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Personalization of Navigation StructureLocate this document in the navigation structure


You can personalize the navigation structure relevant for your user in many different ways:

  • You can add pages to your Favorites in the favorites panel.

  • You can pin tabs (choose Pin Tab from the tab title's context menu). The pinned pages are available the next time you log on to the system.

  • You can change the order of tabs within a window using the context menu (right mouse click the tab title) or drag and drop. The order of pinned tabs is reconstructed the next time you log on to the system.

  • You can change the icon of the tab by choosing Change Icon from the context menu for this tab.

  • You can rename the tab (choose Edit Title from the tab title's context menu, or double-click the tab's title itself). The tooltip consists of both the modified and the original titles, separated by a dash, for example, Create sales order - XXX/115 Create Sales Order: Initial Screen. Both the taskbar and the overflow menu display the renamed tab title.

    If you change your mind whilst editing the title, you can choose the Escape keyboard key, and leave edit mode without making the changes.

    To reset the title, move to edit mode (double-click the tab title), delete the title, and choose the Enter keyboard key.

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