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Programmatically Instantiating JS FragmentsLocate this document in the navigation structure

For each fragment type, SAPUI5 provides a method that can be used to programmatically instantiate a fragment.


To give an example of a programmatic instantiation of a JS fragment, you first have to define one. The following code presents an example definition:

sap.ui.jsfragment ( "my.useful.UiPartX",{ 
	createContent: function (oController ) {
        var oButton  = new sap.ui.commons.Button({ 
			text: "Hello World" , 
		return oButton; 

This fragment can be instantiated from a controller as follows:

var myButton = sap.ui.jsfragment("my.useful.UiPartX",this); // assuming "this" is the controller

This button can now be used as if it had been created in a standard way. Note how a controller instance is passed as second parameter. This is required because that particular fragment tries to bind the button press handler to the method doSomething in the given controller. With no controller given, this would cause an error.

For fragments that are used several times, an ID for the fragment can be given optionally, see Unique IDs:

var myButton = sap.ui.jsfragment("someId", "my.useful.UiPartX", this); // assuming "this" is the Controller

Within a JS view's createContent() method the fragment content could be included like this:

	createContent: function (oController ) {
		var hLayout = new sap.ui.commons.layout HorizontalLayout (); 
		var myFragment = sap.ui.jsfragment( "my.useful.UiPartX" , oController ); 
		// here the fragment is instantiated       
		hLayout.addContent (myFragment ); 
		return hLayout ; 

The fragment content (= the button) would be added to the layout which is the content of this JSView. Other fragments not requiring a controller can of course be instantiated without passing a controller. But it also does not hurt to pass the controller - it is only used for setting up the event handlers (or within the createContent() method, in case of JS fragments).