Class UnreadableServiceRequestException

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class UnreadableServiceRequestException
    extends AbstractServiceErrorException
    Exception thrown when the 3rd party service returns a not expected response format (xml parsing issues, or not expected values) or when there is some IO issue.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • UnreadableServiceRequestException

        public UnreadableServiceRequestException​(java.lang.String errorMsg)
        Instantiates a new cis service exception with an UnreadableServiceRequestException.
        errorMsg - The error message
      • UnreadableServiceRequestException

        public UnreadableServiceRequestException​(java.lang.Throwable throwable)
        Instantiates a new UnreadableServiceRequestException.
        throwable - a throwable detailing the exception
      • UnreadableServiceRequestException

        public UnreadableServiceRequestException​(ServiceExceptionDetail errorCode)
        Instantiates a new UnreadableServiceRequestException.
        errorCode - an service exception detail with an specific error code
      • UnreadableServiceRequestException

        public UnreadableServiceRequestException​(ServiceExceptionDetail errorCode,
                                                 java.lang.Exception e)
        Instantiates a new UnreadableServiceRequestException.
        errorCode - an service exception detail with an specific error code
        e - an exception to pass in
      • UnreadableServiceRequestException

        public UnreadableServiceRequestException​(java.util.List<ServiceExceptionDetail> errorCodes)
        Instantiates a new cis service exception.
        errorCodes - One or more error codes