Working with Planning Applications

You can create applications for planning business data.

These planning applications support both manual and automated data entry and changes to data. You can enter the planning data manually in the table (in cells or rows) or use data actions to enter data automatically.

What You Should Know
For planning data, you have to use a planning model for the table in the application. If you use a planning model for the table, the table property Planning enabled is active in the Builder panel. This property controls whether the table is input-enabled or not. Unlike the story, the table is only input-enabled during runtime.

At design time you cannot enter values in the table.

Entering Data

You can enter data by clicking in the cell and entering values. After you have entered data, the changed cells are highlighted in the table. For more information, see Entering Values in a Table.

Using the Table's Quick Actions Menu for Planning
The table's quick action menu lets you use planning-related functions. They are only displayed if the table has a planning model assigned. And some of them are only shown at runtime:
  • Ignore/Enforce Data Locks

    This menu entry is displayed at design time and runtime. It is only shown if the table is based on a planning model that supports backend data locks.

    If you click the entry, the button toggles between the two states. By default the data locks are enforced, so Ignore Data Locks will be shown.

  • Data Locks

    This menu entry is used to display data locks if there are any. It is only displayed at runtime and only if the table is based on a planning model that supports backend data locks.

  • Mass Data Entry

    This menu entry is only displayed at runtime. It is used to enter data to multiple cells, without causing a round trip. For more information, see Entering Multiple Values in a Table.

  • Frontend Cell Locking

    This menu entry is only displayed at runtime. It is used to lock cells in the frontend whose values should not change. For more information, see About Value Lock Management.

Using the Data Action Trigger (Widget)

You can use the Data Action Trigger widget from the Insert section of the toolbar to automate planning functions for local planning models. In the toolbar, click Start of the navigation path Add Next navigation step Data Action TriggerEnd of the navigation path to open the Data Action Trigger dialog box.

The Data Action Trigger cannot be executed at design time, only at runtime. For more information, see the following chapters:

Data Actions

Creating a Data Action

Using the BPC Planning Sequence (Widget)

You can use the BPC Planning Sequence widget to run planning sequences for BPC live data connection models. This way the application user can run a planning sequence, which can contain one or more planning functions, as defined in the BPC system.

You can add theBPC Planning Sequence from the Insert section of the toolbar: In the toolbar, click Start of the navigation path Add Next navigation step BPC Planning SequenceEnd of the navigation path to open the BPC Planning Sequence Trigger dialog box. In the dialog box select an existing SAP BPC model and a planning sequence.

After having added the BPC Planning Sequence, also add a table with the same model as the BPC Planning Sequence to the application. The planning sequence is applied to the table when the application user clicks on the BPC Planning Sequence widget at runtime.

The BPC Planning Sequence widget cannot be executed at design time, only at runtime. For more information, see the following chapter:

Add and Trigger Planning Sequence for a BPC Live Data Connection Model

Using the Value Driver Tree (Widget)

You can add the Value Driver Tree widget from the Insert section of the toolbar to visualize the value chain of your business and carry out driver-based planning.

In the toolbar, click Start of the navigation path Add Next navigation step More Widgets Next navigation step Value Driver TreeEnd of the navigation path to pick a data source and add the widget to your analytic application.

For detailed steps to set up and use value driver trees, see Value Driver Trees.


If you want to add a legacy value driver tree to your analytic application, you’ll need to transform it first. See Transforming Legacy Value Driver Trees for details.

Using the Toolbar Plan Section at Runtime

The toolbar is displayed in the present (default) mode and view runtime mode of an analytic/planning application. When you open an application in present mode, at first you don't see the toolbar. However, when you hover the mouse cursor a the top of the page, the toolbar appears. To switch to view mode, click the Fullscreen button in the toolbar. In this mode the toolbar is fixed and always displayed in the application.

The Plan section in the toolbar is only shown if there is a planning-enabled table available in the application. If not, the section is hidden. The planning toolbar buttons are only available at runtime: