Using the Planning Panel

Use the planning panel to quickly move values in a table.

The panel can help if you’re working on a task that’s too complex for basic data entry and copying and pasting, but doesn’t need a structured data action or allocation process.

For example, you might have an unassigned overhead cost that you want to spread to a few different cost centers, or maybe you need to redistribute sales volumes among different regions without changing the overall volume. These tasks are difficult with basic spreadsheet applications, but you can handle them quickly with the planning panel.

There are two types of operations: You can switch between operation types as you work with the panel.

Options such as custom source values and different driver types let you carry out more scenarios with the panel. You can also allocate along multiple dimensions in one step, and pick target cells from different hierarchy levels.

If you like to use your keyboard for planning tasks, you can also use shortcuts to navigate in the grid and do all your data entry and distribution without the mouse. See Keyboard Command List for Tables for details.

You can see previews of the new values as you work, and then apply all the changes together when you finish the operation.