003. All items are grouped into one payment.Company code Paying company code Sending company code0001 0001 00010002 0001 00010003 0001 0001Example 2:Company code 0001 pays its own items and the items of company codes 0002 and 0003. However, a separate payment is created for each company code.Company code Paying company code Sending company code0001 0001 00010002 0001 00020003 0001 0003
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder payeeadditionalname(@Nullable String payeeadditionalname)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Payeeadditionalname
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder payeepostalcode(@Nullable String payeepostalcode)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Payeepostalcode
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder payeecityname(@Nullable String payeecityname)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Payeecityname
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder payeecountry(@Nullable String payeecountry)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Payeecountry
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder payeeregion(@Nullable String payeeregion)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Payeeregion
%EXAMPLE&Meaning of the regional code in ...USA StateItaly ProvinceCanada ProvinceGreat Britain County
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder payeelanguage(@Nullable String payeelanguage)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Payeelanguage
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder name(@Nullable String name)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Name
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder payeebankcountry(@Nullable String payeebankcountry)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Payeebankcountry
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder payeebank(@Nullable String payeebank)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Payeebank
the the bank country, the key can be either the bank number or the bank account number, or some other kind of key assigned internally or externally.this
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder payeebanknumber(@Nullable String payeebanknumber)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Payeebanknumber
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder payeebankaccount(@Nullable String payeebankaccount)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Payeebankaccount
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder payeebankcontrolkey(@Nullable String payeebankcontrolkey)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Payeebankcontrolkey
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder bankdetailreference(@Nullable String bankdetailreference)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Bankdetailreference
In some countries, in order to be able to use certain payment transactions, extra specifications must be made for the customer/vendor's bank details (bank number, bank account number, name of the account holder). These additional specifications are defined here.If additional data for the bank details is needed for payment transactions in your country (see the following examples), enter the reference information here.If the bank requires the collection authorization reference number for bank collection in Norway or Great Britain, you specify that number here.When making payments to a building society account in Great Britain, you must specify which number the payee has at the building society. You make this entry in the reference field, and the bank key and account number fields are used for the bank details of the building society.In Great Britain, if you enter a building society account number here, its name must already be defined in the system.
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder payeebankidentifiercode(@Nullable String payeebankidentifiercode)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Payeebankidentifiercode
SWIFT stands for Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication.BIC stands for Bank Identifier Code.This globally unique code can be used in international payment transactions to identify the bank without the need to specify an address or bank number. Specification of the SWIFT code/BIC is mainly relevant for automatic payment transactions.
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder payeeiban(@Nullable String payeeiban)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Payeeiban
Commitee for Banking Standards) to represent bank details. AN IBANcontains a maximum of 34 alphanumerical symbols and is made up acombination of hte following elements:The bank's country key (ISO code)A two-figure check digitCountry-specific account number (in Germany, for example, this consistsof the bank number and the account number, while in France it consistsof the bank number, the account number and the bank control key).The IBAN simplifies international payments and also provides benefitsfor domestic payments in some countries. In some countries, it alsoprovides advantages with respect to value dates and fees.The IBAN can be stored in parallel with the bank details, but does notreplace them. It is stored under the business partner's master data, and can be used when settings up the payment medium.As only the bank managing the account can generate the IBAN, whichcorresponds to one account number, the SAP system creates a proposalonly. You can either confirm or change this. If the system was not ableto create a proposal, enter the IBAN yourself.In Belgium, an IBAN might look like this:Electronic form:BE62510007547061Printed form, as it appears on the invoice:IBAN BE62 5100 0754 7061
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder bankaccountholdername(@Nullable String bankaccountholdername)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Bankaccountholdername
the same as the name of the customer or vendor.this
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder housebankaccount(@Nullable String housebankaccount)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Housebankaccount
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder housebank(@Nullable String housebank)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Housebank
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder bankcountry(@Nullable String bankcountry)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Bankcountry
The country key defines the rules according to which bank data, such as the bank and account numbers, is to be validated.
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder bank(@Nullable String bank)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Bank
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder banknumber(@Nullable String banknumber)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Banknumber
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder bankaccount(@Nullable String bankaccount)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Bankaccount
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder bankcontrolkey(@Nullable String bankcontrolkey)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Bankcontrolkey
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder glaccountforbankaccount(@Nullable String glaccountforbankaccount)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Glaccountforbankaccount
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder supplierpaymentmethod(@Nullable String supplierpaymentmethod)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Supplierpaymentmethod
Payment methods are entered in the master records of customers and vendors in order to specify how payments are made. If an open item is to be paid using a specific payment method, enter it in the open item. The terms which have been defined for the payment method must be satisfied for the payment.Payment methods are to be defined in the Financial Accounting configuration menu, where the following steps are to be carried out:First of all, make all specifications that are required for a country-specific payment method.Then define per company code the terms under which a payment method can be used.All payment methods are displayed in the customer or vendor master record in the screen for selecting the payment method. Here you select the required payment method by marking it; the system transfers the payment methods to the customer/vendor master record.
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder paymentmethodsupplement(@Nullable String paymentmethodsupplement)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Paymentmethodsupplement
Items with different payment method supplements are settled individually. When printing a form, it is possible to print separately according to payment method supplement. Checks can thus be divided into several groups that are then subject to a number of different checking procedures in the company before being mailed, for example.When entering invoices, the payment method supplement is defaulted from the master record of the customer/vendor. You can overwrite this supplement.
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder dataexchangeinstructionkey(@Nullable String dataexchangeinstructionkey)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Dataexchangeinstructionkey
Selecting the instruction keyIf data medium exchange is used (as well as in special cases when using document-based payment orders) the instruction key must be maintained in the customer/vendor master record, or in the system configuration for data medium exchange data for the house bank. The following holds regarding the instruction key:If the instruction key is maintained in the master record, then this instruction key is used.If no instruction key exists in the vendor master record, then the default instruction key defined for the house bank is used.Consequently, it is not necessary to provide all business partners with an instruction key; only the exceptions need to be maintained.1If it is necessary to specify an instruction key for a business partner's house bank that differs from the instruction key defined in the master record, this can be done when editing the payment proposal.2The instruction key must be entered in the document for one-time accounts.3The four instruction key fields belonging to the instruction key can be overridden by entering instruction keys in the document (the "Additional Data" screen in the customer or vendor line).
determined by the payment program) controls which statements are given to the participating banks when carrying out the payment order. This field is used in countries such as Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, Spain, Norway, Finland, and Japan as well as for the internnational SWIFT format, MT100.this
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder paymentdocumentpostingdate(@Nullable LocalDateTime paymentdocumentpostingdate)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Paymentdocumentpostingdate
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder valuedate(@Nullable LocalDateTime valuedate)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Valuedate
The value date is used in bank accounts and bank sub-accounts.
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder paiditemduedate(@Nullable LocalDateTime paiditemduedate)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Paiditemduedate
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder billofexchangeduedate(@Nullable LocalDateTime billofexchangeduedate)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Billofexchangeduedate
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder billofexchangeissuedate(@Nullable LocalDateTime billofexchangeissuedate)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Billofexchangeissuedate
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder accountingclerk(@Nullable String accountingclerk)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Accountingclerk
The name of the accounting clerk defined by this identification code can be used in the payment program for correspondence and reporting (for example, open item lists).
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder accountbyshipper(@Nullable String accountbyshipper)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Accountbyshipper
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder paymentreference(@Nullable String paymentreference)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Paymentreference
For vendor line items, the key that the vendor passes on in the invoice is entered in the payment reference. In automatic payment transactions, the payment reference can be passed on again to the payee.When an outgoing payment is made, the payment reference you specify is passed on to the relevant financial institute and from there to the payee.When you are processing your account statement, you can use the payment reference to determine which items you have paid and then clear them.Payment reference numbers are often used in Finland, Norway, and Sweden. These countries also have rules for the structure of the payment reference. Check digit procedures are used to check that these rules are followed.DME Finland: The number '4477' has a check digit of '8' and should be defined as the character string '44778'.DME Norway: The number '12345678' has the check digit '2' when using the Modulo-10 method, and check digit '5' when using the Modulo-11 method. Therefore, 123456782 or 123456785 are permitted as payment references.DME Sweden: The number '1234567890' has the check digit '3' and should be defined as the character string '12345678903'. The Modulo procedure used is a form of Modulo-10 with the key '1212121'.
invoice. The customer should refer to the payment reference when making the payment.this
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder sepamandateuuid(@Nullable byte[] sepamandateuuid)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Sepamandateuuid
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder sepamandate(@Nullable String sepamandate)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Sepamandate
The mandate reference can be specified externally or be determined by internal number assignment. The system determines 12 digit numerical mandate references for the internal number assignment.Whether internal or external number assignment (or both) is possible depends on the application concerned.Once you have created the mandate, you can no longer change its mandate reference.At event 0570, you can implement different logic using your own installation-specific function module. Register the function module in Customizing for Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable under Business Transactions -> Incoming/Outgoing Payment Creation -> Management of SEPA Mandates -> General Settings in the Mandate Reference field.Notes on Assigning Contract Accounts and Contracts to MandatesYou can enter a mandate reference in various FI-CA objects (such as, the document item, the contract account, or the contract). The effect of entering a reference is that the system uses the entered mandate for this object during payment.Notes on Using Alternative PayersIf you want to enter an alternative payer P1 for business partner B1 with contract account C1, you have to enter the mandate for this alternative payer P1. If the mandate is to be used now exclusively for paying postings on B1, then enter B1 in the field Payment for Alternative Debtor/ID on the lower part of the screen. If you want the mandate to be used only for a certain contract account of B1 (for instance, for C1), then enter the ID of this contract account in the Contract Account field on the upper part of the screen.ExampleYou enter mandate M1 in contract account C1. When items of contract C1 are paid, the system uses mandate M1.Using a mandate for one object does not exclude using it for another object. That means, for example, that you could also enter mandate M1 in contract C2 as the mandate to be used. In that case, no contract account is entered in the mandate itself, so that it can be referenced from multiple objects.Example - Assignment of a mandate to multiple contract accountsContract account Mandate (in Contract Acct) MeaningC1 M1 Mandate M1 is valid for C1.C2 M1 Mandate M1 is also valid for C2.C3 M2 Mandate M2 is valid for C3.C4 M2 Mandate M2 is also valid for C4.Another alternative is to enter the contract account in the mandate itself. The result of making this assignment, however, is that the mandate can only be used (exclusively) for the payment of items of this one contract account.Example - Assignment of one contract account per mandateMandate Contract Account (in Mandate) MeaningM1 C1 Mandate M1 is only valid for items of contract account C1.M2 C2 Mandate M2 is only valid for items of contract account C2.If you want a mandate to be used by several FI-CA objects (such as, document, contract account, or contract), enter the mandate only in the given objects.The examples above apply in a similar manner to the assignment of contracts.Even if you do not enter payment data at the contract level in contracts of the various industry components that use Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable, it can be useful to make an assignment between the contract and the mandate. This makes it possible to have the system pay postings assigned to a contract using a specific mandate.If you do not make any assignments between FI-CA objects (such as, document, contract account, or contract) and a mandate, the system determines the mandate from the bank details entered in the payment data of the payer. In doing so, the system compares the IBAN in the mandate with the IBAN of the bank details.If there are several active mandates for the same bank details of the payer, but there are no additional assignments between the mandate and the FI-CA object, you can use event 0653 to specify which of the mandates is used for making the payment.If you do not make any specification, the system uses the first mandate that qualifies for the payment.
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder invoicereference(@Nullable String invoicereference)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Invoicereference
Otherwise it displays the document number.You can use this field for sorting and grouping the items concerning the original invoice item and all items referenced to it.
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder invoicereferencefiscalyear(@Nullable String invoicereferencefiscalyear)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Invoicereferencefiscalyear
Otherwise it displays the fiscal year of the document number.
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem.PaymentReleaseListItemBuilder invoiceitemreference(@Nullable String invoiceitemreference)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Invoiceitemreference
Otherwise it displays the document line item.
line item.this
.@Nonnull public PaymentReleaseListItem build()
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