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Personalizing the Home PageLocate this document in the navigation structure

End users can personalize the launchpad home page by managing groups, managing the tiles in each group, and by setting a theme for the home page.


The ability to personalize the home page must be enabled in the launchpad configuration. For more information, see Launchpad Configuration Parameters.

The launchpad opens a home page that contains predefined content, divided into groups. Each group contains tiles that represent business applications. The user clicks or taps a tile to launch the underlying application.

The first group, My Home, is the default group, and there may be additional groups defined by the administrator. The user can also create new groups, and manage the existing groups.

Users can rearrange tiles in a group by dragging tiles to a new location in a group, or move a tile to another group.
Note Administrators can lock predefined groups to prevent personalization. If a group is locked, it is displayed first on the home page, before the My Home group. You cannot add tiles to or remove tiles from locked groups, and you cannot reorder tiles within the group.
To make changes to the home page, click or tap Personalize home page(Personalize home page). The table describes the actions you can perform in action mode.



Remove a tile

Click or tap a tile and choose Remove.

Add tiles

The launchpad provides a tile catalog, which displays all the tiles that are available to a user. In the group to which you want to add a tile, click Tile catalog(Tile catalog) to open the tile catalog.

You can also open the tile catalog directly from the group panel by clicking or tapping Show/Hide group panel (Show/Hide group panel). In addition, users can add tiles to a specific group by saving a running SAP Fiori app as a tile.


If a group is empty, you can add tiles to the group without activating action mode.

Rename tiles

Click or tap the tile and choose Settings. In the Settings dialog box that opens, provide a new title. You can also provide a subtitle and additional information.

Move tiles

Click or tap the tile and choose Move. The Move to Group dialog box opens where you can select the group to which you want to move the tile.

You can also drag tiles directly to the new location.

Note For more information about creating tile actions, see Configuring Tiles.
Tip Use Alt + 0 to view a list of available keyboard shortcuts.