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NWBC SettingsLocate this document in the navigation structure

In the NwbcOptions.xml configuration file, you can predefine the configuration settings as follows:

  • Predefine default values (changeable by end-users)

  • Prevent end-users from changing values

  • Prevent end-users from creating new entries

For more information, see the comments in the configuration file template, %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\SAP\NWBC\NwbcOptions.xml.template.

Some settings, which NWBC shares with SAP Logon/SAP GUI for Windows, must be maintained in the registry. In general, NWBC and SAP GUI first access HKEY_CURRENT_USER and, if this registry value does not exist, then HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. If the registry value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE also does not exist, then the NWBC/SAP GUI default value is applied.

In this section, only exceptions to this approach are detailed.

Table 1: Settings maintained in the Registry

Registry Setting

Corresponding SAP Logon Options Setting


Client Language

Start of the navigation path SAP Logon Options Next navigation step General Next navigation step Language End of the navigation path

Default: Windows Region and Language setting.

Can be changed: [HKEY_ LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\SAP\General] (REG_ SZ) Value: two characters language shortcut

Use client language on system logon screen

Start of the navigation path SAP Logon Options Next navigation step General Next navigation step Use SAP Logon language as default on logon screen End of the navigation path

The language used by the NWBC at startup is propagated to the system logon. This allows overruling a language predefined in a system connection, or logging on in a different language than is the default when authenticating with single sign-on (when there is no possibility to change the language in the system logon screen).

You can use the registry entry UseSAPLogonLanguageAsDefault in the following locations to change this:

  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\SAP\SAPLogon\Options (64 bits)

Default: 1 (Active)

Note the reading priority for these registry values in the following modes:
  • SAP Logon: Start of the navigation path HKCU Next navigation step HKLM End of the navigation path

  • SAP Logon Pad*: Start of the navigation path HKLM Next navigation step HKCU End of the navigation path

Administrator Configuration File

Start of the navigation path SAP Logon Options Next navigation step Server Configuration Files Next navigation step XML Configuration File on Server End of the navigation path

The administrator defines the path for the key Name: LandscapeFileOnServer in the following locations:

  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\SAP\SAPLogon\Options (64 bits) (REG_EXPAND_SZ)

Default: ”” (valid path to the correctly configured XML file)

Note the reading priority for these registry values in the following modes:
  • SAP Logon: Start of the navigation path HKCU Next navigation step HKLM End of the navigation path

  • SAP Logon Pad*: Start of the navigation path HKLM Next navigation step HKCU End of the navigation path

User Configuration File (Path)

Start of the navigation path SAP Logon Options Next navigation step Local Configuration Files Next navigation step Path of Local Configuration Files End of the navigation path

As administrator, you can set and/ or change the path of the local configuration file using the registry value PathConfigFilesLocal under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\SAP\SAPLogon\Options (on 64-bit Windows: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\SAP\SAPLogon\Options).

Default: %APPDATA%\SAP\Common (valid path with write access)

Note the reading priority for these registry values in the following modes:
  • SAP Logon: Start of the navigation path HKCU Next navigation step HKLM End of the navigation path

  • SAP Logon Pad*: Start of the navigation path HKLM Next navigation step HKCU End of the navigation path


* SAP Logon Pad is a term taken from SAP GUI and refers to read-only mode; in NWBC, the Administrator can set the systems connections parameter<ShowConnectionsAsReadOnly> to prevent users from adding, deleting and changing system connections.