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OData Structure for Dynamic App LaunchersLocate this document in the navigation structure

In order to feed an app launcher with dynamic content, you have to create an OData service that returns the configuration properties as in the following example structure:

  <d:info>2 Pending</d:info>
Table 1: Properties
Property Description
icon You can provide the following:
  • An sap-icon:// URL (Example: sap-icon://cart).

    You can look up the names of the available icons in the launch page administration UI.

    For more information, see Configuring App Launcher Tiles

  • A URL to any icon (starting with http:// or https://).
title Title to be displayed in the tile.
number Number to be displayed in the top right corner of the tile.
numberUnit Unit to be displayed below the number, for example, USD.
info Text to be displayed at the bottom of the tile.

The color of the tile is adapted according to the value of this property. The precise color depends on the theme that you have selected in UI theme designer.

Allowed values: None, Success, Warning, Error

targetParams List of key-value-pairs separated by ampersands.

When the application is lauched (by clicking on it), these parameters are passed to the application as business parameters (if launchpad navigation is used) or as URL parameters (if URL-based navigation is used).

If the OData service returns an entity collection (rather than a single entity), all values from the number elements are accumulated.