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KPI WorkspaceLocate this document in the navigation structure

The KPI Workspace app allows you to manage all of your KPIs and OPIs and their evaluations.

Key Features
  • Create new KPIs or OPIs by clicking the plus icon in the toolbar at the bottom of the screen to open the Create KPI app.
  • Search all of the active or new KPIs or OPIs based on the KPI or OPI title or the KPI or OPI tag.

    If you have grouped the entities, you can use the grouping attribute as the search criteria (for example, when the list is grouped by owner, you can use the owner name for the search).

    You can sort or filter the list of KPIs and OPIs by choosing the corresponding icon from the toolbar.

  • View the details of any active or new KPI or OPI including associations and evaluations that you have created based on this KPI.
  • View the current status of each evaluation (for example, New, Active, or Draft).

    You can select an evaluation and continue working on it by choosing Edit, to open the Create Evaluation app. This also applies to the associations displayed for the selected KPI.

  • Assign KPIs and OPIs to your favorites or remove them.

    Marking or removing as favorite is a design time concept and has no impact in the runtime environment. KPIs or OPIs that you mark as favorite are displayed in a separate section for quicker access.

  • Edit or delete active KPIs.

    If a KPI is in either the New or Active status (and no draft copies exist) choose Edit to modify this KPI. If the KPI also has a draft copy, choose Edit Draft to open the draft copy and make edits.

    When you delete a KPI or OPI, you remove all active and draft versions of not only the KPI or OPI, but also all active and draft copies of the associated entities (that is, evaluations based on the KPI or OPI, associations of which this KPI or OPI was part, tiles that you have built on the evaluations associated with this KPI or OPI, and all drill-down configurations). This deletion is irreversible and immediately comes into effect in the runtime environment.

  • Duplicate selected KPIs, OPIs, and Evaluations.
    You can either do a shallow copy or a deep copy of the chosen entity. If you choose shallow copy, only the top level details of the chosen entity, such as Title and Type in case of KPIs, are copied but the related entities are not copied. In case you choose deep copy, then all the related entities are also copied. After deep copy, to see the related entities in the KPI workspace, you have to activate the KPI.
    Note You can only duplicate active entities.
    Note All newly created duplicate entities will be in the new state. They have to be manually activated.

    In case you have selected Make ID Visible in the Fiori Launchpad user settings, then when choosing deep or shallow copy, you can also specify a text as an optional prefix for the auto generated IDs. The entered text is added as a prefix to the generated IDs of all the newly created duplicate entities.

  • Create sample data for testing the SAP Smart Business product.

    You can create a set of sample data by including the URL parameter createTestData=true at the end of the Fiori launchpad URL.

    For example, https://<server>:<port>/sap/bc/ui5_ui5/ui2/ushell/shells/abap/FioriLaunchpad.html?createTestData=true. You then refresh the page and choose the pushbutton Generate Test Entities in the footer. This will create a set of sample data that includes KPIs, evaluations, drill-down configurations, tiles, and all the design-time authorizations necessary to edit these test entities in the modeler applications. You can create multiple sets of sample data.

Related Apps
  • Create KPI
  • Create Evaluation
  • Configure KPI Tiles
  • Configure KPI Drill-Down
  • Manage KPI Associations
  • Manage KPI Authorizations
  • Delete Personalized KPI Tiles
  • Migration Tool
Component for Customer Incidents


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