Interface ItemModelContext

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      boolean exists()
      Checks if the model is still valid.
      java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getDirtyAttributes()
      Returns all changed attributes.
      java.util.Map<java.util.Locale,​java.util.Set<java.lang.String>> getDirtyLocalizedAttributes()
      Returns all changed localized attributes with the locale.
      java.lang.String getItemType()
      Retrieves the item type of the model.
      <T> T getOriginalValue​(java.lang.String attribute)
      Retrieves the original loaded value of the attribute.
      <T> T getOriginalValue​(java.lang.String attribute, java.util.Locale loc)
      Retrieves the original loaded value of the localized attribute with the locale.
      long getPersistenceVersion()
      Retrieves the persistence version of the model.
      PK getPK()
      Retrieves the pk of the model.
      java.lang.Object getSource()
      Retrieves the item of the model.
      java.lang.String getTenantId()
      Retrieves the tenant id of the model.
      boolean isDirty()
      Checks if the model has been modified.
      boolean isDirty​(java.lang.String attribute)
      Checks if the specific attribute has been changed.
      boolean isDirty​(java.lang.String attribute, java.util.Locale loc)
      Checks if the specific localized attribute has been changed with the locale.
      boolean isLoaded​(java.lang.String attribute)
      Checks if the specific attribute has been loaded from the database.
      boolean isLoaded​(java.lang.String attribute, java.util.Locale loc)
      Checks if the specific localized attribute has been loaded with the locale from the database.
      boolean isNew()
      Checks if the model is a new model.
      boolean isRemoved()
      Checks if the model has been removed from the database.
      boolean isUpToDate()
      Checks if the model is still up to date with.
    • Method Detail

      • getDirtyAttributes

        java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getDirtyAttributes()
        Returns all changed attributes.
        the set of all changed attributes.
      • isDirty

        boolean isDirty​(java.lang.String attribute)
        Checks if the specific attribute has been changed.
        true if changed, false otherwise.
      • isLoaded

        boolean isLoaded​(java.lang.String attribute)
        Checks if the specific attribute has been loaded from the database.
        true if loaded, false otherwise.
      • getOriginalValue

        <T> T getOriginalValue​(java.lang.String attribute)
        Retrieves the original loaded value of the attribute.
        the original value.
      • isDirty

        boolean isDirty​(java.lang.String attribute,
                        java.util.Locale loc)
        Checks if the specific localized attribute has been changed with the locale.
        true if changed, false otherwise.
      • isLoaded

        boolean isLoaded​(java.lang.String attribute,
                         java.util.Locale loc)
        Checks if the specific localized attribute has been loaded with the locale from the database.
        true if loaded, false otherwise.
      • getOriginalValue

        <T> T getOriginalValue​(java.lang.String attribute,
                               java.util.Locale loc)
        Retrieves the original loaded value of the localized attribute with the locale.
        the original localized value with the locale.
      • getDirtyLocalizedAttributes

        java.util.Map<java.util.Locale,​java.util.Set<java.lang.String>> getDirtyLocalizedAttributes()
        Returns all changed localized attributes with the locale.
        the set of all changed localized attributes with the locale.
      • getPK

        PK getPK()
        Retrieves the pk of the model.
      • getItemType

        java.lang.String getItemType()
        Retrieves the item type of the model.
      • getTenantId

        java.lang.String getTenantId()
        Retrieves the tenant id of the model.
      • getPersistenceVersion

        long getPersistenceVersion()
        Retrieves the persistence version of the model.
      • isDirty

        boolean isDirty()
        Checks if the model has been modified.
        true if the model has been modified, false otherwise
      • isNew

        boolean isNew()
        Checks if the model is a new model. That means it is not persisted in the database.
        true if it is new, false otherwise.
      • exists

        boolean exists()
        Checks if the model is still valid. NOTE: if the model is a new one, this method must return false, because it is not persisted in the database yet.
        true if it is valid, false otherwise.
      • isRemoved

        boolean isRemoved()
        Checks if the model has been removed from the database. NOTE: if the model is a new one, this method must return false, because a new model cannot be removed.
        true if removed, false otherwise.
      • isUpToDate

        boolean isUpToDate()
        Checks if the model is still up to date with.
          This method must return false under one of these situations:
        • the model is new,
        • the model has been removed,
        • the model has been modified, or
        • there is newer version persisted in the database.
        true if it is up to date, false otherwise.
      • getSource

        java.lang.Object getSource()
        Retrieves the item of the model.
        the behind scene jalo item.