Adding a Currency Conversion Row or Column

You can use the Calculation Editor to add a currency conversion row or column to your table.


Select a table that's based on a model with currency conversion. To learn more about currency conversion, see Currency.


A currency conversion row or column allows you to see your values in different currencies and conversion rates.


  1. In Builder, select Start of the navigation pathAdd Measures/Dimensions Next navigation step Cross CalculationsEnd of the navigation path.
  2. From the Cross Calculations dimension, choose Start of the navigation path Next navigation step Add CalculationEnd of the navigation path.

    The Calculation Editor appears.

  3. From Type, select Currency Conversion.
  4. Enter a name for the currency conversion.
  5. Select the Currency that you want to convert to.
  6. Choose a Category or Rate Version and a Date.

    There can be multiple conversion rates defined for each currency in the model’s currency table, that apply to different dates and different categories or versions.

    If the currency conversion table for your model contains different conversion rates for the target currency, you can use the Date, Category, and Rate Version settings to control which rates are used in each conversion that you apply to a table.

    Set the Category to Dynamic to use the conversion rate defined for the category or version that correspond to each value in the model.

    If you specify a category, the conversion will apply the rates defined for that category to all values. You can also specify a conversion rate for specific versions instead, by selecting Specific as the Category and then choosing a Rate Version.

    Likewise, set the Date to Booking Date to use the conversion rate that applies to the time at which each value was booked.

    You can also use the Booking Date + 1 or Booking Date - 1 options to apply a rate from a year, quarter, or month before or after the date for each value. For example, if you select Booking Date - 1 and choose Year as the interval, values for February 20, 2018 would be converted using the rate that applies to February 20, 2017.

    If you specify a Fixed Date, the conversion will apply the rates defined for that date to all values.

  7. Select OK.

    A row or column is added. It shows the data values converted to the selected currency using the rates that you specified.


    If the maximum number of currency conversions for the table has been exceeded, the Select Conversions menu appears. You can change the currency conversions that you want to display and then select OK.

    If the currency conversion fails due to missing rates, a message is shown. Select Show more to show the rates that are missing by currency, category, rate type, and date.