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Giving Feedback for SAP Fiori LaunchpadLocate this document in the navigation structure

An end user can send feedback about SAP Fiori Launchpad to SAP.


When the feature for giving feedback is active, the user can choose to send feedback directly to SAP, thus helping SAP to further improve the product. Technical information, such as user details and server details are collected while the user is working and these are sent together with the feedback.


  1. In the header bar, click or tap the (Options) icon and select Give Feedback.
  2. Rate your experience and enter your feedback.
    Choose Show technical data to view some of the technical data that will be appended to the message.
  3. Optional: Select Make my feedback anonymous to remove all personal data from the message.
  4. Read and accept the SAP legal agreement before sending the feedback.
  5. Choose Send.