Interface | Description |
Destination |
Interface representing an HTTP destination.
DestinationFacade |
Cloud platform abstraction facade for accessing
Destination s and RfcDestination s. |
DestinationHeaderProvider |
Allows to provide additional headers for a specific destination.
GenericDestination |
Interface representing a generic destination of an URI request.
HttpClientFactory |
Factory class that creates
HttpClient instances based on the given Destination . |
HttpClientListener |
Listener interface to be called when an
HttpClient is about to be executed in the
HttpClientWrapper . |
RfcDestination |
Interface representing an RFC destination that allows to connect to an ERP via the SAP Java Connector (JCo).
SubdomainReplacer |
A class that implements this interface can be passed to the
XsuaaService to control how differing tenant
specific subdomains of issuer URLs from JWTs and XSUAA URLs should be handled. |
WithDestinationName |
Interface indicating that a class contains a destination name.
Class | Description |
AbstractDestination |
Abstract base class based on
AbstractGenericDestination implementing the Destination interface. |
AbstractDestinationFacade |
Abstract base class for
DestinationFacade s that allows to use the environment variable "destinations" as
fallback, for example for local testing. |
AbstractGenericDestination |
A basic implementation of the
GenericDestination interface, offering a default toString method as
well as handling of the map behind AbstractGenericDestination.getPropertiesByName() . |
AbstractRfcDestination |
Abstract base class based on
AbstractGenericDestination implementing the RfcDestination interface. |
DefaultHttpClientFactory |
Default implementation of
HttpClientFactory based on instances of HttpClientBuilder . |
DefaultSubdomainReplacer |
Default strategy for replacing the subdomain of the XSUAA URL used to get access tokens for destinations.
DestinationAccessor |
Wrapper for an
DestinationFacade , offering methods to conveniently declare and get destinations. |
DestinationDeclarator |
Implementation of
ServletContextListener for declaring Destination s via
DestinationAccessor.declareDestinations(Collection) . |
DestinationsRequestContextListener |
Implementation of
AbstractRequestContextListener that enables the correct use of Destination s when
working with non-container managed threads on all supported Cloud platforms. |
Header |
A name-value pair representing a header (for example, an HTTP header).
HttpClientAccessor |
Accessor for
HttpClient s. |
HttpClientCache |
Provides caching functionality to the
HttpClientAccessor . |
HttpEntityUtil |
Util class extracting the entity of an
HttpResponse , unzipping it if necessary, and finally consuming the
response. |
ProxyConfiguration | |
RequestScopedHttpClientCache |
Implementation of the
HttpClientCache , caching the HttpClient s for the life time of the request. |
ScpCfDestination |
Implementation of
Destination on SAP Cloud Platform Cloud Foundry. |
ScpCfDestinationFacade |
Implementation of Cloud platform abstraction for destinations on SAP Cloud Platform, Cloud Foundry.
ScpCfGenericDestination |
A CloudFoundry specific generic destination.
ScpCfRfcDestination |
A destination specifically in use for the RFC destination type.
ScpCfService |
A facilitation of access to the SAP CP services with OAuth auth listed in VCAP_SERVICES.
ScpNeoDestination |
Destination used with the Neo platform.
ScpNeoDestinationFacade |
Facade providing access to destinations on SAP Cloud Platform Neo.
ScpNeoDestinationsRequestContextListener |
Implementation of
AbstractRequestContextListener that performs the JNDI lookup of the connectivity
configuration and authentication header service objects on SAP CP Neo. |
ScpNeoGenericDestination |
A CloudFoundry specific generic destination.
ScpNeoRfcDestination |
A destination specifically in use for the RFC destination type.
TimeScopedHttpClientCache |
Implementation of the
HttpClientCache , caching the HttpClient s for the amount of time given in the
constructor. |
UriBuilder |
A builder for the
URI class, taking several optional parameter, constructing a valid URI out of them. |
UriPathMerger |
Utility class offering the ability to merge two URIs.
Enum | Description |
AuthenticationType |
Enum representing different ways a user may be authenticated at a
GenericDestination . |
DestinationRetrievalStrategy |
Enumeration which represents the strategies for loading destinations in a multi-tenant application.
DestinationType |
Enum representing the types a destination can be of.
ProxyType |
Enum representing the type of a remote installation.
Exception | Description |
ScpCfServiceAuthorizationFailedException |
Thrown if the service access cannot be secured, either because oauth token grant was denied, request failed, or token
was rejected.
ScpCfServiceCreationFailedException |
Thrown if the service cannot be found or there is another kind of problem preventing its creation.
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