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Customizing Navigation TargetsLocate this document in the navigation structure

You customize the navigation target resolution in transaction LPD_CUST.


The following application types can be launched from the launchpad:
  • SAPUI5
  • Web Dynpro ABAP
  • SAP GUI for HTML

SAPUI5 applications are displayed in the content area of the launchpad. Web Dynpro ABAP and SAP GUI applications are launched via NWBC for HTML and displayed in a new browser window.


To allow that Web Dynpro ABAP applications can be started from the launchpad, you need to make sure the server runtime for SAP NetWeaver user interface (UI) services is installed in the backend. This is required when there is a separation between front-end server and back-end system. To install the server runtime for SAP NetWeaver user interface (UI) services, you install product instance Integration Services: Provider and activate ICF node /default_host/sap/bc/ui2/nwbc.

For more information on installing the product instance, see chapter "Software Units" in the Master Guide for User Interface Add-On for SAP NetWeaver. For more information on activating ICF nodes, see Active Services in ICF (UI Services).


  1. Start transaction LPD_CUST (Launchpad Customizing).
  2. Open an existing launchpad or create a new launchpad.
  3. On the Change Launchpad Role screen, choose an application inside the launchpad or choose New Application.
  4. Specify the necessary parameters depending on the application type:
    • SAPUI5

      From the Application Type dropdown, choose URL.

      Enter the parameters as described in Start of the navigation path Next navigation step SAP NetWeaver Platform: SAP NetWeaver 7.4 Next navigation step UI Technologies in SAP NetWeaver Next navigation step UI Frameworks Based on Application Server ABAP Next navigation step Launchpads Next navigation step Working with Launchpads at Design Time Next navigation step Application Types Next navigation step Application Type: Uniform Resource Locator (URL) End of the navigation path

      • In the Application Parameter section, you need to enter a URL.

        Example of a SAPUI5 URL:


      • For the Additional Information parameter, enter a key value pair with the following syntax:SAPUI5.Component=<YOUR_APP_COMPONENT_NAME>.

        For example: "SAPUI5.Component=mycompany.myorg.myui5app" (case-sensitive)


      We recommend that you define navigation targets for SAP Fiori apps directly in the target mapping of the SAP Fiori launchpad designer.

    • Web Dynpro ABAP

      From the Application Type dropdown, choose Web Dynpro ABAP.

      Enter the parameters as described in Start of the navigation path Next navigation step SAP NetWeaver Platform: SAP NetWeaver 7.4 Next navigation step UI Technologies in SAP NetWeaver Next navigation step UI Frameworks Based on Application Server ABAP Next navigation step Launchpads Next navigation step Working with Launchpads at Design Time Next navigation step Application Types Next navigation step Application Type: Web Dynpro ABAP End of the navigation path

    • SAP GUI

      From the Application Type dropdown, choose Transaction.

      Enter the parameters as described in Start of the navigation path Next navigation step SAP NetWeaver Platform: SAP NetWeaver 7.4 Next navigation step UI Technologies in SAP NetWeaver Next navigation step UI Frameworks Based on Application Server ABAP Next navigation step Launchpads Next navigation step Working with Launchpads at Design Time Next navigation step Application Types Next navigation step Application Type: Transaction End of the navigation path

    Note the following regarding all application types:
    • For the Link Text parameter, you can enter the application title.
    • For the Application Alias parameter, enter the matching purpose of your application. Enter a value that is unique in the scope of this launchpad instance. Do not use dashes ("-").

      In the target mapping configuration, you will reference your application using application alias and launchpad role/instance combination.

    If you configured the Web Dynpro ABAP or SAP GUI application to run on a system different from the launchpad front-end server, you need to switch off the login cross-site request forgery (XSRF) protection on the ICF node /sap/bc/ui2/nwbc for NWBC for HTML. Otherwise it might not be possible for end users to log on with a launchpad URL pointing to this Web Dynpro ABAP or SAP GUI application.

    For more information, see SAP Note 1617090 Information published on SAP site.