If you want to navigate to multiple target views with the same hash, you can either assign multiple targets to a route, or define parents for target views.
In the routing configuration, you can add multiple targets for the same route.
All target view instances are created and loaded in the order that they appear in the target option of a route when the pattern is matched.
If you add multiple targets to a route, this builds a connection between the targets on the route level only. The targets can still be displayed separately if needed. Use this approach when the connection between the targets is only needed in some routes, but not always.
You can also define a parent for a target in the target definition. For the parent, you also create an entry in the targets configuration, but you don't have to create a corresponding route.
Whenever a target has a parent, an instance of the parent is always created before an instance of the target is created.
A parent relationship between targets tightly couples the two targets together. The parent target is always displayed before the child target is displayed. The child target can't be displayed without first displaying the parent target. This approach is mainly used when the view in the child target is added to an aggregation of the view in the parent target.
There is also a parent property for the route. This property is only used when its parent exists in a parent component of the current component (see Working with Nested Components). For all other types of parent-child relationships, either use multiple targets or a parent relationship in targets.
In the following example, the relationship between the views employeeOverviewTop and employeeOverviewContent is established by assigning both to the same route.
The relationship between the target employeeOverview and employeeOverviewTop (employeeOverviewContent respectively) is a parent relationship.
"routing": { "config": { [...] }, "routes": [{ "pattern": "employees/overview", "name": "employeeOverview", "target": ["employeeOverviewTop", "employeeOverviewContent"] }], "targets": { "employeeOverview": { "viewPath": "sap.ui.demo.nav.view.employee.overview", "viewName": "EmployeeOverview", "viewLevel" : 2 }, "employeeOverviewTop": { "parent": "employeeOverview", "viewPath": "sap.ui.demo.nav.view.employee.overview", "viewName": "EmployeeOverviewTop", "controlId": "EmployeeOverviewParent", "controlAggregation": "content" }, "employeeOverviewContent": { "parent": "employeeOverview", "viewPath": "sap.ui.demo.nav.view.employee.overview", "viewName": "EmployeeOverviewContent", "controlId": "EmployeeOverviewParent", "controlAggregation": "content" } } } }
For more information, see the tutorial Step 11: Assign Multiple Targets.