Styling Options for Tables on a Canvas Page

Change the look of a Table tile including its placement on the Canvas page, border format, cell highlighting, and so on.

  1. Select a tile on the page.

  2. Open the Designer panel and select (Styling).

    The Styling panel displays options available for the selected tile type. Some options may not be available to all users.

    You see only the styling options for the specific area that you have highlighted. The heading in the Styling panel identifies the area. For example, it may show Title, Data Cell, Axis Labels, and so on. Selecting a different part of the table changes the heading and the styling options.

  3. Select desired tile options.

Table Styling Options

Different styling options are available for tables added to a grid page instead of a canvas page. For more information, see Styling a Table on a Grid Page.

Some options can be set for the entire table.


Styling Options


Background Color

Select a background color for this tile.


Select to add a border around the tile. You can also pick a style, the line width, and corner radius for the border.


Change the placement of the table on the canvas.

Available options:
  • (Send Backward)
  • (Send to Back)
  • (Bring Forward)
  • (Bring to Front)

Table Properties

Styling Options



Apply a preset template to the table:
  • Default: uses best practices styling and color scheme. Includes different column heading lines for each type of planning version (Actual, Forecast, and so on).

    Color Fill for Editable Cells: Provide a color for cells that can be edited.

  • Report Styling: follows the International Business Communication Standards (IBCS) guidelines.

    Not every option is available for every template:
    • Frequency of Reading Lines: Changes the number of lines displayed for ease of reading. By default this is set to one line per row.
    • Show group lines: Displays a line around groups in the table.
  • Alternating Rows: designed for list reporting.
  • Basic (previously Standard): a simple design that includes gridlines and shading for row and column headings.

Color Fill for Expand Icon

Lets you choose the color of the expand icon. This makes it easier to see the expand/collapse arrows in your table after you've changed the background color.

Threshold Style
Changes how threshold cell data is displayed.
  • Symbol (default) – use the story-defined symbols and colors for the threshold ranges.
  • Color Values – the threshold colors are applied to the cell data.
  • Color Background – the threshold colors are applied to the cell background.
  • Color Background Without Values – the threshold colors are applied to the cell background and the values are hidden.


You can change the following options:

  • Font
  • Size
  • Color: choose from available colors or choose More to display the color selector and opacity selector.
  • Style
  • Alignment

Table elements can also be shown or hidden. In the table menu, select Start of the navigation path (More Actions) Next navigation step  (Show / Hide)End of the navigation path. For more information, see Table Menu Options on Story Pages.

Boardroom Keypad Slider

This option is available if you have the SAP Digital Boardroom add on.

You can show or hide the keypad slider.

Under slider options you can change the minimum value, maximum value, and step size.

Table Regions Styling Options

When selecting cells to apply style changes to, you can apply the change to an entire region or to specific cells. Regions include Title, Header region, and Data region.


A Default style is applied to all cells.

You can create a new style which can be applied to cells in the current table, or to cells in other tables in the story:
  1. Select (Add Style).

  2. Enter a name for the style.

  3. Choose a font and other options.

  4. Apply the changes.

Styling Rules

You can cascade text style changes along hierarchies, either to siblings, descendants, or children. The style changes are also applied to new members in the hierarchy. (For more information, see Styling Rules for Tables.)


You can change the following options:

  • Font
  • Size
  • Color: choose from available colors or choose More to display the color selector and opacity selector.
  • Style
  • Alignment


Styling Options



Merge cells.


Choose from available colors or choose More to display the color selector and opacity selector.


Choose to wrap text for a cell or for a column.


Add or delete a Row: the selected cell must be above or below the table.


Add or delete a Column: the selected cell must be to the right or the left of the table.


Add lines to selected area or cell:

  • Simple Line: a narrow line between cells.

  • Decoration Line: a wider line between cells.

For each line, you can set different values:
  • Alignment

  • Line width

  • Color

  • Pattern

  • Style

  • Left Padding or Right Padding: you can add padding to the left or right side of a cell.

Number Format

Styling Options


Measure Selection

Choose an included measure to apply the formatting to.


Select how to display the numbers on an axis: whether to show all digits for each data point or to display the values as thousands, millions, or billions.

  • Unformatted

  • Thousand

  • Million

  • Billion

  • Auto-formatted: picks the best scale for the values.

    For example, if the values are below zero when the number format is set to Million, then Auto-formatted changes the format to Thousand.

Scale Format

  • Default
  • k, m, bn
  • Thousand, Million, Billion

Display unit / Currencies

Select whether to display scale units and currencies in the same cell as the numeric value or in a row or column header.

Decimal Places

Select the number of decimal places to display.

Show Sign As

  • Default
  • + / -
  • ( ): brackets will appear around negative values instead of a minus sign.

Select (Reset to auto) to undo any changes, and return all table values to the default unit setting.